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Its not just that it pretends to be materialistic despite being the most idealistic idea ever made. The logical bases of it have been proven to be wrong by economists and the consequences of it in society have shown across XX and XXI centuries that Socialists not only are disrespectful to culture and people natural rights, but also that it despise human life.

Socialism is an ideology made up by the incompetent loser garbage of society; and its base is the envy and hate towards those who are free and competent enough to be successful by themselves without needing the state to take others rightfully earned money at gun.
>socialism doen't work
>that's why we can't stop putting sanctions on them, orchestrating coups, etc.
only makes sense if you're down syndrome'd like OP is
It's only because the way our government is set up, it is functionally impossible to have a socialist centrally-planned economy. Similarly it was impossible for medieval people to set up a capitalist system with democratic liberties. They just weren't ready for it. There wasn't enough literacy. The technology wasn't there. The spirit of the people wasn't motivated to see it work. The future system will be socialism, but the whole government will be changed into some sort of automated technological system that organizes people more efficiently than capitalism and where programmers are voted in based on their skill, not a popularity contest for politicians.

lol, lmao even
if you paid someone to shill for billionaires you'd end up with a 21st century economist, it's not a real science but an exercise in upper class apologia
>>that's why we can't stop putting sanctions on them, orchestrating coups, etc.
literally just to dissuade them from deliberately starving their population. choosing capitalism would be a win win, but instead they choose to diminish their human capital by means of centrally planned starvation.
>b-but if you just let them try it out it will inevitably fail, so why perpetuate their conditions instead of letting them come to the realization sooner?
socialism is also an open invitation to corrupt, be it materially or morally, governments, so just letting them have free reign would not be acceptable, as they'd do everything to remain in power, no matter the hardships they'd sow and no matter the cost. Letting the commies "come to the realization that socialism doesn't work themselves" doesn't work, in fact, it facilitates tyrannical governments, we saw this with the USSR. The best approach is in indirectly coercing the people through sanctions so they turn against a leader incapable of quelling misery and unrest.
>skinnier, healthy glowing smile, likely because he is no longer eating capitalist slop food
>nicer polo on, can afford nicer clothing
>shelves empty, the people are buying products
I don't get this pic.
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Yes while it is true that blind socialism is not possible outside a racially homogeneous people with a shared moral framework, it is also true that capitalism is also inherently doomed when not constrained by the moral principles of the society in which it is allowed to operate.

And so you see exposed the great trick of those whose hands grip the reigns of power, they give you two solutions which will neither work while they deny the only solution which will destroy them utterly as should be done in the name of righteousness.
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Don't care Kulak, still stealing your money
Rose from rural shitholes to world domination with communism
>All of the western world
close to eradicated poverty disease and starvation with the welfare society, another form of Socialism

Clearly socialism is one of the most successful ideologies in history, and you are objectively wrong.
>socialism is when less than 1/3rd of the economy is state-owned and you are being sanctioned by the global hegemon to institute regime change
Friendly reminder that you will own nothing (if you owned anything to begin with) and you will NOT be happy. Just letting you know in advance that your racial, cultural, and national ties to your masters will afford you no reprieve from capitalist precarity and immiseration. Enjoy!
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What the fuck are you talking about? Have you ever picked up a history book? Stalin was a literal BBC enthusiast and capitalism worked fine in America until the 1960s when your leftist brothers, the "progressives" cucked out.

The general trend is capitalism = based, leftism = cuckoldry.

see >>16874065
That's socialism.
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>they didn't achieve trve socialism therefore it wasn't socialism
exactly, the entire population was brainwashed into socialism yet it didn't accomplish shit, just like every other time it was tried
>Noooooooo don’t take power and influence from the woke globalist capitalists who hate your country and race and want to turn your children into prostitutes and import 3rd world wageslaves!

Eternally greatful that 19th century socialists buck broke Whiggish kikes like OP into seething that they can’t enslave children in mines anymore
>your racial, cultural, and national ties to your masters

>Stephen Schwarzman
>Larry Fink
>Bob Iger
>Travis Kalanick
>Mark Weinberger
>Daniel Yergin
>Sheldon Adelson

I have no racial or cultural ties to these people and often no national ties either, and it was always leftist screeching and demanding they be placed into positions of power.
those are all leftists
Cope. These are the capitalist job creators you söyface for. They hate working class white males and import Jeets to compete with them for wages
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They're all on your side and agree with 100% of your leftytroon beliefs, because they're the ones that gave them to you
>twitter screencap of literal who saying something retarded
What is this supposed to prove?

In the era you are talking about the US had segregation and a whites only immigration policy. It was only after the great depression when "progressives" came onto the scene that civil rights picked up.

Many MANY more examples of this. These are the people who seethe about “socialism” and want ESG shareholders to control your economy.

Capitalists always subvert, they have no loyalty to anyone but their own class, they can never be based, they hate “privileged whites” because they demand good working conditions which to them is unacceptable.
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Those are all communists.
Capitalists like the Rockefellers funded the civil rights movement. It was 100% manufactured by woke capitalists using their immense amounts of money and influence to change American culture, and Whiggish “conservatives” clapped and cheered the entire time while they were dismantling your country and turning it into a rootless economic zone.
>stopping private ownership
dawg they ain't stopping private ownership, they're just being great capitalists by investing in everything ever 100% so they get 100% of the returns from their investment! :)
Don't like it? LEAVE. Freedom, baby.
>Not true capitalist
You lost, I accept your trannycession
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Oh I see, you're jewish
I accept your trannycession
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>rich people want the state to impose socialism on everyone
>therefore socialism is capitalism
Your argument makes no sense.
I accept your trannycession
capitalism kills small grocery shops because they cant compete with large supermarket distribution chains
What exactly am I arguing against? State a logical argument. All I see are a bunch of twitter screencaps and random statements about rich jews funding socialism.

