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This humble map proves that Christianity is neither necessary nor sufficient for building a proper, functional civilisation
japan will not exist in 100 years due to population collapse while the phillipines will
>Verification not required.
>cockroaches would survive a nuclear holocaust, tigers wouldn't, so!
As of 2024 the Phillippines' TFR has dropped below the replacement level, it'll just be a glorified retirement home like Japan only 50 years later
Japan has over 100,000,000 fucking people!!! It's one of the most populated countries in the world!
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Thanks to jews and their golem footsoldiers. You just proved OPs point
It's estimated its population will drop to under 100 million by the end of the century. Its population drop is actually remarkable, although I wouldn't say it's apocolyptic like some retards claim
The goal is to save souls. Not to build the best earthly material society. Our religion is not a tool to make those lives on earth better or to fix your mommy issues
at least no mass migration
better to die a hero than to live a villain
Didn’t Japan invited Pajeets to move to Japanese colleges?
its just going to be a smaller and likely poorer country, like most developed countries undergoing the same demographic decline (provided someone doesn't discover the silver bullet for a shrinking tax base and exploding social welfare costs from an aging population)

South Korea is looking pretty grim though
Western subhuman leftists love this talking point, and also love to mention that Japan NEEDS niggers, sandniggers, poos and other worthless 3rd world immigration to survive. No, Japan is for the Japanese
Japan is a westernised country which means heavy Christian influence.
>declining population in a massive population is... LE BAD
WEF forbid a line doesn't go up forever
christianity is about the pain and suffering of life to crush you while being innocent. it has nothing to do with technology or material progress.
you can be an upper middle class techie worker being crushed to death by insufferable faggot techbros and jeets and impossible deadlines, while experiencing the pains and joys of christian life
its all perspective and mindset
Japan is still an Asiatic hellhole that crushes its citizens at the expense of looking good on the outside. Bug people mentality is a separate and different kind of suffering than the one a christian is expected to experience. I can say this as a yellow Asiatic bug person who follows westernized cuckstianity (I can say it is cuckstianity, because it has been distorted in the west)
By the same logic, they have been heavily influenced by pre-Christian Graeco-Roman culture
They have been spiritually Christian since Perry
You guys might want to actually go out and tell Japan that they are Christian
Japan will exist with a reduced population, as many civilizations in history have endured population decline.

The phillipines is a dysfunctional and will probably break apart as Muslim and communist separatists funded by the CCP take advantage once America is no longer world police
China has dropped as much as 40% of its population in the past after devastating civil wars and its managed to survive. Japans slow, controlled decline is nowhere near as apocalyptic as people claim.
phillipines was mostly civilized after 1600s. japan was civilized after tang dynasty china influence entered in the 600s.

this is like comparing 1000 AD england to India and claiming that india is superior because of non christianity.
>Its population drop is actually remarkable, although I wouldn't say it's apocolyptic like some retards claim
I mean, if it was apocalyptical anything above, say, the Sengoku Jidai doesn't really apply. Like, at least hit 10 million and we might be talking.
> japan was civilized after tang dynasty china influence entered in the 600s.
How the fuck can you look at most of Japans history and assume "Yeah, civilized around 600ad".

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