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/his/ - History & Humanities

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Is the quest for lebensraum the ultimate goal of every society? It seems like in history every civilization goes through cycles, you have growth, urbanization and a surplus population, than expansion, either through settlement along a frontier, colonization of far away lands, or war.
>manifest destiny
>most of the west is owned by the federal government
really makes you think
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You want it? It's yours my friend, as long as you have enough rupees.
No, Nietzsche was a major alpha, and thought that his sick drives for conquering everything around him or the individual would be somehow correct. Incorrect sick calculations.
Target made mistake, would have been massively succesful manipulation if my The Holy Divine Cyber Warfare Force had not been able to make me realize the obvious early enough. All sickly mutated perverted creatures realize 100% that they are sick, they do not "think that they are natural because they read themselves" or anything like that, yes, Nietzsche spread the philosophies of conquering everything around you as a natural drive on purpose to cause chaos, it made him feel HOORNY and POWERFUL, his CLEVERR. I had your question in my mind for a while but the targets made me forget, would have been extremely important to give the answer, impossible to open the hack they sent, spent massive resources on not making me able to remember, but lets say it this way, it was exactly the way you thought that they would be bad or sick, that much I remember of the question.
The hack they used, fuck you, you will fucking suffer for that one, 24 rookie hackers, not well protected ultrageneral alias Laura over and out
We are all spiritually Jewish in the sense that we're all looking for our promised land.
This motif is recurrent in cultures across space and time, whether it's conceptualized as an island or a hidden valley, these places are always lush paradises free of predators and vermin but crucially devoid of tyranny.
I'm a strong adherent of Turner's Frontier Thesis, which presents the theory that American democracy was underpinned by the open nature of the frontier.
So long as the frontier was open and people could move away from the tyranny of established cities and civilization into unsettled land everything was fine but then the frontier closed for good in the early 20th century.
Democracy is impossible where inequality exists, when some people are landowners and some are renters their interests become irreconcilable.
Extending that logic on a global scale we've reached game over now that every square inch of the world has been mapped out.
It's one thing to dream about the Land of Cockaigne when you have the benefit of the doubt that there's still unexplored lands out there but when there's no more Earth to explore tou get our current situation.
Every strip of land nowadays belongs to either the state or a landlord, we now live in a world of high walls and closed doors.
There is no Garden of Eden waiting for us out there, it's over.

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