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Are pagan gods actually Djinn?
I’d bury my penis deep in her blue vagina

If you get what I’m saying
But Djinn aren't demons.

The gods of exodus, books of kings and other early bible books are clearly gods, thats why the egyptian priests can do magic and moab drives the jews off with a sacrifice
Djinns are unseen fire entities worshipped by the Abrahamic Aryan Alien Cult.

Fun and dumb.

Profoundly stupid.
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You want proof?
Every single theological idea that they promote is 100% opposite to what Jesus say

Life is not equal. Emperor at the top, slaves at the bottom
J: All men are equal under the eyes of the Lord

If you are at the top, you are blessed by the gods
J: Blessed are the poor. Rich men find great difficulty in getting to heaven

If you have plenty, then use it however you want.
J: He who was given much, much is expected in return.

Great contributions please the gods greatly
J: the widow who gave 2 coppers gave more than the merchants

Always put yourself first
J: The last shall be the first, the first shall be the last

The hardworker earns more
J: All workers of the vine receive the same reward, regardless of the amount of time they worked

Love your people as they love you
J: Love your enemies and pray for them

And so on and so forth

Heck, even Jesus' sacrifice itself is a full-blown inverse of temple offerings
In the pagan temples, food is offered to the gods which is then eaten by the worshipers
Jesus did the opposite where he, the God, is the offering who is then eaten by the people who sinned against him

And this have yet to include all the bullshit societal rituals that every pagan society follows (which Christianity destroyed) like the Feng shui of the Chinese, Brahmic law of the Indians, and the seppuku of the Japanese

Everything about Jesus is RADICAL.
And yet, no one can raise one, just one, single argument. For 2000 years

Jesus is an anomaly that stood as the greatest middle finger to the old world.
An anomaly against the foul DEMONS that have ruled the Earth since the fall of man
Monotheism is a contradictory mess.
>my values are a subversion of the natural order of things
>it's the pagans who are wrong
Why dont modern demons let their worshippers do cool magic tricks
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All pagans are WRONG

You want proof?
Jesus is the ONE and ONLY philosopher in history that no one can debate with.

His words have been publicly available for 2000 years and yet, no one can say that he is wrong in anything. At all.

Anything made by man can be challenged by another man
Yet here is a man that cannot be touched
Christianity is PROTO-BOLSHEVISM
Christ didn't write anything, he wasn't a philosopher, the gospels were third hand accounts written a century later.
There's nothing particularly unique or special about christ as much as you insist otherwise.
The fact that no one can say that he is wrong in anything say otherwise

Jesus bulldozed every single pagan theological foundation and no one can create an argument against him

Which says a lot
>no one can create an argument against him
What are you talking about? Tell me 5 things that you think Jesus said, and I will prove them wrong.
>nobody can create an argument against him when I block my ears and go LALALA
Who authored the gospels?
No, more like jezus and mohhamed were "djinns". There are no djinns here up north unlike in middle east. Those two decide to lead people astray from worshipping their Gods and Ancestors, while also taking over the globohomo empires of the time. christianity - globoromo, and then islam creating globoarabo.
Abrahomos (besides maybe Joos, but their god is more like a pagan god who was anal about his worshippers worshipping only him) can't even deal with the problem of evil.
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Look above

It's been 2000 years.
And no one can argue with him

That problem literally started in Christianity. Every pagan religion dismisses it as just victim blaming from your karma or whatever
>And no one can argue with him
You just dodged the question.
>every abrahamic religion dismisses it as just victim blaming for not knowing god enough or whatever
I didn't
Look above

No. It's dismissed as "Have faith in him"
It's the same faith as having a wife who is suddenly late home. She could be up to no good but because she has shown her nature to be of love and loyalty, you have faith
Likewise, God already came in the flesh and has shown his nature to be that of love and truth. Have faith in plan that everything will turn out well and he is with you no matter how dark it gets
>I didn't
Who authored each of the gospels?
>No. It's dismissed as "Have faith in him"
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Right in the book. John, Mark, Mathew, Luke, Paul, Priscila, and Phoebe

Every single prophet and apostle raised their tests and John himself ordered to test the spirits
It is you who cannot answer what would convince you

If you will ignore the single biggest anomaly in history, then you are fucked. Your pride has blinded you and it must first be broken down

Consider this post a warning for your future. Remember to pray once that day come. He'll be there
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>Right in the book. John, Mark, Mathew, Luke, Paul, Priscila, and Phoebe
Except this isn't true, you've not even seriously considered this question.
>If you will ignore the single biggest anomaly in history
You will ignore the fact that Christianity is a first century doomsday cult that claimed the end would occur the lifetime of the apostles themselves
Cool. Whatever
This is why Christians insist on blind faith.
Arguments are up above
YOU are ignoring it.

