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/his/ - History & Humanities

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I've been enjoying Poynter.
Western is a direction and doesn't really mean anything. Do you mean the traditional art of people belonging to the Aryan race?
How the fuck can you enjoy that? You must really like trees, don't you?
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Nah, you can't join the club, Piotr. Stop with that coping.
Yes, absolutely.
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The difficulty in making an art thread is making sure that you have the best image of a piece which is available on the internet as well as giving it a proper label
Haters gonna hate
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Soviet paintings are for the birds, soviet mosaics are where its at.
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This is another problem with art threads, unless you are very specific with the type of art allow, the thread would quickly get flooded with degenerate art. Degenerate art is easy to mass produce and vastly outstrips the amount of traditional European art which has ever been produced.
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>Marc gives his life for Germany
>Nazis call him a degenerate
>They steal his paintings and put them in their private galleries.
Many unprincipled artists catered to the tastes of Jewish bankers, but this art has nothing to do with the West, Europe or the Aryan race. An art thread which seeks to avoid being flooded with alien degeneracy needs to explicitly exclude such material.
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Well now I'm gonna post nothing but abstract art. Homer is American btw not European.
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That's what degenerate art was created for, it is fundamentally a form of anti-European culture-jamming, it has no other purpose than to be aggressively flooded into spaces where authentic European racial culture tries to express itself
I know, you guys are so boring, the only real art for you are romanticist paintings from the 19th century.
How would you characterize someone like Bosch? He was doing European abstract art centuries before Miro and Marc. In fact a lot of these guys are inspired by his works.
Artistic tastes are an innate expression of the racial character, they don't really change unless the biology of the race changes.
That's not abstract art, that is an attempt to portray the madness and evil of hell, the similarity to the art forced upon us since the defeat of our race is purely coincidental
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If art and artistic taste was based on race, why would anything ever change? Assuming the European race is a constant variable, then the art should remain constant as well.
I dont like the style at all, boring as shit, however I do like his choice of trees as a motif. Trees are underrated as fuck
He probably means the civilizational strain that originated in persia and egypt and later spread north
You dont think Bosch is abstract? What do you think of Dali then?
100% lacking in esprit and joie de vivre. Go out watch some real trees for an hour, infinitely more fun
It doesn't change, it has been converging on the same art forms and motifs for thousands of years
much better, that guy should stick to the bible
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Well of course european art and artists will often express similar themes. But I was asking about taste, which is to say style. If taste is always the same, than style should always be the same no?
We've been posting weekly art threads on /pol/ for 5 years, we've developed our art-posting skills to a very high level over there.
Yes, the search engines are awful
The natural variation in European art is extremely low, the art in the study of a Russian Imperial bureaucrat in Kamchatka or the living room an Anglo-American merchant in 19th century San Francisco do not diverge significantly from what you would find in Pompeii.
Wrong. Abstract and modernist art is pretty much european artists making up a lot of bullshit to disguise that they were stealing eastern, and especially Japanese, ideas and aestethics.

Never mind the how, the job got done and the european aesthetic tradition was mostly done or else synthesized with the japanese tradition. Good riddance, European aesthetics were overloaded and unfit in the modern world
19th century Russian art is beautiful
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Queen of Sheba meets Solomon
So you think european art didn't change at all for thousands of years? If that really is the case I pity you.
Thank you
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Can you imagine super man comics or the coca cola logo done in the Western Tradition - with arabesques, sfumato, chiaroscuro, and the centered overloaded compositions of a Renaissance painter? Lmfao

