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>No Muslim anti-art laws to stop artistic Renaissance as in the Balkans
>Even Greece has El Greco despite Islam
How so?
>Not a single artist of note
Those countries produced a ton of fun video games and heavy metal music
weak bait
Hungary has Albrecht Durer thoughbeit
I think he meant visual artist
>Scandinavian design
>Swedish music production
>German engineering and science
LITERALLY soulless garbage
Nigga is proud of Ikea lmao
So true, holmes
germs burned everything
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Imagine being that ignorant.
Central and Northern Europeans are among the most artistically productive races on the planet, all your post really tells me is that you are a burger.
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>William Hogarth
>Jan Matejko
>Edvard Munch
>Theodor Kittelsen
>Albrecht Durer
>Zdzislaw Beksinski
I could go on, and those are just the painters/draughtsmen.
If we include all arts then Germany and Hungary make massive contributions to music and England to literature and theater.
If you don't appreciate pan-European art, you are not European.
Literally whos?

I buy it
What's the point of bragging about your American ignorance of Central and Northern European culture? The only art Americans are exposed to is African music and Jewish movies.
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Medcenric shitalian dishwasher in London doesn't know of anybody his shitty Highschool didn't mention, not surprised, that doesn't mean that they didn't exist and that they aren't impressive

>16th century Crete

You stupid cunt.
whenever we create beauty, the rest of the world turn into braindead idol worshippers over our crafts.
we turned over to more abstract beauty, because that is torture to other idol-dependent people.
german painting
Then OP is a retard.
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>Not a single artist of note
All I see are imitations of previous artists, not ugly aesthetically, but not universal works worthy of being remembered.

Oh come on the Wanderer is one of the most iconic paintings ever, everyone and their mother knows it. What paintings? do you know, the Monnalisa and that’s that? Are you 5?
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here is 1k pages of just German excellence in ~2 centuries
>My knowledge of art exclusively comes from my high school textbook but I haven't read past the renaissance bit
Kill yourself
Literally not, you idiot.
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Depending on your definition of artist, deutschland dominates classical music pretty thoroughly.
Also wrong and gay.
Is this children doodle what nordcucks call art? Lmao
Yeah I guess we ain't the same.
You're not Italian, though
>literally invents international art
>no artists in central europe
weak bait.
europe has defined what art means for the entire world. everything non european is ethnic and anthropologists have spent the last hundred years to undo this reductionism, to no effect.
Ok here's something from my country
>Despite islam
This has to be bait... Crete was under Venetian Christian rule, and Venice was one of the main centers of painting during the Rensaissance

Still. North Central Europe had hundreds of gifted artists during that period
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Yes. That's the face of a man who is genetically similar to the Roman race. Also a man whose ancestors produced good art. Was tyere anything you were trying to say?
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Wow possibly the most generic mediocre uninspired painting ever
You know that the goal of art is the pursuit of beauty right?
Also Murillo is a bigger name than any German painter (Durer was Hungarian so he wasn't anymore German than El Greco was Spanish) and he isn't even a top 5 painter from Spain. Kinda sad!
Though I admit it was a silly idea to try to convince a lutheran heathen with a picture of the virgin Mary
literally who
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Murillo is shit. Holbein, a German, was the court painter of the English crown and he destroys him easily. If Murillo is one of the Best Spicaniard painters that says a lot.

No, art isn't necessarily the pursuit of beauty, by even going by that definition the Holbein the younger, Grunewald, Durer, all greatly surpass any shitty Spanish painter of their time. They completely demolish them on a technical skill level.
You will always be swarthy
That's your opinion
Most people who are well read on the matter would disagree.
Yeah I mean so were all of the great painter. Look at how dark Michelangelo was.
Maybe being swarthy is a pre requisite to produce world class art
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Retard. Germans are both technically superior and ooze 900% more soul than that shitty rehashed soul-less icon of Mary you posted virtually indistinguishabel from thousands of nearly identical mediore ones
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Even the best french painter was swarthy.
You need to have some melanin to produve some good drawing I guess. Flemish seem to be a unique curious exception.
>most people would disagree
Lol no. German painters like Holbein, Grunewald are both seen as extremely skilled and gifted masters by pretty much 100% of art critics. The fact that you didn't know about them doesn't change this simple fact.
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Funny wow of saying: "I'm an ignorant retard"
Again with this shit? Nobody knows Murillo. That's not a valid argument to downplay a painter. 100% of art critics know of these guys and praise them. You're a retard and a sore loser.