We're done.
Do as you will.
Your arguments have been addressed and refuted. You are quite literally ignoring my arguments. Are you a man of honor, or a snake? If it's the former, why do you not address my points?
Up above.
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>my argument is that nobody can argue with me
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Jesus created the modern world. Each and every single law we have right now is founded under HIS theology

A theology that not once.
Not a single once
Have anyone ever managed to argue with


This is a fucking anomaly that has been staring at you since the day you were born and you are acting as if it is normal
Christianity won through numbers and violence, not through rational debate. You aren't addressing any of my criticisms.
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you come here 2000 years later to kvetch and seethe
that's proof of Christianity's power and truth.
>AI generated image
checks out
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>he wasn't a philosopher
Actually that's exactly what he was.
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2000 years!
Two fucking thousand years of the bible being open to the public!

And not one can refute Jesus in anyway

Jesus is perfect
Jesus is divine

And even you can do jackshit but cope all day at the fact that he is the sole person in history whose words are still completely unchallenged.

That said, enjoy your future
See >>16885857

Behold, your Philosopher!
This qoute is from Cornelius Celsus who coped about the rising popularity of Christianity by spreading rumors about how
>Mary is an adulteres
>Jesus was the son of a soldier named Panthera
>Mary fled to Egypt to avoid persecution
>Moses and Jesus are jugglers from Egypt and learned their tricks there.

He is literally coping because Christainity is on the rise. 50 years after he died, Christianity became the state religion of Armenia
coping is when you are confronted with facts, reason and arguments but spew bullshit to avoid confronting it. Like you're doing right now!
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fine, here's a real one
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Big Bang was created by a Hungarian priest who originally called it Primeaval Atom

When it first got introduced, atheists coped hard and said it was ridiculous that the universe came from a Big Bang, hence the name

Science was never in your favor
This is just plain whattaboutism
>Mary was a prostitute
>Yeshu'ah's father was called Pantera
>Moshe and Yeshua were Egyptian con artists

All true btw.
All gods are "pagan". Just that jews and those who larp as jews think that set/typhon/yahweh/baal is somehow not.
Yes, they're daemons (spirits) and yahweh is a cacodaemon (poo-spirit).
>Animepedo is christian
Lmaooo of fucking course.
>are [one class of invented beings] [another class of invented beings]?
why doesn't your ilk move over to /x/?
Rebbe saul of tarsus literally had cope about reason not being real because pagan philosophers regularly btfo'd him.
Odin says like half of the things jesus says here in Havamal, get off your high horse, and he also martyrs himself for humanity.
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most possesive demons got obliterated by the early spread of christianity and everywhere west of iraq are like animals at danger of extinction but the spread of islam allowed them to wander the earth without the ability to posses anyone anymore and in east asia they still act as if jesus never came and feel free to infect pentecostals and politicians like mao
Odin is the god of frenzy, betrayal, and death. Fuck off
He even practiced seidr - a barbaric form of magical ritual wherein self-mutilation is needed to perform magic. In his case, he sacrificed his eye to gain insight into the future

Norse lands are barbaric precisely because they worship barbarians who advocate barbaric things. Saga of Hadding involves a king who witnessed the death of his friends and family until he had enough and hanged himself as sacrifice for Odin

