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Pennsylvania has not carried out an execution in the 21st century but was once a very active user of capital punishment and had executed 804 persons since US independence in 1783 when Alexander Meyer became #805 one summer morning in 1937. He was born in Germantown on August 2, 1917, the son of a well-off coal dealer and had a comfortable upbringing growing up on the family estate in Cornog. In December 1933, Meyer, then 16, tried to pick up two girls in his vehicle. The girls refused, so he followed them down the road, shot, and wounded them with a .22 rifle. Convicted of that assault a month later, Meyer was sentenced to an indeterminate prison term and was released in late 1935 after serving 20 months. He got a job driving a milk delivery truck. Prison psychiatrists had diagnosed him as a "constitutional psychopath."

On February 5, 1937, Meyer offered a 15 year old girl named Jennie Watterson a ride outside Coatesville. She accepted but refused his romantic advances so he beat her over the head but she managed to escape his truck and go get help. On the 11th, Meyer stalked 16 year old Helen Moyer in his truck and followed her from school to her Modena home. At an isolated spot, he rammed Moyer with his truck and knocked her out. Meyer then scooped the girl up, leaving her hat, school books, and shoes behind in the road. He drove her to an abandoned farmhouse and raped her there, and then threw her in an old well where she drowned.
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A 10 year old boy named Mitchell Williams discovered Moyer's discarded belongings while walking along the road later that day. The shoes were literally split in half, the hat was stained and mangled, and nearby lay a broken car headlight from a '35 Ford. It didn't take long for investigators to surmise that someone had ran into her with their car. Either the driver hit Moyer by accident and hid the body to avoid getting trouble for it, or he did it on purpose to attack her. But there was no other evidence at the crime scene to prove anything, no blood or any signs of a struggle.

Search parties consisting of police, Boy Scouts, and WPA workers combed the area and failed to find any trace of Helen Moyer. Townsfolk were talking of a lynching if they ever found out who did this.

Meyer was quickly suspected after the previous girl he attacked reported him to police and described the truck he was driving. Jennie Watterson in fact was Helen's next-door neighbor and both girls wore similar styles of clothing and looked quite similar as well. She recalled how she'd been given a ride in Meyer's truck six days earlier, he tried to grab her, and then hit her over the head with something before she escaped. Watterson said that her assailant got out and started running after her but stopped when he realized she was running towards a possibly occupied house. She said he was very dirty and unshaven, and she could not be sure of exactly how old he was.
Another witness reported seeing the same vehicle on February 11, a green Ford truck and that they saw a man driving around in it with a girl in the passenger seat. He crashed into a lamppost while taking a corner, which would explain why his headlight had broken off and fell onto the road. Meyer's truck was soon identified after cross-checking vehicle registrations and as he was already well-known to police for the shooting incident from three years ago, they took him in for questioning. He was flagged down while driving his delivery truck and the first thing he said to police was that his milk shipment would go bad if they detained him. Jennie Watterson picked him out of a police lineup and he then confessed to knocked out Helen Moyer and raping her. He didn't know if she was dead when he threw her down the well, but he assumed she was.

Meyer said that on February 11, he set out to attack "any girl" he could find. He saw a few targets walking down the road alone but there was always a car nearby so he left them go. Meyer was aware that the Coatesville high school would be letting out in the afternoon and as he drove down the road, multiple girls walked by but again there was always someone else there. Finally he caught Helen Moyer alone about two miles out of town, and there were no other vehicles in sight so he rammed his truck into her and knocked her unconscious before taking her to the farmhouse. The road was very uneven there so he had to stop about 200 yards from it and carry her over his shoulder. After he was done raping Moyer and throwing her down the well, he tossed a stick of dynamite in after her. He said he didn't know Moyer, had never seen her before, didn't even know her name until he read about it in the papers. He didn't try to accost her or offer her a ride because he thought she'd turn him down.
He claimed he never said anything suggestive to Ms. Watterson, but that he did bean her over the head with a tool he had in his truck. Meyer wasn't sure what to do from there, but she escaped his truck and fled. He also offered to take police out to where he ran over Moyer and retrace his steps to the abandoned farmhouse but police worried he might be lynched in the process so they rejected that idea. He was put under armed guard and for good reason--many townspeople in Coatesville looked angry and liable to do something.

Helen's battered body was recovered from the well and an autopsy confirmed horribly that she had been alive the whole time and right until she was thrown in the well and drowned in there.

Meyer waived his right to a jury trial and on April 12 a panel of two judges found him guilty and sentenced him to death. Justice was swift in the 1930s--there were no lengthy appeals processes and on July 12 he was executed in the electric chair at Rockview Penitentiary.
I give you the ultimate incel. Rejected by all females he ever hit on because he's unwashed, ugly, and has nothing to offer women, he is driven to homicide in his desperation to get laid.
I think that's still Guiteau.
He's white, don't care. If he was black this thread would have 95 replies by now.
that's a 16 yo girl? looks like a fucking elderly ass woman.
If he didn't kill her she may well have given birth to a baby boomer down the road so it was for the best.
the only way incels can obtain sex is via rape
you are a moron. she probably looks that way because she was the same generation as the fucking elderly ass women you remember from your childhood.

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