Besides, I'm not German nor "nordic" and I already knew of some of these painters like Grunewald, Holbein and Durer, but then I'm a again I'm not the lowest denominator ignorant retard like you
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You've lost
I don't know then :/
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I did knew about them and didn't deny that they were talented, just inferior to contemporary Mediterranean artist.
What devianart user is he?
I like Murillo
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You should know that you've lost
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Decent, still not any better than this second rank, but talented German painter (Mielich), let alone the greats like Holbein and Altdorfer
You're out of your mind nordtroon.
Your opinion don't matter. There's something called the western canon and Murillo has a greater place in it than any of your shicklgruber.
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Because you say do, retard? You lost long ago, there are many good German painters and many of them more talented than Spanish ones

Funny how you also have to exclude Belgiun and the Netherlands because even in your abysmal ignorance and reterdation are aware than those blow Spicaniards out of the water. But that's totally fine, I could keep posting German masters like this all day. Meanwhile you're stuck with muh Murillo, and only 1 out of the 2 paintings you posted is decent. Where are the great Portuguese masters, by the by?
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Lol, butthurt loser, you lost so bad
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You lost so bad
Crete wasnt conquered by Ottomans yet when El Greco was born there.
In the Uk many earlier artworks were destroyed by protestants so now it seems art over there started with the Tudors. Germs had Dürer, Cranach, Altdorfer, Grünewald, Holbein, Baldung...
Dont know about eastern euros and scandinavians though.
>Because you say do, retard? You lost long ago, there are many good German painters and many of them more talented than Spanish ones
You don't understand. I'm not expressing my opinion, just commonly admitted evidences.
>Funny how you also have to exclude Belgiun and the Netherlands
Because they were not included in OP's pic. If we want to go that way Tuscany alone has more world class artist than the rest of the world combined.
>Where are the great Portuguese masters
Diego Velazquez father was Portuguese and he's one of the greatest and most influential artist of all times
I assumed OP was talking about 1500-1600s
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Yeah it's your opinion, retard. Saying it's commonly accepted doesn't make it so.
>Diego Velazquez father was Portuguese
So you couldn't even mention one single full Moortuguese artist of note, I accept your surrender, tard.
Cohesive list of the 25 most influential and important painters of all time
Only the best of the best
Those are NOT my opinion. Those are FACTS
Donatello (Tuscan)
Botticelli (Tuscan)
Dürer (Hungarian, born in Germany)
Michelangelo (Tuscan)
Raphael (Italian, Marches)
Titian (Venetian)
El Greco (Cretan Greek)
Caravaggio (Lombard)
Rubens (Flemish)
Velazquez (Portuguese and Andalusian)
Rembrandt (Dutch)
Vermeer (Dutch)
Goya (Spanish/Basque)
Delacroix (French)
Cézanne (French)
Monet (French)
Gauguin (French, some Peruvian Spanish)
van Gogh (Dutch)
Klimt (Born in Austria, paternally Czech)
Munch (Norwegian)
Matisse (French)
Mondrian (Dutch)
Picasso (Andalusian Spanish)
Dali (Catalan Spanish)
Frida Kahlo (Mexican Mestiza)
Picasso is half Italian, so if you want Durer out because he's half Hungarian half German you must have Picasso out also.

So you have only one (North) Spanish guy
AN arbitrary list like others were more German painters are mentioned than Spictardian ones
Picasso was less than half Italian, 1/8 or 1/16. Also I'm not the same anon.
It's not arbitrary
van gogh, goya and frida kahlo are all massively overrated
replace goya by picasso and i agree
painting generally declined in the mid 19th century, thanks the french for that
basically everyone after delacroix in this list is overrated.
Jews intentionally promote shitty and unrelatable artists in order to alienate us from our artistic traditions. Nobody before WWII would have placed any of these artists in the top 25.
Polish art is 10/10
>argumentum ad populum
I guess mcdonalds is the best food in the world then, with indian street slop in second place
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They are too square headed for arts, Hitler is your quintessential example

Add Remedios Varo and Sorilla to that list
>da joooooz
The Jews have had total control over all art in our countries since WWII and they have openly and aggressively worked to erase the artistic traditions of Europe. The last European movement to resist Jewish rule was fundamentally a revolutionary artistic movement.
This thread really riled up the nordcucks
Good job OP
Hey I've seen this guy in another thread lol. We are gonna have to come up with a nickname for you.
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Are you sure thats a german painting?
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They still seething, kek
This guy has an image library of the most boring artworks known to mankind.
I agree with you, the top 25 artists all come from paris in the years 1850-1899.
great contribution
I don't think I've ever seen someone so obsessed with late 19th century romanticism. No wonder there was such a severe reaction to this style in the 20th century, just look at all these identical paintings.
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Germans are autists. Autists are bad at visualizing things. They're like human calculators. That's why they're only good at music but not in other artistic fields. At LEAST they are good at music though. Their Nordcuck cousins are absolutely embarrassing in every single artistic field in comparison.
It was the last artistic tradition that we had before our civilization ended, so it will continue to have a disproportionate impact on the aesthetics of remnant post-civilizational Aryans
Yeah you dont need to reply, we already know you dont actually care about art.
I have never know a german band desu
"Bands" are postwar Judeo-African music.

