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Gary Evans led a ring of antique and jewel thieves around Albany, New York in the 1980s-90s and also killed five people along the way. His end finally came about dramatically. Evans was a native of the Empire State, born in Troy on October 7, 1954. He had an older half-sister named Robbie and his father Roy was a violent man who beat his wife Flora and his children on a regular basis. Flora attempted suicide several times and Gary claimed his father molested him. He was fascinated by jewelry and objects d'art from an early age. While still in grade school Gary was caught stealing jewelry from a neighbor's home, occasionally shoplifted from stores, and also gained a reputation at school as a thief. Flora was also a habitual shoplifter.

Roy and Flora finally divorced in 1968 and Robbie got married around the same time. She quickly left her husband for being abusive and 13 year old Gary lived with her for a time in Cohoes to get away from his father. Flora soon moved in with them.
In June of 1970, he was busted for breaking and entering and sentenced to three months in juvenile detention--it was the first of 15 criminal convictions and 22 arrests over the years. Flora would marry twice more but both marriages quickly fell apart due to her drinking problems or because her husbands were abusive. In 1971 she declared herself to be a lesbian. After Gary was released from juvie, he dropped out of school and left home, living as a vagrant. Evans moved back to Troy in 1975, rented an apartment with his old friends Mike Falco and Tim Rysedorph, and found employment. He studied books about antiques and jewelry so he would know what items were valuable and worth stealing and he became adept at speaking to antique dealers and appearing as a legitimate buyer.

In 1976, Evans met a woman named Deirdre Fuller and began dating her. She was also seeing other men but he apparently didn't mind this until learning that she was dating a black man, whereupon he broke off the relationship and threatened both of them.
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On January 13, 1977, Evans got arrested for theft and trespassing in Lake Placid. He was sentenced to four years in prison, during which time his father died of cancer and his mother moved in with her lesbian lover. Evans was paroled in March 1980 and went back to live with his friends in Troy. The three joined forces to commit thefts and robberies, warehousing stolen goods in their apartment. In June, Evans was arrested for theft but escaped the county jail with the help of several Hells Angels. He was caught in only a few hours and sent back to prison for violating his parole terms. Evans was transferred to Attica Correctional Facility in 1982 after a fight at Clinton Correctional Facility and was paroled at the end of the year. Attica is New York's highest security prison, housing the state's most dangerous convicts and Evans was kept in administrative segregration while there. After parole, he went back to live with Mike Falco, they committed some thefts together, and in mid-January 1983 both moved to Florida.

On February 5, Gary's mother died in an accident when she slipped on some ice outside while drunk and hit her head. He and Falco were forced to move back to New York and on April 22 got caught breaking into a house. On May 10, while out on bail, Evans was arrested for burglary and trespassing in Saratoga County and spent ten months in jail. Freed on the last day of March 1984, he resumed committing burglaries but avoided getting caught this time. His parole ended on September 16.

Rysedorph ended his relationship with Evans during the winter of 1985. That February 16, Evans and Falco robbed an antique collector's apartment in East Greenbush, taking about $15,000 in items. A police officer pulled them over and asked what they were doing outside the apartment. They replied that they stopped back there to urinate. The officer accepted this explanation and let them go.
On April 21, in Troy, Evans stole a car belonging to two drug dealers. He convinced them that he wanted to purchase marijuana and when they went into their trunk to get the items, he dashed off on foot with $12,000 in cash he swiped from their vehicle. Later he went back to the parking lot and took their car. The dealers went to police and reported that their car was stolen. Evans drove to Cohoes with the car where he ran a red light and was seen by a cop, who flagged him down. He thought the officer was out to get him for the burglary instead of a simple traffic violation and he floored it, throwing his gun and fake ID out the window. Evans was finally caught and the gun and ID retrieved by police. He was moved to Albany County Jail and confessed to the February 16 robbery in East Greenbush. He was charged with unlawful possession of a firearm, armed robbery, theft, and burglary. A Cohoes PD officer also absconded with some of the money Evans took from the marijuana dealers. Evans pled guilty and was sentenced to probation and the promise that he give up crime and get a legitimate job.

