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Racism is entirely unchristian. That's why Paul (the biggest contributor to the New Testament and the best-attested of the Apostles) said that there is no Greek nor Jew, man nor woman, for all are one in Jesus Christ. Christianity's values of universalism, justice, the equal worth of all souls and sympathy for the suffering and downtrodden are diametrically opposed to any kind of racism, exclusivity or discrimination.
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Racism is a protestant creation, Christians share the common denomination of sons and daughters of God and a same spiritual nation, the Church
Racism is perfectly compatible with Christianity and the Church and your moral values are not based in Christianity but rather in 21st century western secularism.
Why did the Orthodox church declare Phyletism a heresy then?
Plot twist: some races are godless
a term literally invented by a bolshevik jew 1900 years after Christ
has nothing to do with Salvation.
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oy vey
Phyletism means that you put the nation above the church, or try to make them equivalent, which is heretical, but it doesn't mean that the church doesn't recognize differences in culture and nations. Just like overt racism and nationalism is heretical, so is an incessant need for multiculturalism. A good Christian should always be suspicious of passion regardless of which direction it takes.
>Racism is a protestant creation
Kek, racism was invented by catholic iberians
So basically you can't hate a nigger breeding your daughter if he has a cross around your neck got it

Christianity preempted Bolshevism by creating the abstraction of a "humanity" as a universal brotherhood with moral relevance and equal intrinsic worth that should all be held to the same standards.
Christobolshevism - > socialism and communism - > progressive leftism, bioleninism, LGBT inversion of Christian sexual mores with emphasis on universal love, tolerance and exaltation of the persecuted and "underprivileged"

Pontius Pilate killed a random commie and he did nothing wrong. Unfortunately they didn't kill #1 christobolshevik agitprop jew kike marxian niggerlover boss Paul who basically made up a whole religion around duping slaves and retards to turn the world into a sewer after jewsus got nailed to a tree for ripping off the essenes and pythagoreans
No, you totally can.
The term "racist" was coined at least in 1919 by a spic, not a Jew, as per the OED.
You seem to fantasize about a nigger breeding your daughter
The bible doesn’t actually clarify who is and who isn’t human, it does give humans dominion over non humans

so if you consider certain races to be subhuman or non human, racism perfectly aligns with Christianity,

The people who decide who is and who is not human are politicians. Not the bible.

It’s not even scientists given how political their work is on controversial subjects e.g. genetic influence on intelligence let alone other factors like aggression
>So basically you can't hate a nigger breeding your daughter if he has a cross around your neck got it
Christianity generally teaches to listen to your parents and serve your community, which implies that you should not engage outside of your community. Not necessarily out of racial reasons but out of virtue and respect for your peers and ancestors who have fought your family and community.
Fought for*
Says in the Bible the Ethiopian eunuch was one of the first to be converted to the Way of Jesus who didn't come from Judea, so it's pretty clear that darkies are humans.
That's nonsense, the Christian god is the same as the old testament god, and he has absolutely no problem with racial genocide.
The Orthodox Church are heretics themselves
>um ackshually
Irrelevant goalpost moving pilpul. Trotsky used it first to describe groups he wanted to eliminate.
So if your boomer parents are the ones donating your entire inheritance to "charity" for worthless niggers smacking their lips and licking their fingers after messily eating fried chicken paid for with white dollars, it's okay? Honour thy father and thy mother and their Fox/CNN-induced worship of Israel/niggers dude. The more I hear about Christianity the more amazingly suited to the modern world it sounds. People who preach this retarded bullshit definitely shouldn't be thrown out of helicopters like the communist retard world-polluters they are.
Richard Henry Pratt was using it before Trotzky.
Yeah of everyone who even slightly inconveniences kikes lol
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Racism is a concept which is contrary to nature because nature verifies differences exist between races.