See Aryan music:
Meant for >>16890239
They had music bands in your beloved belle epoque my schitzo friend.
Yes, they were called orchestras
Wrong again, the band was called a band and it would be a brass band or a military band or whatever.
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Imagine trying to deny Meds/Latins don't absolutely mog Germshits in art. There is only the illusion that they don't because of Angloid cope over overrating their writers and overrating German composers.
>Flemish seem to be a unique curious exception.
the Flemish are rather swarthy bruh
A military band has no genealogical relation to performers of postwar Judeo-Congolese drum music
Cherrypicking Spicnard cope
Hey you know they had drums in 19th century europe as well? I can't believe you forgot about military bands, I would assume you listen to nothing but marches to go along with looking at nothing but romanticist painting.
You couldn’t paint as good as the worst of these german painters if your life depended on it and you had 80 years to finish it
The drum is the lowest form of musical instrument and is only suited to beating away conscious thought in order to facilitate mindless marching, it has no real basis in European culture, it keeps being re-introduced via Africa and Asia.

All post-WWII music promoted under ZOG are just slight variations on Congolese drum music.
Well they use drums in orchestra as well as you mentioned earlier. Boy you know even less about music than you do about art.
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I didn't say I could, but that doesn't mean they are better or even remotely on the level of Med/Latin ones.
It is only as emphasis in a few places, in contrast the drumbeat is the fundamental basis of your African music
Do you have any actual convictions? Your perspective on a single instrument has changed to drastically in every post.
>Northern Italians created substantial art during the period between the Renaissance and the Baroque
>Literal genetic Syrians from the south try to take credit
Pure larp
>muh North
Tuscany is Central Italy. You know, the region where the Romans were from.

Also, Bernini was from Naples (with half Tuscan ancestry).
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Before the imperial era Syrian migrations all of the Italic peoples looked like modern Northern Italians, stop trying to claim Roman civilization for terrones
Tuscany is closer to Berlin than it is to Alexandria of Egypt

Tuscans also have some of this ancestry.
Pure cope, Anatolia itself has been demographically replaced by Syrians multiple times, and your chart has nothing to with that anyway.
Male height adjusted for major environmental factors is positively related mainly to ancestry components BHG (Baltic hunter-gatherers), Villabruna, and Yamnaya, and the combined frequency of five Y haplogroups (I1, I2a-P37.2, N, Q, R1b-U106)
Throwing in some impressionism and art nouveau? Oh be still my heart.
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>and your chart has nothing to with that anyway
Yeah, I'm sure it's just a coincidence that Joos and Italians score the respective ancestries they belong to when you model them accurately.
Southern Europe underwent multiple population replacements since classical times, none of this nonsense is relevant
So did your country, Germshit. Germans used to be Scandinavian-like before they got mutted into being more Med.
Agreed, we can all benefit from being more Scandinavian-like
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You know you kinda prove OP's point when all you post is art done in the French style.
Murillo quite controlled all Baroque scenography and techniques and did play with shadows/lights contrast, techniques that northern painters never controlled until 1800s
The French are Northern Europeans
>techniques that northern painters never controlled until 1800s
guess Rembrandt is not a northern painter heh
Well they aren't highlighted on the map.
Poland has a lot of good art. Look it up.
Bump thread
just go get wheeled goal posts
Alalakh is like 15 minutes by car from Syria
no they aren't.

They were masters of light
replace frida kahlo by Hieronymus Bosch and I agree
this has got ot be the most cherrypicked image I've ever seen
Where are

Cherry picked bullshit
>before plato
all of them were born before plato retard
also not included are

Retard post by someone pushing a stupid agenda
Ancient Greeks were closer genetically to levantines than to germanics so idk what you're aiming at
and while i'm at it north italians aren't close to germans either
the pic you posted is painting a false narrative that most "important" ancient greeks were from anatolia
I don't give a shit about your genetics schizo
Then you have Rembrandt, William Blake, Turner just off the top of my head + 2 billion landscape artists and sculptors etc etc. OP would have been permabanned when this board wasn't complete shit.
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>poets, mathematicians, philosophers and historians
Illiterate nigger
This image purposely forget mainland greek philosopher.
> Plato
> Aeschylus
>Meds claim to be superior
>all med countries are shitholes
I always wondered how they explain this, is it just cognitive dissonance?

This but Nordcuckland and their sky high rates of rape, theft, murder, alcoholism, depression, etc and terrible food.
Iceland has more authors per capita than anywhere in the world and has for centuries. Everything you know as "art" came from this region and some Greek fags a little before that.
>er actually this incredibly specific period of the counter-reformation where vasari told me what to think is all that counts!
haha what a noob
German art is objectively superior to French art. The French have very few painters of whom they can be proud, excepting a few degenerates from the last century-and-a-half. There are almost no mediaeval artists worth knowing about from France, unlike Germany.



Are you retarded?

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