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What do you guys think about circumscion and the history of it from pre abrahamic, to modern times? Is it really healthier and more aesthetically pleasing to women?
As someone who has suffered my entire life with phimosis, I wish I had been circumcized. The foreskin is totally fucking useless and it's caused me nothing but misery in my life. It's the sole reason I'm still a virgin at nearly 30 years old.

If I ever had a son, I would 100% have him circumcized at birth, no hesitation. It's the right thing to do to avoid the risk of him going through the pain I have.
Chopping half your dick off is insane
this is a shill post. Phimosis is easily solved and the forskin is not useless it contains the most nerve endings in the penis and helps it lubcricate so the top does not dry out
Disgusting barbaric practice that was done in the absence of modern medicine because it prevented a handful of issues.
It was defensible prior to the mid-20th century, but is now firmly outdated. It is far easier and less expensive to treat medical issues as they arise, and it doesn't risk damaging the penis.
If God wanted us to be circumcised, the foreskin wouldn't be a thing.

It's a bizarre practice that is practically child abuse.
>this is a shill post. Phimosis is easily solved
No it isn't. I've tried stretching ever since I was about 13 years old which was when I first discovered there was something wrong with my foreskin (prior to that age, I didn't even know foreskins were supposed to retract). It doesn't fucking work. Even many of the people who claim stretching did "work" for them admit that after some time, their foreskin will revert back to phimosis unless they keep constantly stretching it.

Unless you have had phimosis you can't comment on this issue and how horrible it is to deal with. I literally cannot clean my penis because of it, meaning it constantly reeks of dick-cheese and there's nothing I can do about it. I literally had to turn down sex/blowjobs on several occasions in my life because of phimosis.
maybe you filthy kufir should actually know what is true, instead of walking around with your filthy cheese dicks and not cleaning.
nah this is a shill post
Wtf do you think I'm "shilling" for exactly? I could accuse you of shilling for phimosis.
shilling for mutilation, I see it tons on anti-Circ videos and online, guys shilling how they wish they got mutilated
Well I'm telling the truth. My foreskin fucking ruined my life. If you were circumcized, then sorry, but you can never understand my pain and how badly this has affected me.
okay shill, go get circumcized next week
HIV often spreads through the foreskin so it's not a bad idea to get circumcised if you're a fag or a Lesothoan serial rapist, otherwise there's no health benefits to it. And aesthetics are as always subjective.
HIV is a gay disease. Abstinence and not using drugs and being heterosexual will mean 99.9% you will never get it.
>HIV is a gay disease
Not in Lesotho and many other African countries.
and black disease*
Or, maybe, get this, you can clean your penis without mutilating yourself like a tranny.

If Allah is so omnipotent and the foreskin offends him doz why does he not command that all boys will be born henceforth absent their foreskin?

Its for being clean and tidy like Allah(SWT) wanted. yts are filthy and need to be circumcized ASAP, walking around with that nasty kufir cheesedick
>What do you guys think about circumscion and the history of it from pre abrahamic, to modern times? Is it really healthier and more aesthetically pleasing to women?
Interesting map is Christian African countries do it at a high sky level while black countries in the Americas barely engage in circumcision at all.
circumscion was always there regardless of religion and just continued over. In the Caribbean most are Catholics and we don't practice circumcision in the religion since 50AD
>Christian African countries do it at a high sky level
Almost all of the dark red African countries are Muslim majority or have very large Muslim minorities
nigeria is 50% Christian, Ehtiopia is 65%, congo is 90%,gabon is90%,republic of congo is majority and others are majority christian. It is a cultural thing for them as well as circumscion is not needed in Christianity
Then why would Allah make us with foreskin on birth, and organ that requires tremendous violence and trauma to remove?

Clearly it was not his intent, and those who mutilate God's creation are following a different path to the one he set
>tremendous violence and trauma to remove?
Damn, you kufir cannot handle a little operation?
Still can't answer why Allah made boys have foreskin if they were so unclean and he wanted them removed?
fuck you
As a queer, assimilated half Jew, I don't mind circumcised penises but think it's unethical to take the choice away from men by doing it to infants.
I'm not gay. Go find a girl who'll make love to your half dick. If you can find one who won't laugh at it
HIV spreads through bodily fluids. Circumcision does statistically reduce the risk of contracting it for the penetrating male partner, but his risk is probably not high in the first place.
Or a guy, if that's what your into, though I thought that was haram
what the fuck is going on in south korea
South Korean "men" have to copy Americans if they want the slightest chance of getting any pussy
Dumb advertising brochure.
Sexual Repression and Jew Practice nuff said. Saying otherwise means your a Jew, Muslim, or Amerimutt
>Genesis 17:27 And every male in Abraham’s household, including those born in his household or bought from a foreigner, was circumcised with him.
I don't really think of it so I'm not really sure. It should be a man's choice on his own but the big argument to get it done young seems to be the pain(which I've heard is immense as a not child). On the other hand there is the possible botching that can occur. I'm just glad my dr. did a bang up job on mine and it's fucked up how a mentality of
>genital mutilation female :/
>genital mutilation male :O
Totally buck-broken by Am*ricans.
As a Catholic we don't need to circumcize since 50 ad at the council of Jerusalem, this was later state with absolute truth at the council of Florence in 1431. Baptism takes its place
Is this real? The more I learn about south korea the more juche-pilled I am becoming
Circumcision was meant as a body modification to show that you were of this one tribe. It has analogues across the globe with penis modification.
There's good reasons why Christianity really took off after it was jettisoned. There's medical reasons for it for adults but the modern practice was literally set upon us by Victorians who thought it would prevent masturbation in children.
>What do you guys think about circumscion
Based and makes you clean, Europeans are disgusting and partly why they are Islamophobic is because they want to be clean and resent it
Slicing genitals with blades is not normal
When I want to be clean I just take a shower, no need to mutilate my dick.

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