Racism, as a concept, was created recently in order to deprive God's people of their ability to protect themselves from destruction.
to wipe out political opponents?
dumb fuck
How many chinless dickless white israelite and cognitive dissonance-immune groyper LARPers frequent this site? It's like if 1800 years from now some incel was telling everyone about how Karl Marx really meant to gas the Jewish bourgeoisie and poor people are subhumans
>racism is Christian
Where's that in the Bible?
Retarded LARPer false Christian. This mindset is exactly what sets apart Jews from Christ.
>no you can't argue against my flimsy unsupported claims that's pilpul
/pol/tranny cope
>God told me white people are the best and we should kill shitskins
Another mentally ill /pol/tranny
>oy vey
it is pilpul when you "argue" in bad faith like a lying jew. argue honestly, and nobody will call you out
the word "racist" was used before Trotzky, dumb fuck
/pol/ and stormfront keep lying to you
If racism disqualifies you from being a Christian, then that disqualifies 99.9% of the people (of all races) who called themselves Christian before the 21st century.
Given that leaked FBI memo supporting pushing right wing extremists to traditional Catholicism to neutralize them politically I suspect most of the Christian identity larpers are more of the same
So protestants are based? Sounds good
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Christian case for racial separation:
1. Races exist. No, race is not a requirement for salvation but that does not negate the fact that race exists. Short people and tall people can go to heaven, that does not make them the same height, and it does not mean you are sinning if you don't pick the short person to be on your basketball team.
Our country is our "team." Not everyone should be on the same team. Everyone can get salvation in their own country.
2. God commands us to be as wise as serpents. Ignoring reality does not make us wise, it disobeys the command. The truth is never an enemy of God. Saying race doesn't exist or matter is a denial of truth.
3. God acknowledges the existence of race many times, and in revelations it said at the end of times all the nations are present. From this we can conclude this "one race the human race" nation doesn't exist at the end of times. And God never asked us to create this one race country.
4. Foreigners in your land is a punishment from God in the Bible. It's absurd to assume God wanted us to recreate our own punishment from God.
5. It will make everyone happier and lead to less violence. Blacks want to be ruled by blacks. This is normal.
In short, nothing in the Bible supports multi-culturalism, and everything in reality and nature (which God created) tells us it's a bad idea. God separated us, it wasn't a mistake God wanted us to fix.
Translation to non-/pol/ese:
>1. The tall black guys on the basketball team fucked my crush so they need to be kept away from her by state violence so I can get my little dick wet
>2. God commands us to be wise and clearly as a 16 year old racist /pol/weenie my musings about the world and heavily biased opinions are objectively correct reality that society needs to be moulded around.
>3. Somehow all the nations being present in the same way at the end times to experience the judgement of God means black people need to be kept far far far away from me
>4. We are actually Old Testament Jews guys!!!! Also it's absurd to assume God wanted us to recreate our own punishment from God that he personally caused humans to have to act out and experience ruin for disobeying him throughout the Old Testament!!!!
>5. Not having any niggers around is in line with my political aims and it makes me happier since I can get laid!!!!!

The workings of the /pol/weenie mind everyone

LMAO please post that memo, that makes all the fucking sense in the world. Unironically this is probably 90% of the reason Roman Emperor adopted Christianity in the first place (and 70 year old white guys in swissbank and Goldman Sachs adopt its moral descendant, BLM and LGBT shit): to make people passive brainwashed slaves who slave morality can be weaponised against if they try to push against the system in any meaningful way.
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reasonable take and well articulated
retarded emotional shitposting and cringe
>you don't get it I'm the cool calm and collected chad wojak and you're the crying niggerjak ok
To Caesar its own. Racial consciousness is a secular matter so is unrelated to spiritual life.
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just watch me
>i cant defend my anti Christian rhetoric, so I'll call you a jew and hope you forget the argument
/pol/tranny meltdown
The old covenant actually forces Israelites to care about foreigners, it's repeated quite many times there.
Like, this phrase, as the verse about Christ's kingdom being not of this world, is literally the most important thing in Christianity, why can't larpers comprehend it?
Christianity is away from politics whether left-wing or right-wing. This is also the reason why Christians are rich and Mohammedans, sticking to the obsolete old covenant, are poor.
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Jewish claws typed this post.
I am against all kalergi plans or similar schemes. Will remain so indefinitely.
>Christ's kingdom being not of this world
But it is established upon the earth and its people are God's people, who are of God and so not of this world like any others. You perverters of Christianity have a special place in hell appointed for you.
Israel Zangwill was also an anti-Zionist and predicted that the birth of the state of Israel would cause endless strife between Jews and Palestinians.
He is only hating Jews that don't accept christ. He's not antisemitic but anti judaic and an anti racist.
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cool it with the judenspiel
Racism itself has nothing to do with Christianity. It’s just compatible with Christianity. Notice the massive difference when you don’t put words in other people’s mouths?
It's not compatible though
>compatible with Christianity.
It is, in fact, compatible. Nothing about Christianity mandates a belief that human races are biologically equal in all regards on average, nor does it mandate the interchangeability of ethnicities in national bodies. Nothing about believing Jesus was God necessitates that you also believe the average IQ of blacks is higher than 85.

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