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Why do some people have a need to "defend" and show how population X is superior to population Y? I thought the steppe vs eef thing was a meme but no.. people actually take it seriously. Doesn't this kind of thing end up good discussions? If everyone has a superiority bias, what is the value of this debate?
and as much as the Nordicists are always ridiculed, it seems that people forget about the "doctors", they are just as bad as the first ones, and their arguments are based on a certain feeling of "disparaging" the IE.
related photo is one of these types. I tried to discuss it with him in the comments but it's not very helpful.
in all fairness those types of people are usually giga spergs who latch on to other things to feel some sorted of community in their lives even if said community is a mockery of one hence why they go to such lengths on topics nobody really gives a shit about
Because people treat the history like an RPG game, where MY characters will have to go AGAINST YOURS. in the most imbecile and childish way possible, and many act as if any criticism of their own characters was a personal attack.
Yes. This says a lot more about who creates these threads.
Imagine, if a person has to base their entire entity on DNA from bones from 2000 years ago to feel like someone, things are really sad.
The same applies to Afrocentrists, the lack of contributions creates certain complexes and the only way out is to steal someone else's history.
And yes, medcists are terrible, they get a free pass because they are under the cloak of bias against the monster under the bed.
How many threads have we had about people denying practically anything about IE? see that the guy in your photo argues several things without stopping and accuses the creator of the video... ALL larpers have the same standard of living.
haha I know this guy! I already "debated" with him on his old channel.
he supposedly has a certain appreciation and is part of a g2a Mediterranean unit (I'm not kidding).

some things he says...
>chariots were created in Mesopotamia
>r1a comes from India
> he apparently doesn't accept the term southern European, just "Mediterranean"
and seriously, I even trolled him with this, he has problems with blonde hair for some reason. he accuses people of Nordicism
Does he have a channel or something? I found this guy randomly in a recommended video.
but anyway this is all part of this farmers vs steppe 2018 4chan war
I hate all of this, guys like the one in the photo above are boring
>history board
>minorities make grandiose claims appropriating the accomplishment of others
>point out the truth
>minorities spam blacked porn and sperg out like children
Every day
Races and ethnicities are just different. But some have a higher amount of ultimate alphas than some, some have higher percentage of ultimate alphaism than others, but all have different qualities, I think in human kind there is hopefully, and according to my calculation briefly, without proper data or thinking of it, a position for all ultimate alphas of all races and ethnicities. Not like in dog races, yes, breeds are races, where there are unethically created breeds meaning races, that are really not good dog races. Human breeding must always be calculated in a way that no monster races are created, or suffering races, etc.
Ok memeflag
he is right.
He's my friend, we've already talked
Even idiot archaeologists masturbate to the steppes. You can see this in his works. It's a spare tire here, a spare tire there. Does something fall apart? Steppe. Rich kurgan tombs appear? Steppe. Do any black warriors appear anywhere? Steppe.

Does Unetice fall apart? Steppe.
Hyksos? Steppe.
Greeks? Steppe.
Sea people? Ugh, something started happening in Ukraine around that time, I think it's the steppe again!
Did the Celts have any steppe horses? Ruling elite of the steppes.
Nordic Bronze Age? Steppe elite.

It's always this shit or "internal uprisings" when shit falls apart
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People are absolutely terrified to admit that the direct ancestors of White people were steppe nomads, who basically conquered half of the entire world with primitive technology. That their genetic influence isn’t wholesome anarcho-syndicalist mutualism with the natives, but conquest, invasion and war. This is intolerable to the modern christ-brained cuck. They can’t bear the thought. Populist Nationalism told him his ancestors always lived on the exact same piece of mud and that means it’s really theirs by right. The idea that foreigner conquers took it from the actual natives, who have been culturally culturally completely wiped out with only a tiny minuscule trace of their language remaining, is so morally foreign to this person, he cannot accept this.

This is why there is all of this cope denying the Aryan Invasion theory.
the retarded atheist can't stop thinking about Christ
Who is this guy???
is a Portuguese supremacist from the ANF.
He says, for example, that Columbus was Portuguese and that the chariot originated in Mesopotamia and not in the Sinashta.
He was well known before his first channel was deleted. he was always in general debates about agricultural and Mediterranean peoples.
Basically the ANF version of frisian.
that's because history is when humans develop civilization in environments that support them such as warm environments
the nords and meds argument is useless when the nords are just outcasts from the meds civilization
William Krapek also has videos on this.
This is unironically true. You have actual historians with a hardon for steppe niggers. Basically any change happens and they claim it's because of some steppe warriors.
It's not just the original Indo-European migration, but also all subsequent ones.

Some fortified settlements got destroyed in EBA Hungary? Umm, there was probably some migration from Ukraine.
It's like you said.
Steppe is based
You are not a Steppe Warrior. You are an overstimulated unit of workers who romanticize a time that never existed because the world has become too unbearable for you to do anything about it. You are chained and seething while big corporations groom their unfaithful women and teach them to hate you. A sad shell filled with impotent rage and pantomime fantasies of dead savages.
Why the southern Europeans act like that?
"we" are not like that.
This guy the OP is talking about is an anti-IE Portuguese who acts like the Sardinian girl, he loves the EEF and the g2a haplogroup.
although he has very good points especially against Afrocentrists, he acts like them sometimes.
Groupbrained individuals are the worst.
Just a reminder that germanics and adjacents always try to we wuz other people's history. There are currently 2 threads which have been derailed into that direction currently: one with the hagia Sophia pic about roman vs greek science/engineering and the other about supposed indo European origins of Mycenaeans
Correction: 3 threads, the Alexander thread too.
Med supremacist?
That name seems Turkish imo
Hes portuguese
wait, I'm confused. Why is it wrong for indigenous Europeans be proud of their heritage, whats wrong with that?
The PIEs vs EEFs threads on this board are a sobering blackpill about how politics is ALWAYS lurking in the background in historical discussions. I expect real historians and geneticists to elevate the discussion to a higher level than here, but the fact is academics are human too. They aren't immune to these biases. The 4chan discussions leak into other online spaces. Threads and ideas that appear here will probably end up indirectly influencing upcoming papers and inform academics on how they can scratch the itch of their personal bias a little better.

What 4chan is doing is constantly broadcasting the political implications of historical theories and narratives. This means experts who would normally have their heads down in their particular fields will—somewhere—be exposed to and corrupted by the politics and start contemplating how they can twist the facts in support of their egos. It's probably only going to get worse from here as the continuing shitflinging makes events from millennia ago seem politically relevant to today. Expect more dishonesty in the upcoming future—not just whacky theories that seem to bend reality but also deliberate tampering with or hiding archaeological findings. It has probably already happened.
Apparently, some "indigenous Europeans" don't really like being indigenous and larp as kangz from the steppe, and even that is a shitty angle to coopt other indigenous Europeans.
>History is a lie, mostly political
Welcome to real life
>History is a lie, mostly political
With so many egos on the line, one begins to wonder how scientific certain areas of history really are. History cannot be uncovered by one person. It's a social endeavor. If we cannot assume the historians are working together in good faith, scientific methods are a mere illusion—a ritual of going through the motions in order to present a facade of objectivity.

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