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Why are there so many bhuddist threads here all of a sudden?
Cause people are tired of all the Christian threads
You look like that. Why do you wear 4 bowties?
On /x/, we have been dealing with annoying Buddhist preachers for many years already

Buddhists can be just as dogmatic and condescending
Because Buddhism is set to be the new hip tradlarp, get on board while you still can.
There was a chart showing how in current year indians and chinese are the biggest users of the internet. If anything there should be more Buddhist threads cause demographics are destiny
When you talk to them, it becomes fairly evident that all the Christposters and Buddhaposters were born outside these traditions and embraced them voluntarily when they turned 18 or so.
That's why they are so zealous, because of the novelty factor
Because I was telling that I dont know that much about Buddhism earlier today on my YouTube search bar
The new larp
There seems to be a rotation when it comes to which religion(s) anons flood the board with
>european paganism
What you have to understand is that there's a population of really fucked-up kids who post on this board - and probably most boards - more than anyone else.
They're seriously 100% not joking disability-level autistic and hugely fat, and they clap posts up all day long.
And there's nothing you can do about it, they're been turned into subhuman shit logs because their only parent is a drudge of a single mom who barely has the energy to keep them mollified. There is no future for them. There is just posting whatever retarded shit they are currently fascinated with.
Their suicides don't make the news, so we never get a sense that we might be able to win one day.
> Buddhists can be just as dogmatic and condescending

I disagree, the recent threads show a marked difference in those characteristics
Wut? Nobody can convert to that religion.
Every time I ask Buddhists to prove that there is no such thing as an eternal afterlife or soul or that, in spite of this, reincarnation is really a thing, they just fall silent or change topic.

These folks want me to accept at face value that there are 28 Buddhas (why not 15 or 500?) or that all suffering derives from attachment (what about physical pain?), but they won't ever explain to me why things are a certain way rather than another
brownoids fighting back against the mooooslimes
People can convert to zoroastrianism, only a indian sect doesn't accept conversions
I cast my vote for Zoroastrianism with Taoist + Platonic characteristics with Eurasian myth as flavor.

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