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/his/ - History & Humanities

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Give me one of these houses, a crucifix on an altar, a chimney, an axe and a Bible and I'm drawing off from society for the rest of my life to live as an hermit. Prayer, woodcutting, fishing, and the silence of the woods.
Why are you sharing your incel daydreams on the history board?
how about you do it yourself
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Idk where else can I post that? Also what, an incel dream? What could be more healthy than touching grass?
let's all retire from society
Here's some more pics
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>homesteading is just like being a NEET and not constant daily work to secure your existence
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Me too. Modernity has done a large war on contemplative life. In the past was more easy, today its hard. The state as the monster it has become will tax you no matter what, you are just not allowed to leave society. I curse the state. Where I live there is an hermit, now it used to keep the sculpture of Our Lady Mary.
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>sails up to your house

What kind of Christian are you?
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I SAID. What kind of Christian are you?!
>implying any job in a capitalist economy isn't constant daily work to secure your existence
You'd be surprised how many people would much rather work for themselves than to make somebody else rich
I'm with you, let's plunder this weepy fags.
I live in something similar in Eastern Europe, 99% of the civilized western people couldn't live a year here ( I even have water, electricity and high speed internet ) and I only live in it because I inherited it from my grandpa and I don't have to pay rent .
> privacy
> can grow your own food, especially onions , garlic , tomatoes, pumpkins and herbs
>can scavenge for mushrooms and berries
> can easily raise chickens and rabbits for slaughter
> extremely cold in the winter , there are nights when the wood stove can't warm the room even though you feed the fire 24/7 . Some winters you need to shut down the water or the pipes freeze and burst . Then you need to fetch water from the well and shit in the outhouse ,sometimes at 3 am in minus 30 degrees Celsius.
> food is extremely scarce in the wild, there are basically zero fish in the nearby rivers, and thanks to local industry i wouldn't eat them .
> if you want to keep it natural , 90% of your fruits and produce will get infected with worms and fungus, i have an 80 apple tree orchard and half of my apples are rotten / infected even with modern medicine
> you need weekly trips to the local store , to buy flour , yeast , rice, potatoes, corn etc because growing them is too much of a fucking hassle ( if you try you need to allocate a lot of time to care for them , its a massive disappointment in the end, you work like 30 days to get 100 dollars worth of potatoes ) Even Kaczynski went shopping weekly , you can look it up. Richard Proenneke received 2-3 shipments of food and materials per year.
>something always breaks in the house/ fence/ roof , you need to constantly repair it.
> you absolutely need to have a salary to maintain things in order
well if they threaten me and I'm all by myself what do you want me to do? I just give them what they want, and I try to repair the damages when they leave
>turning his cheek

hmkay. But you never answered the question.
I see. Pretty sad
I'm a catholic. If I can help them and guide them, I'll do it. If I can't convince them and that I can fairly defend myself, I defend myself. If I know I have no chance, I do what they tell me in the hope they let me survive
> > extremely cold in the winter , there are nights when the wood stove can't warm the room even though you feed the fire 24/7 . Some winters you need to shut down the water or the pipes freeze and burst . Then you need to fetch water from the well and in the outhouse ,sometimes at 3 am in minus 30 degrees Celsius.

> food is extremely scarce in the wild, there are basically zero fish in the nearby rivers, and thanks to local industry i wouldn't eat them .
There are ways to survive
> you want to keep it natural , 90% of your fruits and produce will get infected with worms and fungus, i have an 80 apple tree orchard and half of my apples are rotten / infected even with modern medicine
Easy fix
> you need weekly trips to the local store , to buy flour , yeast , rice, potatoes, corn etc because growing them is too much of a hassle ( if you try you need to allocate a lot of time to care for them , its a massive disappointment in the end, you work like 30 days to get 100 dollars worth of potatoes ) Even Kaczynski went shopping weekly , you can look it up. Richard Proenneke received 2-3 shipments of food and materials per year.
Its not impossible to farm but you can trade with other people. If you were too isolated to trade you would have enough land to farm anyway
> something always breaks in the house/ fence/ roof , you need to constantly repair it.
> you absolutely need to have a salary to maintain things in order
> Insulation
Where do you get insulation from lmao ? You need money for insulation.
> Ways to survive without fish , hunting and agriculture.
Please tell me.
> Fruit worms/ fungus are an easy fix without modern medicine
Again, explain.
you can do this at time you pathetic larping faggots. there are multiple areas in the US alone that state/federal government will pay you to move to and build any sort of improvement on, at which point you legally own the land. even a tiny cabin.

instead you will just continue wistfully looking at your escapist art and sighing like a woman
Trade what , retard?
>Give me
It's a litmus test for limp waisted suburbanites when they think there's anything romantic about chopping wood. It's a chore and your grandfather switched to a gas stove for a reason. You're like e-whores who think being trad is baking apple pie in a sundress.
Could you provide a link for these federal programs that pay people to build log cabins in the woods?
You can't fish, you are too weak for woodcutting and your inmune system would crumble upon winter, also the woods aren't silent, the beasts and plants make noises plus you would die and are very gay
I get two days off every week, don’t work past 5 and get a stack of money every week.
So go do it and stop posting on here you stupid fucking faggot
Congrats, but not everyone has the exact same life as you
>>turning his cheek
More like spreading
Audibly kek'd
And your dad works at Nintendo
So go build or buy yourself a log cabin out in the woods then, why are posting about it on here?
Ok what do you want to do exactly? You're an old man cutting wood and there's 20 vikings coming to your house.
You guys are neck beards behind their screen im the 21 century, you've just ate mcdonalds earlier after playing video games so dont give me any lessons on what I should have done 1000 years earlier you larper
If he’s choosing to live as a hermit he by definition can’t be an incel.
However this isn’t a /his/ topic and he needs to fuck off back to plebbit.

>Idk where else can I post that?
/b/ because it’s random and no one gives a shit.

>me want to be le heckin cool monk living alone in the woods praying
Not only is this mindset cringe & LARPy, it’s also simply wrong. Before even original sin God saw one thing on the Earth that was NOT good, and that was that man was alone.
all the stuff in the cons section is probably less hours, work and energy than an average full time job.
the trip to the grocery store or the hardware store is literally the same as going to the grocery and hardware store irl

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