This is your demon worship
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Yes, and?
>Odin is the god of frenzy, betrayal, and death.
Yes, Odin is driven to insanity because he opposes the natural order of the universe. He appreciates the soundness of the natural order in his lucid moments, as in Havamal.
Odinic berserkers are regularly depicted as villains, and Odin himself understands himself to be a villain because of his acts of frenzy and betrayal. He is, at the end of the day, a scared old man. Not evil.
Odin personally betrays people (almost always demons, but w/e), he does not advocate humans to betray one another. In fact, breaking an oath is one of only 3 things that will send someone to norse hell (nastrond), and men betraying and fighting amongst each other is said to be a sign of the endtimes in voluspa.
>a barbaric form of magical ritual wherein self-mutilation is needed to perform magic. In his case, he sacrificed his eye to gain insight into the future
The sacrifice of the eye had nothing to do with seithr. Seithr is just soothsaying, and usually included the use of augury objects, like sticks and animal bones. There was no general requirement of self-mutilation. Odin's self-mutilation is meant to represent the lengths he would go to to discover knowledge.
Like hell you are
Like hell they are.

Human sacrifice is essential in norse rituals. Madness is seen as a blessing, and the patriarch is allowed to murder children he finds unsuitable for their clan. It's just like every demon worship in the world
>Human sacrifice is essential in norse rituals.
it's not. The norse did not engage in ritualized human sacrifice. The worst you can say is that they executed criminals in a pseudo-ritualized fashion, but christians and now secular atheists do the same thing, so they can't really judge.
>Madness is seen as a blessing
Except Odin repeatedly extolls the virtue of lucidity and rationality in Havamal so you're just wrong on this point. Again, berserkers are antagonistic figures.
>and the patriarch is allowed to murder children he finds unsuitable for their clan
murder is the second of only 3 things that get you sent to nastrond so you're just wrong. Unless you're referring to killing babies by exposure? In which that was heavily frowned upon by norse pagans.
Archeological evidences and artistic depictions say otherwise
They have found lots of Hyoscyamus niger in norse graves suggesting heavy usage, especially among the Berserkers, who are considered the Elites
>Archeological evidences and artistic depictions say otherwise
with respect to what claim? Human sacrifice?
Again, those are executions. The individuals in norse sagas who are being "sacrificed" are always captured enemies and rivals who are being put to death in a ritualized fashion.
The only major exception is Brynhildar committing mass suicide with her servants in the heroic lays of the codex regius so they can all travel to the afterlife together. But she was a psychotic cunt, so her actions aren't necessarily meant to be instructive.
9 year sacrifice, bitch
As many as 99 humans, chickens, goats, dogs, horses, etc are all sacrificed for the gods to serve in Ragnarok

I don't care if they say that they are criminal. The fact that it is theologically enforced incentivizes unjust law enforcement
christianity also theologically endorses executing criminals. Most ancient religions do. It makes a lot of sense nowadays to be against retributive justice systems and forms of law enforcement. I personally, based partially on Odin's teachings in the Havamal, have come to believe that rehabilitation should be the sole, overriding goal of criminal justice.
But in most societies that have the type of industrial infrastructure that we have to support massive prison complexes for housing inmates, then what the fuck do you do when someone murders your mom? Set aside the fact of revenge, if someone is provably disposed to killing other humans, you can't just let them go, can you? But neither can you imprison them for a reasonable time, if at all. Death is really the only option you have. I don't necessarily hold that against any historical culture or religion.
>But in most societies that have the type of industrial infrastructure
that don't* have
Executing yes
But never ritualistic nor in quotas
>But never ritualistic nor in quotas
the quota shit is just christian slander. The only mention Odin even makes of sacrifice in eddic poetry is in havamal when he explicitly says that he'd prefer that people didn't sacrifice anything to him at all rather than making excessive sacrifices.
Not to mention the archaeological record simply doesn't support the fact that the norse allegedly sacrificed like 1,000 different animals, including 100 humans, just shy of once every decade. If norse pagans had spent some 500 years sacrificing thousands of animals and humans in particular locations, we'd have literal mountains of bones to sort through, but we don't.
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You kidding?
It is not rare to find bodies in wells inside fortresses. Wells is a sacred symbol to the Norse. And many of those skeletons were of children

And let us not get into widow burnings
>It is not rare to find bodies in wells inside fortresses
the norse didn't worship in fortresses, they worshipped, and would have apparently engaged in the mass slaughter of thousands of humans and animals, in sacred groves out in nature, so the bodies would be on those sites.

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