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/his/ - History & Humanities

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Why exactly were the “Aryans” considered “superior?” There’re literally a minority and every civilization had a hate-boner for minorities
They nearly conquered the western world, you tell me.
it's simple anon, when a normal race loses a war or territory, they actually own up to their mistakes, but when anglos lose a war or territory, it's never their own fault, it's always either Jews or blacks or blacks working with Jews, but they're totally still the master race!
Nazis? Nah. They didn't come even close.
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>There’re literally a minority and every civilization had a hate-boner for minorities
IQ 100, builds high trust societies, literally brought the world into the modern era. Why would some irrelevant shit like being a "minority" as a proportion of the world population be important?

The irony is your spiel is irrational and it is the white man's cool rationality that is responsible for everything good in the world. Whereas your semitic nonsense does nothing but stain and sour everything.
>be early anthropology
>before genetics
>the way race was determined was by language since the dawn of time
>lets trace our language back
>it turns out germanic is a very closely related PIE language
>well well well we found these aryan guys from the east that is the root of our language, they must have been quite badass since we are so cool
Aryan is just another word for white people that sounds fancier and appeals to mysticism.
>Aryan is just another word for white people
retarded amerifat
Hitler cannibalizing indian mysticism to make his own warped headcanon will never stop being funny.
It truly makes no sense.
If we account for overall contribution to humanity and history, then the Southernmost Europeans have contributed the most.
If count in the past few centuries and today, then, still, out of the Northern Europeans, the contributions came primarily from French and English, who are the least Nordic out of the Northern races. Then the Germans who in turn are less Nordic than Dutch, who are less Nordic than Scandinavians.
As individuals they are great people, but they have too many flaws (East Asian levels of hivemind bug mentality, it’s no wonder Koreans and Japanese became some of the best countries recently, just like the Nordics) and not enough historical contribution, especially a century ago, for the Nazis to consider them the “peak” humans.
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And why did the bourgeo-fascist scourge blab about aryanism nd nordic racial ideals, when its leaders were anything but?
>If we account for overall contribution to humanity and history, then the Southernmost Europeans have contributed the most.

Because they wanted to encourage healthy eugenics for the future
"we are Aryans"
"we are superior"
"der fuehrer says we are the master race so we HEIL HEIL right in der fuehrer's face"
if Germany was really a high trust society there would have been no need for a secret police.
Wasn't just Hitler, it had been prevalent in Europe for like a century beforehand due to the fundaments of modern philology and British believing they had to be the best so they and the Northern European peoples had to be Aryans, right?
No seriously why'd they make Hitler naked?
Aryans are the only sentient life which evolved on this planet
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"/his/torians" see a graph with numbers and basedjak hard until that graph says something bad about them, then it's [insert boogeyman] shills.
Others wouldve brought themselves into the "modern era" on their own anyways. Putting aside how vague of a concept that is
I want to see how the author defined "significant figure" and "accomplishment". Something about that 2,800 year graph in the top right makes me suspect he intentionally left out Egypt, Persia, India, and China's contributions to art, culture, and science.
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>Why exactly were the “Aryans” considered “superior?”
Christianity was really close to fixing itself but the rapture will have to wait.

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