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Why did Muhammad have to fuck a little kid?
He didn't - he married her so that she could be freed from slavery. He did not consummate the marriage until later.
Aisha wasn't a slave and Muhammad married her when she was 6yo and fucked her when she was 9yo.
He didn't consummate until she was 16+. Sources that say she was 9 are literal smears and memes. I refuse to believe that you could even really have sex with a 9 year old and have it fit.
Had to be done for political reasons.
Also, she goes on to be the Mother of the Believers and guide Muslims through the delicate period following Mohammad's death.
because brown
The daughter of Abu Bakr was a slave? Huh?
>why, yes, I do get my information from (((wikipedia)))
The source for Aisha being 9 when Muhammad fucked her is a sahih hadith. Muhammad was a pedophile.
Have you ever met a 9 year old so large or a dick so small that you think it would fit? It would cause massive bleeding at the least.
Because it was normal back then, neither he nor Allah knew any better so why blame them?
Yeah Muhammad injured her and that's why she ended up infertile.
Jews have intercourse with 3 year olds and legally marry 3 year olds.
We wonder why Muhammad preferred double and triple that of Jews.
Prolly cuz Judeo-Christians are sick fucks.
Funny how you're not more specific.
Probably he means when she was betrothed to Jubayr ibn Mutim, the pagan. Because her father was poor and facing assassination.

So the prophet officiated marriage with her instead as he left permanently for Medina
Do current muslims not display enough lack of shame for you to understand that islam is satan worship?
Jesus is Satan
The concept of childhood did not exist back then, that pre-teen was more mature than your tendie eating NEET ass.
Why do Jews fuck 3 year olds and marry 3 year olds? Their pedo tranny God promotes abusive sex laws.
>whataboutisms out the ass
Nobody here is defending Judaism. It’s a primitive, crude religion full of immoral and arbitrary “commandments” too, just like Pisslam. You think you’re doing something by bringing up le ebil joos? I’ll condemn them in the next breath right after condemned Islam and its pedo prophet
Women become degenerate whores when they grow up, marry them young and subjugate them the way you want, mould them into a virtuous God fearing loving wife and mother. these christcuck motherfuckers westerners ruined the fucking civilization. Girls are to be married at 8-12. Prime of a woman is 14-17.
Because he was sane messenger of God. today what whores are doing to this planet is visible to all. you fucking faggots fail to understand that women are to be good mothers, wives and daughters not fucking workers. their responsibility is home not outside. Women must be married between 8-12 and should become a mother by 14. A girl's prime is 13-16 max.
if the war against satan is won, girls will be married before 10 in every single home. if you insist against it as a father you'll be considered a gay female faggot and will be beheaded. your wife will be gifted to someone else or made a slave for she Compelled you to do it as the whore she is.
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Quads checked
Based Jesus playing both sides so he always wins
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because allah told him to do that..........
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Note that at no point in the discussion does anyone say 'I penetrated a 3 year old', or 'Go out and fuck 3 year olds'. If you can read, they are having an - admittedly retarded - debate about the youngest age at which a girl can get pregnant, and the youngest age at which a girl has a hymen. It goes on for a LONG time, and one rabbi even says he spoke to a woman that claimed she wasted her life from ages 3 through 7, because she only got pregnant at 7, and wishes she had done so sooner (obviously she was insane, or the rabbi was making this up to best another rabbi). However absurd all of this is, it is very different from the case of Mohammed and Aisha according to the Qur'an and Hadith. One is a fucked up argument. The other is something that supposedly occurred.

Regardless of what you think about the discussion on the Talmud, the Hadith in Islam on the topic (pic related), get even worse than that (literally no limit on how young they are, especially if they're fat; it's OK for a guy without balls to fuck anyone at any time because his lack of testicles means it's not actually sex; child rape is cool most of the time just like don't do any permanent physical damage my dude etc...).
He was told by Allah to teach Jews that intercourse with 3 year olds and marrying 3 year olds was too young. So he doubled and tripled the Jews' sexual abuse 3 year olds' law.
All praise to Allah for teaching Jews the error of their ways.
he did not HAVE to, he did it all on his own volition.
There's greater evils in life. Making this thread over and over exposes you as an NPC incapable of grasping the insidious nature of all Abrahamic religions.
>There's greater evils in life
None greater than islam because it has like 99% of them.
Islam had no part in inventing the industrial world order which actively erodes communities, destroys traditions, wrecks biodiversity, and spreads pollution.
>Islam had no part in inventing the industrial world
Because Muslisms are retarded backwards savages. You didn't have an industrial revolution because you couldn't, not because you're somehow more virtuous.
Okay cradle robber
Even worse. The Muslim world apes exactly what the West is doing in a gaudy and inferior fashion
>erodes communities
Islam has done this
>destroys traditions
Islam has done this
>wrecks biodiversity
Muslims can't wreck biodiversity since they live in the desert
>spreads pollution.
Muslim countries do this
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Hadith science is subjective, one man's sahih is another man's weak. Else i could argue that there are also many hadiths which portray Aisha in a much older age. And all that assumes if you can trust hadiths to begin with.
Also...The 6 figure is narrated by a single chain, while there are hadiths with over ten chains which speak of Muhammad's miracles and have been graded sahih in the same book. Yet no non-Muslim would ever choose to believe them. So again, drop this hadith worshipping and STOP MAKING THESE REPETITIVE THREADS EVERY SINGLE DAY.
Mohammed is dead, what really matters is what his followers think. If many Muslims think Mohammed fucked Aisha at 9yo (and that he's the most perfect human to ever walk the earth), that's an issue for everyone who stands against pedophilia.
Oil from Muslim countries, mined with the concept of the world's most pious Islamic governments, has done an awful lot of environmental damage and contributed significantly to climate change
they didn't create this world order but they sure as hell collaborate in it
Because he was the prophecysed antichrist, and his religion is the following of Satan, not God.
The unironic answer in the hadiths is that a dream told him to.
>erodes communities, destroys traditions, wrecks biodiversity
Islam is obsessed with turning the whole world into a giant inbred arabized shithole.
>spreads pollution
The islamophobing will continue until morale improves.

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