In late July, Evans constructed a homemade silencer, shot Falco dead in their Troy apartment, and dismembered the corpse. He asked Rysedorph to help dispose of him, which he agreed to. They put the remains in a sleeping bag and drove down to Florida where Evans's sister lived and buried it in her Lake Worth Corridor backyard. Falco was reportedly planning to sell their stolen goods and keep the profits for himself, but really Rysedorph was just blaming Falco for what he himself did. The two spent six weeks in Florida and then went back to New York, where Evans was immediately arrested for parole violation and returned to prison for four years.
In December, Robbie wrote her brother in prison, something she seldom did. She claimed someone called her and posed as him. The person claimed he was Gary and enjoyed engaged in bestiality. Evans was angered but quickly dropped the subject. A few months later, he wrote Robbie to say that he'd been visited by Steve Harrington, a "business acquaintance" as he put it. He also began fantasizing about tracking down an old high school girlfriend and killing anyone who got in his way. Evans was moved to Clinton Correctional Facility in December 1986 and put in protective custody as he was convinced that the Hells Angels were out to get him. He wrote his attorney to protest that he should have been out of prison by now; he was supposed to get out in December 1987 and instead learned that his release date was set for March '88.

While serving his sentence at CCF, he met and became friends with serial shooter David Berkowitz who had terrorized New York City in the late 1970s and left several persons dead. The two bonded over their shared interest in bodybuilding, but one day Evans became angered when Berkowitz gave him a fitness magazine with a black man on the cover. The latter said he didn't know Evans was a racist and apologized for that.
Around Christmas 1987, Evans was put in solitary confinement for 15 days when he beat up a convicted child molester. He was paroled March 1, 1988 and soon met 27 year old Daniel Cuomo, a convicted thief who became his new partner in crime. Evans worked legitimate manual labor jobs in between thefts. Over the next 18 months Evans and Cuomo pulled off many successful heists--on one occasion when he realized that an antique shop was protected by an alarm system, he dug a 15 foot tunnel under the place to get inside. They were busted in March 1989 and cops found ski masks, stun guns, a radar scanner, walkie-talkies, a slim jim, a crowbar, screwdrivers, duct tape, rope, handcuffs, spare clothing, maps of the Northeastern US, and a book of police radio frequencies. However there was insufficience evidence to charge them with anything and they were let go. The cops had failed to notice stolen items they had tucked in hidden locations in their car.

On September 8, during a robbery of a store in Watertown, Evans shot and killed the store owner, 63 year old Douglas Barry, with a .22 Ruger and silencer, and made off with $15,000 in items. There was no evidence to prove they did it and police were stumped.
Evans killed Cuomo on December 29 for allegedly stiffing him when they divided up the proceeds from the Watertown heist. Cuomo was shot three times with the same .22 Ruger, wrapped in a shower curtain, blanket, and rope, and put in a hole Evans dug with a wooden door and topsoil covering it. He went down to Florida with his girlfriend so it wouldn't look like he was up to no good, spent a few weeks there in January-February 1990 and then went to California to find his old high school girlfriend, whom he had not seen since about 1975. He showed up at her workplace but she was married and told him the answer was no, so he went back to New York. On October 17, 1991, Evans robbed an Albany store belonging to 36 year old Gregg Jouben and stole $60,000 worth of items--he had planned this heist for two weeks. He took off for Colorado but was back in only two days and went to Latham where he disposed of the gun used to kill Jouben by burying it in Albany Rural Cemetery, during which time he also dismantled a 1,000 pound marble bench and sold it.

After killing Cuomo, he began dating the later's girlfriend, who along with her son had no idea that he killed him.

Evans finally got tired of crime and for some while after the Jouben murder decided to go straight. He worked manual labor jobs for a few years, limiting his criminal acts to minor thefts. He went to Vermont and lived outdoors in a tent as a survivalist. In March 1993, Evans robbed an antique shop in Quechee and took $20,000 worth of items but was not suspected in that heist. The following January he was finally busted for the cemetery bench theft and spent a month in jail in Albany.
>In 1976, Evans met a woman named Deirdre Fuller and began dating her. She was also seeing other men but he apparently didn't mind this until learning that she was dating a black man, whereupon he broke off the relationship and threatened both of them.

American moment.
On March 20, 1994, Evans stole a valuable antique book, John James Audubon's "The Birds of America", from a Woodstock, Vermont library--only around 120 copies of this book are known to be extant. He tried to sell it for a few months but informants finally reported him to police and he was caught. Evans willingly turned over the book and spent a year in local jail before being sentenced to 24 months in prison. He also confessed to the robbery in Quechee a year earlier.

