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When did you stop being a cringe Reddit fedora atheist and find religion?
Counter-question: when is your Jesus going to stop playing hide-and-seek?

Because if I really have to pray, I'd rather not feel like I'm simply talking to myself.
I didn't. I had sex
This thread is intended to mock Christianismists, and they deserve it.
never really was able to wrap my mind around the deep seated contrarianism and lack of self awareness needed to come to this degenerate website and pretend to be a sincere Christian while wallowing in narcissistic shitflinging, just fucking absurd how hollow and blatantly self serving the entire act is
When did Christianity become more cringey than New Atheism ever was?
Zoomers are reverse Midas. Everything they touch turns to shit
>worshipping a jew raised by a cuck
lol, lmao, xD even
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It always was, really. Both virtue signalling useful idiots
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What's funny is that pic related is a decade old now. Right when the internet decides to turn on militant atheists, christians went straight out the gate being just as neckbeard.
Pride is a sin OP
>Lord, thank you for making me based and trade. Thank you for not making me cringe like everyone else, especially like that basedjak over there.

OP you ever heard of the saying "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."
How aren’t you ashamed of worshiping a weak hippy kike who got nailed to a stick
Subtle but funny meme, OP.
In 2019. I converted to Catholicism from atheism back then
Around 2017. Became Christian since it was my default, had been raised around it. Found it lacking and stayed generally deist for a bit. Then my Goddess found me.
There are only two types of converts, larpers and retards, which one are you?
It’s just the same autistic type of young virgin male not realizing that the theological commitment wasn’t the comedic and pathetic part, it was complaining that women don’t dress modestly and pretending to have reached a kind of rare enlightenment because they claim they’re smarter. At least atheists have the data on their side for that claim lmao
Why do all Christian memes look like they were made by a 12-year-old retarded girl?
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Always has been
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See, this proves my point that it's a millennial vs zoomer thing.

Christina-chan (early to mid 2010s): cute, not particularly overbearing, focus is on purity and decency

Basedjak vs Chad memes (2020s): condescending, dismissive of other perspectives, focus is on appearing better than your interlocutor
Because every religious person on here is either a zoomer or a boomer with the mental capacities of a zoomer.
After college.
Never, I'm at my peak of using facts and logic.
I can't believe in a magic jew in the sky because I have an IQ above 70.
based. cucktianity is so tough and hardcore.
I didn't stop being cringe, but I at least now have a filter. God taught me humility.
I became a hardcore Zionist after 10/7
I truly believe goyim are less than human now
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18 hours and still no replies, which means they've got no counterarguments
>if God real den why do bad tings happen?
When I was 12, I thought this was a profound statement
When New Atheists converted to it and started trad LARPing so they could keep feeling special.
You still have the mind of a child.
And now? Do you have any rebuttal to this?
If he did, he wouldn't need to try to mock it by writing it with bad grammar.
I was both a retard and a larper when I became atheist, then I actually realised my positions were well... retarded and larping. Atheism is only psychanalisis and it has no strong arguments compared to traditional catholic theology
High school.
I became an atheist in middle school cause some fedora tipping faggot convinced me to and it made me miserable.
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I find religion to be fake, does it still count?
Let them in!
Still babby tiear. You need more live experience.
No, not unless you host a Muhammad picture drawing party in your local area
Atheism is psychoanalysis? Yeah you're retarded.

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