Nazi brainlets rail against the most conspicuous examples of avant-garde modernism, but will swallow all the everyday examples of japonais-inflicted modernist aesthetics that has completely subjugated the west, starting in the early 19th century
Did Egyptian art change over thousands of years? The art of a biologically and culturally cohesive race does not change short of some catastrophe.
I don't deny that its possible for art to change, I just pity you that you cannot see different styles. To view all eurpean art as identical is to not view it at all, no understanding of how western art developed is to not understand the art itself. To look at a masterpiece and see nothing. That is why I pity you, you dont even know what you are deprived of.
So beautiful
For art not to change* sorry.
Medieval imagination; fantasy
Its hard to find good images, that may be the problem. Very blurry stuff are the only options on Google
You fundamentally misunderstand art, it is operating within strict constraints which gives art meaning.
If anything for those reasons is should be considered more abstract.
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To view all western art as identical is to itself deprive it of all meaning. And if you believe there was never any development, any changes, even any style whatsoever, is so staggering my only reaction is sadness, that someone who has a clear interest in art would ignore art itself.
You're posting superior art, and saying it was gotten from cultures with inferior art. This is called Commie Gaslighting. You can't create beauty so you destroy and lie which is why America will wipe you off the face of the earth, Lord Willing. You've tortured us long enough.
Is Lord of the Rings abstract ? Lmao
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Well you want to compare literature and painting? Certainly the Lord f the rings has abstract elements. But its an interesting case since so much of it is lifted from literature of the past. And it deals with real things like battles. The famous Bosch work is entirely fantastic.
I don't even understand what you are arguing, techniques develop and are lost, artists live and die, but we all keep reaching for the same racial aesthetic which no other race can understand
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Yes, you dont understand and you wont. Thats why I pity you. in your mind, all european art is the same, and it would be impossible to explain to you why that is so wrong. Your mind is closed to the world of art, and you are worse for it.
It is all the same, that's the actually beauty of it
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It so clearly isn't and the fact that this eludes your understanding is a shame.
It's easy to see discord and distortion everywhere and assume it is the norm, it takes a refined mind to identify a vast and subtle a pattern. We have managed to mine this pattern for nearly half a decade of threads while almost repeating ourselves:
This is one of my favorite paintings of all time
This is even more sad, you deprive yourself of even a personal understanding of art and simply form your opinion as part of a collective. No wonder you cant understand what a style is, all you have is what the 'we' tells you.
Just admit that you were pranked by your Jewish art teachers.
NTA (I'm the guy who posted this >>16885114 )
but you sound autistic as hell not gonna lie
I didn't take art classes, I studied on my own, which is probably the biggest hindrance in our discussions, I am able to form opinions, you need the 'we' to tell you what you like. I can view artists and styles, you can only see groups and categories. Anyway, talking to people like you is like talking to people in a cult, and talking t people in a cult is pointless.
*while almost never repeating ourselves
Let's be real, I view more art in a month than you have in your entire lifetimes. You are in no intellectual position to make any conclusions about the aesthetic traditions of the Aryan race
No, but I'll do some gaslighting if you want
Western art had gone overloaded too feminine and plainly gay, and based nippon aesthetics saved us from that. And if you prefer baroque and rococo over the virile simplicity and balls brought in by japonisme then that means you're objectively and irrefutably homosexual, gay as liberace
>I view more art in a month than you have in your entire lifetimes.
>t. guy on /his/
lmao no you don't
You don't view art, 'we' views art. Doesn't matter the quantity. I mean, the more arguments you make the more you make it obvious you aren't even remotely understanding what you are looking at.
Is there any place for someone to make art like this in today's world?

I've been working really hard on painting and in a year or two I'll be as good or better than GCA graduates. But i'm wondering who it's even for. A serious painting takes 40-150 hours. The only hope for enough money is direct sales to rich people or auctions (fuck galleries taking 50%+). Even if they sell, they'll just be in someone's house collecting dust. Feels like painting has no place in culture.
Fuck you
Piece & artist name?
northern vernacular from medieval tradition. not abstract.
and abstract art is a meaningless term anyway. abstract arts of different forms have existed throughout history, but art theorists of that time were obsessed with naming whatever minor art movements with few followers.
If Bosch is just painting in the vernacular as it were, his work would not be so distinct and artwork in that style would be common.
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I'm surprised the chuds don't like Lichtenstein. His structure is so classical.
For a race that prides itself in being intellectual and the fouders of rationality, you retards are very quick to abandon your intellectual and rational foundations to sprout esoteric pseudoscientific bullshit in order to justify your own superiority (or cope with the lack thereof).

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