Why would someone who made their money from capitalism fund socialism? Because they will have a stake in the new order of course, just because someone owns a little capital does not mean they are a good person.

So, come up with some kind of logical argument or kys.

hard mode: no twitter screencap
Socialism has nothing to do with economics. Socialism is niggers and trannies and Joe Biden.
ah yes, "left voice", sounds very non-biased and third party
>Rose from rural shitholes to world domination with communism
What the fuck are you talking about? Escaping the USSR and China is like the most popular move among these citizens? Fucking olympic athletes and scientists defecting in the middle of the night?

You are objectively dumb as fuck.
Works in China.
>Inb4 not true socialism
>t. never been to or lived in China
>sucking off the president in order to be deemed "moral enough to own capital"
We have a factory in Shanghai and make regular trips there.

Whereas in Europe you have to suck off the israeli president. Big difference.
Cool I taught English for 5 years. Youre lying
yes, see
If you tought English then you suck at it. After "cool" belongs a comma.
What is “rightfully earned money” supposed to mean? People don’t just randomly turn into billionaires, almost all of them are already born into wealth and thats why labor has no value in capitalism
It's alright, you can keep up your gay little LARP if you want to there little guy.
What does the billionaire have to do with you? You fuckin faggots all say "they use their money to influence" but that makes no sense. What does a billionaire have to do with fucking retards like you importing millions of people into a country?
Capitalism needs consumers to grow so without constant population growth they will need to do it artificially through immigration
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this >>16885958 but unironically.

Socialism isn't about trade unions or the working man in the steel mills, it is ultimately about "revolution", the "proletariat" are just a stepping stone. It could be anything else, discord between men and women, white and black, hetero and homo, cis and "trans". Supposedly they always take the side of the "oppressed", but really it is whoever can be easily manipulated in large enough numbers to foment the almighty "revolution".

And what is the "revolution"? Party leaders being in power, of course. That's it. It is rather base and Hobbesian, but hot air aside, this is what it amounts to. They form a hierarchy and use violence, cult-like fanaticism and brainwashing to influence people, hence why they try to whip up racial hysteria among BLM for example.

How oppressed exactly are women, or black people, or homosexuals or "transsexuals" in 2024? Most are middle class or collect welfare, they are not oppressed in any meaningful way. Most of their problems are due to their own lack of effort and demoralization, if they busted ass they would get somewhere, as flawed as society is it is a far cry from how bad things were in the past, but they do not because they are stuck in their ways or don't know any better, or just don't care. The exact impact of "patriarchy" "systemic racism" or "heteronormativity and "cisnormativity" is minor, a few percentiles at best, they may in fact receive preferential treatment as a whole. But they are not going to sit like nerds and pore through statistics to find the truth, they will only grasp at whatever proves they are "victims" thereby entitled to something while their demagogues convince them support for their group is the solution.

This is the mechanics of it, and it explains OP.

>Socialism is an ideology made up by the incompetent loser garbage of society
Socialism creates a power vacuum where a corporation can take control of the government. Fascism is where existing corporations are beholden to the government.
Communist Yugoslavia - World's 24th economy with a GDP-to-Debt Ratio of 15%

post-Communist neoliberal capitalist shitholes that succeeded it = Nigger-tier.

Socialism >>>>>>>> Capitalism, numerically attested fact.
>The logical bases of it have been proven to be wrong by economists
Not really. there is some debate against Marxist thinking, but large swathes of it have been considered accepted.

>disrespectful to culture
Good, all culture deserve to respected.

>people natural rights,
Rape, murder, looting, and plundering, yes.

>despise human life.
The fact you speak of hating human life just after talking about "natural rights" and "culture" is literal 1984 style doublethink.

>Socialism is an ideology made up by the incompetent loser garbage of society;
I wish. No, it was mostly upper class intellectuals.

> those who are free and competent enough to be successful by themselves without needing the state to take others rightfully earned money at gun.
Again: Doublethink.

If you believe that the means justify the end, you cannot argue with anything done to obtain wealth. A communist taking power and using that to enrich themselves is just as justified as a capitalist using exploitation to enrich themselves.
This is laughably fucking backwards and stupid. The economy was so bad all of these countries were constantly infighting, and Moscow was constantly having to quell revolutions.
Its so funny that people defending capitalism are the same chuds that are anti-immigration, which is a direct consequence of capitalism. And you cope with this fact by making up some jewish cabal boogeyman when in reality capitalism itself is a dog eat dog competitive system which doesn't care about your feelings. There's no ''collective good'' in capitalism, you just do whatever personally benefits you without giving a shit if it harms others.
Shitskins don't work.
>hich is a direct consequence of capitalism
It isn't, just like printing money isn't a product. The same exact people wanting to implement socialist policies are doing so as a result of the immigration and economic policies they implement. Just like the lockdowns during the pandemic, it was entirely the left wing that pushed it, and now you pathetic cowards dont want to hold any responsibility
America had a whites only immigration policy until the 1960s. You don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
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He knows, he's just lying.
The political base of socialism is resentful people. That’s why western countries began to move away from it when they became wealthier and more stable. That’s why modern socialists can only find allies in anti colonial movements and people who hate mommy and daddy. That’s why it’s funny when socialists seethe at fascists who basically targeted the same resentful demographic they did in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

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