He was paroled June 6, 1996 and went back to New York to hook up again with Tim Rysedorph. They resumed their crime spree--in January 1997, they robbed a Great Barrington, Massachusetts shop of $80,000 worth of items and Evans sold some of the loot in Albany a few months later. The pair rented a storage room in Colonie to put their wares in but once again Evans became concerned that Rysedorph would snitch, so he shot him dead on October 3, dismembered the body, and buried it in some woods, also disposing of the gun used to kill him. Evans fled New York and was listed as a wanted fugitive.

Evans finally surrendered to police in St. Johnsbury, Vermont on May 27, 1998 and confessed to the murders. He said he gave himself up because Rysedorph had a 9 year old son who became angry and upset since his father went missing, and he felt bad about it. Evans then showed where he buried the remains of his two partners. Michael Falco was buried near his sister's home in Florida but he was not taken there to show where the body was due to security risks. On June 29, Evans was being transferred from Albany to Rensselaer County Jail. This was because construction work was being done at the Albany jail and authorities worried that he might try to escape.
He was charged with three counts of murder. On August 14, while the police van he was in was driving across the Menands Bridge, Evans used a key he hid in his nostrils to remove his handcuffs. He broke the window of the van and leapt out. Police quickly spotted him and gave chase but he leapt over the bridge and into the Hudson River head-first. It was a shallow spot and Evans struck his head on rocks under the water, killing himself instantly. His death was ruled a suicide and caused by blunt force head injuries.

Several people who knew Evans, including his attorney Jim Horton, said that he'd long planned suicide and felt regretful for the people he killed. His friends said that he was an avid student of philosophy and religion, was a vegetarian, and did not drink or smoke; even in high school he refused to drink, smoke, or use drugs when friends threw a party. Going back to childhood all his close friends were female and he seems to have felt a protective instinct towards women and children, which was proven when he got in trouble in prison for attacking a child molester. His sister Robbie remembered how when he was in grade school, he tried to stab their father when he was beating their mother in one of his routine fits of rage. Robbie added that he'd always been kind to her and her son, his nephew. One female acquaintance said that Evans figured he'd be going back to prison for a long time, possibly life, and his escape and suicidal jump from a bridge allowed him to feel victorious--if he killed himself in jail, the authorities would win but if he escaped and killed himself outside of jail, he would have the last laugh.
>one day Evans became angered when Berkowitz gave him a fitness magazine with a black man on the cover. The latter said he didn't know Evans was a racist and apologized for that
Fucking kek
>Gary Evans led a ring of antique and jewel thieves around Albany, New York in the 1980s-90s and also killed five people along the way. His end finally came about dramatically. Evans was a native of the Empire State, born in Troy on October 7, 1954. He had an older half-sister named Robbie and his father Roy was a violent man who beat his wife Flora and his children on a regular basis. Flora attempted suicide several times and Gary claimed his father molested him. He was fascinated by jewelry and objects d'art from an early age. While still in grade school Gary was caught stealing jewelry from a neighbor's home, occasionally shoplifted from stores, and also gained a reputation at school as a thief. Flora was also a habitual shoplifter.
le based wholesomearino 1950s parenting just like my based Jell-O salad ads, right, /pol/?
Please remember to live stream your suicide
white people used to be way more violent, today you'd only picture nogs doing poses like this
i always found crime stories involving high level thefts and heists and whatnot more interesting than yet another serial killer picking up and raping/dismembering teenage hitchhikers because it's at least actually accomplishing something instead of being a total narcissist who kills innocent people because they looked like the girl who turned you down for a date in high school.
why were the GI Generation such terrible parents?
>Oh you were just taking a whiz? Alright fine, you're free to go.

>cop steals some of the stolen money

>car full of burglary tools
>nah, nothing suspicious here you're free to go

God these cops were all IRL Chief Wiggum.
why were boomers so violent?
>Around Christmas 1987, Evans was put in solitary confinement for 15 days when he beat up a convicted child molester.
don't they usually put pedos in adseg so this doesn't happen?
It depends on the prison. Sometimes they only do if an incident happens.
houses used to be painted with lead based paint, it would chip off and children would eat these lead paint chips
In the late 1950s, the mafia was exposed, so they had to create a new secret Gladio army on U.S. soil with MKULTRA
Raised by hyper violent war vet parents. Nobody who's been in the military has all their screws on tight.

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