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>be christianity
>claim to be the Truth since inception
>claim all other religions are false or half truths if you are feeling charitable without ever being able to provide a full rational explanation as to why.
>kill and torture people in the millions over the course of centuries who deny this, you know, the same thing as the godless communists did more recently.
>church fathers literaly cum in their pants at the thought of people burning in hell
>pout still to this day whenever someone questions your dogma and whine about being persecuted for not being allowed to silence any and all opposition
Of course, this isn't unique to christianity but still.
Picture chosen at random.
Where is the problem?
The thing I dislike about Christians the most is their persecution complex. They're constantly complaining about oppression despite the fact that whenever Christians gained political power they would violently oppress and kill anyone who disagreed with them, even other Christians. Of course Muslims do the sam. thing, they kill everyone who disagrees with them or apostates while claiming to be persecuted by the Islamophobic West. They're just very dishonest religions, all their arguments are done in bad faith because the end goal is domination.
>claim all other religions are false or half truths if you are feeling charitable without ever being able to provide a full rational explanation as to why
>whenever Christians gained political power they would violently oppress and kill anyone who disagreed with them
Humans desire power inherently and will use any means to do so. This is not exclusive to religion, any kind of ideology will eventually develop a sense of domination over other because of the inherent nature of man to desire power over others and that he is right. It doesn’t have to be Christianity man can and does do it with any ism he can dream of. The teaching itself is not at fault when its adherents being normal men showed their normal flawed human nature. That same flawed nature that Christianity tried to transcend. The teachings themselves say nothing of any desire to spread Christianity by force and hold dominion over others. Man did that on his own and if it wasn’t Christianity it would be something else. What ever cause the power mongers can use to rally the masses to their bidding. You unfairly benign teachings that taken on its own standing say nothing more than, be compassionate to your fellow man and treat others as you would yourself. The people are at fault this the need for the teaching in the first place. It is not Jesus fault those people who say they follow
Him don’t actually listen. Even you yourselves bereft of any compassion and make no attempt to understand how the minds and souls of men work assume it to be some intrinsic flaw in the religion and are quick to condemn all its followers without any sense of discernment. and then somehow through mental gymnastics believ yourself to be in a position of moral superiority.
I wouldn't say they did it all the time, not even muslims. What I dislike is how they exaggerate situations and claim that they are being persecuted when they are being criticized or are forced to follow laws they don't like. Of course, this is not unique to them. Progressive atheists do this too.

Also, this goes without saying, but you don't even know what "bad faith" means.
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Over the last 20 years? Nowhere.
christkikes will never escape their jewish heritage and thus will never stop acting jewishly.
The Christian cries in pain as he strikes you.
When Christians took over Rome they banned sacrifices and pagan holidays, then banned temples and proscribed the death penalty for worshiping pagan Gods. They also persecuted "heretical" faiths like Arianism, Manicheanism, Pelagianism, etc.
You're mad at Cathodoxy, not Jesus Christ and the Word of God.
The masses have always been violent and cultic.
Cathodoxy IS communism btw.
If you really wanted to investigate, it would blow your mind that literally everything Cathodox do contradicts the Bible.
When it comes down to it, they practice an evolved form of Late Roman Popular Religion, after mass "conversions" of tens of millions of adult pagans under Theodosius.
There is a rather stark difference between Christian writings before and after the hijackings of the 4th century (although the seeds of change were planted by many false teachers earlier).
That said, there have always been right-believing Christians from Christ to today. For most of Cathodoxy's history, right-believers were not considered outright heretics. It took until the Middle Ages and the expansion of the Pope's influence before crackdowns on right-believers began. The events of the Middle Ages led directly into the Reformation, of course.
Cathodox massacring their neighbors.
You don't have much time left to figure out that whatever bad is in christianity is 100 times worse in islam.
>We need to lie to convert people to the second worst religion on Earth because it's not the worst religion on Earth.
Already this desperate?
>claim all other religions are false
yes all religions do this
every 1 of them

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