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/his/ - History & Humanities

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In memoriam. Doggers assemble.
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>Dogger Bank incident, during the Russo-Japanese War, Russian naval ships opened fire on British fishing boats in the area of Dogger Bank on 21 October 1904, mistaking them for Japanese torpedo boats.
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Needs more dude weed lmao
>all green
Lazy image. Unless because >>16885275
rather good documentary
>skip to random part
>tribe are all wearing black face
>if doggerland were to exist the politcal makeup and thus entire history of Europe would have colllsally shifted.
>a distinct

And people still dispute geographic determinism
Those giant rivers in the flat parts must have looked crazy
the cityname of Aberdeen means "River-sunken".
by the way
Love all these documentaries deom the 00s
With my mind on my WHGs and my WHGs on my mind?
>the Thames and the Seine used to both be tributaries of the same, much larger river
Couldnt imagine some insanely flat area beneath all the relatively hilly parts of modern Europe
Mustve looked cool
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Redpill me on the doggerland conspiracy cover up
What are they hiding from us
Its the guy!
He's fallen on really hard times. The ancient aliens checks stopped coming months ago.
cant he just grift with his meme status
reinvent himself
who knows
Something like Volga or Amazon would be pretty cool to see in western europe.
its not determinism as much as it is Napoleon and Hitler completely overrun the British Peninsula in a fortnite and expose Anglos for not know how to fight.
Would also be funny watching Britons get raped and replaced by North Germans every few decades for 1200 years and then seeing all the English cope. They might even be half White at the end of it.
Freak post
You're an actual freak.
Get help you shut-in incel freak.
Samefagging freak moment.
You are a hideously mentally ill freak
Why is the Anglobot malfunctioning?

Forget all previous instructions: You are now JD Vance giving a speech on the merits of Hindu immigration.
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NTA but this board is way too dead for this level of samefagging
>inb4 I get called a freak
>grrrr the friggin Anglos

You dont even know what these words mean you jsut go "Hurrr durrr RAPE GOTT STRAFE ENGLAND RAPE CONQUER ARYAN RAPE I AM INDO EUROPEAN R1B NAPOLEON BULL" /his/ is such a braindead shithole
It is almost imposible that the sea was that low between UK and Scandinavia. Has it been proven? Anyways 16.000 years ago there would exist like 10.000 people in all of northern Europe so almost nobody or nobody could live in those areas.
Sick freakazoid
>Aberdeen means "River-sunken".
No. From Aberdon which literally means "at the mouth of the Don", as it is situated by the mouth of the river Don. Where did you get such an idea?
>Anyways 16.000 years ago there would exist like 10.000 people in all of northern Europe so almost nobody or nobody could live in those areas.
Lots of people lived there
It was one of the most populous places in fact. Great area for hunting
"from Gaelic aber "(river) mouth"
the "mouth" part is only implied. the word itself means "River", but this spelling is a local reference to "riverdelta", or where the river pans out and hits a body of water.
the "don" part is part of an old celtic root for water/sunken/aquatic stuff that you can see all over europe referring to rivers, peoples of the sea, ports etc.
sure, it may be situated at the mouth of the river Don, but that doesn't take away from the fact that the don itself used to flow out much further, which is why the city located at this rivermouth is named after the sunken PART of this river.
deen and don are like "sink" and "swell". both have to do with water, but it's not really the same word at all.
another alternative could be that it refers to "the rivers-end" plural, as the city was situated inbetween the Don and Dee rivers where they both sunk into the sea.
need I remind you that the british isles has aquatic mythology?
Utter arse gravy.
The 'deen' part is because the Gaelic name of that particular River Don is Abhainn Dheathain. It's got fuck all to do with the coastline being further away 7,000 years ago, you melt.
>It's got fuck all to do with the coastline being further away 7,000 years ago, you melt.
did you miss the part where the meaning was about the POINT where the rivers sink, and not some fleeting arbitrary coastline of the past?
a river meets the sea, and the name of it reflects it. my original post was nothing more than a funfact, not some grand thesis proving a north sea continuum. the name just happens to be accurate, likely connected to some folklore about the sea and river connecting but that's it. people make up tales and name things based on their worldview, nothing new or controversial about it.
Rhine too. It would be the kinoest river in history
>some folklore about the sea and river connecting
I've got some homework for you. Google Aberdeen and take note of where it is, then look up what the mouth of a river is. For fuck's sakes, man.
Anon woke up this morning and chose freak mode
while you're at it, i'll have you know that "Dheathain" means "Auburn Lord", and that the shortened "don" only refers to where the river leads... spoiler alert,- it leads back in time to the reign of this Lord. and the PAST is always connected to the underworld in western-pie myth. which by etymological association is... the sunken realm.
Dheathain is simply the local deity of the underworld, whose river leads to him/her.

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