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In America, Americans all pretty much speak Spanish as a second language and they all eat tacos and basically intermix with Hispanics and treat it as a normal culture to get involved with and live alongside. You'll hear white Americans freely using terms like "puta" and "gringo" and "senorita". Even old white men living in places like Texas show aspects they have picked up from a lifetime spent living with Hispanic neighbours.

In Britain, the only part of Muslim Paki and Bangladeshi culture that has been adopted by Brits is the eating of curry. The average brit does not know a word of Urdu or Bengali, they do not know a single thing about Islam, they do not know anything about Paki and Bengali dress, culture and tradition. Arguably the same is true with Brits and Caribbeans/Jamaicans. Jamaican culture is still seen as very much a foreign alien entity outside of maybe some patois slang being adopted by the youth. Average Brit certainly does not have the familiarity with the Caribbean that Americans do with Mexico or Puerto Rico.

For instance, if a Hispanic thug is trying to carjack someone and a white American boomer is trying to calm him down and talk him out of it, that boomer will be able to have a full conversation with the thug in Spanish and relate to him on some level. If the same event happens in the U.K, the Brit will run away from the Jamaican or the Paki and not know what to do.

Given that Americans have spent a lifetime living around Hispanics and Brits have also spent a lifetime living around Pakis and Jamaicans. Why has cultural influence only rubbed off on the Americans while the most common immigrants are still seen as aliens to Brits?
Americans literally voted in a president that they expected to deport all mestinx from the country
But there are full blown white supremacists and neo-Nazis speaking in Spanish to Latino immigrants and they know all about Mexican history, Puerto Rican independence, etc. You don't get this in Britain. Pakistani culture and Rastaman culture is still seen as taboo, strange to Brits. And most Brits know absolutely nothing about the history of Jamaica or Pakistan and don't care to know. You can have a white British boy going to school with 75 percent Pakistanis and he will still leave the school knowing next to nothing about Islam.
>But there are full blown white supremacists and neo-Nazis speaking in Spanish to Latino immigrants and they know all about Mexican history
You are just making up insane gibberish, White people do not interact socially with beaners and do not speak Spanish, aside from a few boomers who learn pidgin Spanish in order to interact with day-laborers that they employ
Americans mostly don't think of Hispanics as "White."
As for the British, Pakistanis and Jamaicans are definitely not British.
Hispanics are the result of european admixture with a local population. Jamaicans and pakis are not.
>Americans all pretty much speak Spanish as a second language

And every Canadian speaks frog
Because Pakistani and Jamaicans were the equivalent of African Americans, not Hispanics.

Other Europeans and non Muslim Indians are the equivalent of Hispanics in the UK as despite the cultural differences, those groups have generally been trouble free. Pakistanis and Jamaicans have been too alien and hostile to the rest of Britain to form anything other than a new underclass
White English guy here. We don't view Caribbeans as "alien". They're undoubtedly the best-integrated non-white minority group in our history. Even back in the 50s and 60s, fresh-off-the-boat Jamaicans had English names, spoke English (in some form), and came from a Christian culture. If you meet fully-black descendants of the Caribbean immigrants who came here 60 years ago, they are obviously culturally English and they don't tend to cause many problems. They're also the only ethnic minority group to have significant interrelations with white English people, to the extent that they have almost bred themselves out of existence. There are more mixed White/Caribbean births than there are pure Caribbean births in England in recent decades.

Pakis and Pajeets are completely different. They have never integrated. They practice foreign religions that the average Englishman simply cannot understand. They have unpronounceable names. They favour only their own kind, and often make no effort to socialise with people outside their own race. And intermarriage between Pakistanis/Indians and white English people is extremely rare. Of course we would view these people as aliens. They have never made any real effort to become English.

>n America, Americans all pretty much speak Spanish as a second language

>As of December 2022, it's estimated that 53 million people in the United States speak Spanish, with around 41 million being native speakers and 12 million being bilingual.

Fewer then one in six American speak Spanish, with about four out of five of those being native Spanish speakers. Knowing about a dozen or so words in a Spanish does not mean you can speak it.
Only the whitest of trash, see: trailer trash welfare beasts, mix with mexicans
Brumpaki thread
Hmmm I don't know why would a country with a long history of assimilating immigrants be able to assimilate these immigrants so well in comparison to a country that has historically sent immigrants outwards instead of taking immigrants themselves
>In America, Americans all pretty much speak Spanish as a second language and they all eat tacos and basically intermix with Hispanics and treat it as a normal culture to get involved with and live alongside
You're nor supposed to dump the bait
I do
America never had a spic president, meanwhile the UK had a pajeet prime minister.
>America, Americans all pretty much speak Spanish as a second language
Incorrect false premise. Don't even need to read the restof your post.
Americans fought and interacted with Hispanics for since their inception. The British were isolated from the Jamaicans and Pakis. Is this not commen sense?
How is he wrong? Granted it's still mostly immigrants who speak it but he's not technically wrong.
Yeah thinking it about now you're right about Caribbeans/Jamaicans. You do see them mixing with English families and having relationships with white people, going to pubs and clubs, etc but this is always usually lower class/working class English who live in inner cities and on council estates who mix with Jamaicans. In the white leafy villages a Jamaican rasta man using patois and smoking weed would still stick out like a sore thumb, wouldn't he?. What about Sikhs? It seems like even people like Tommy Robinson are always bigging up Sikhs and waving them around as the model immigrant who is fully assimilated into British culture.
If jamaicans are so integrated, why do all non white thugs and criminals speak like them? Why did their dialect become the common tongue of every drug dealer in London?
Most Jamaican diaspora in the UK at this point are not actual Jamaicans, they're the descendants of Jamaicans who immigrated 40+ years ago. Yes it's not common to see some rastaman speaking patois hanging around white people in some leafy village, but it wouldn't be strange at all to see a black fella called something like Dave, whose grandad was Jamaican but who lived his entire life in England, supports the local football team, goes to the pub with his mostly white mates, etc.

That's something that's unique among the Caribbean diaspora in the UK. After a generation or two they just become English but with dark skin. Whereas it doesn't matter how many generations a Paki family spends in the UK, they'll still be practicing fundamentalist Islam, dressing their daughters in hijabs, refusing to drink beer or eat pork, naming their sons Muhammad, etc.

A lot of the problematic blacks in London these days are actually Africans not Caribbeans.
>What about Sikhs? It seems like even people like Tommy Robinson are always bigging up Sikhs and waving them around as the model immigrant who is fully assimilated into British culture.
Yeah that's just retarded to be honest. I think they like the Sikhs because they come here in small enough numbers that they aren't capable of causing cultural conflicts. But you can look at Canada, where they receive boatloads of Sikh immigrants, to see that there's nothing magical about them that makes them any different to other kinds of South Asian immigrants.

The British far-right made the same mistake in the 2000s with Hindu Indians. Even the BNP used to talk in glowing terms about Hindus. You'll notice you don't see that kind of rhetoric anymore now that we've received additional millions upon millions of Pajeet immigrants and we realise they're just as rapey, self-serving, and disdainful of whites as the Pakistanis are.
The funny thing about carribbean blacks is they automatically assume the identity of whatever native black population is present in the country they illegally immigrate to, there's tons of carribbean blacks in the US that think they came over on the slave ships and picked cotton
Caribbeans were slaves too mate
Why don't they speak with a nigerian accent then? They always sound like 1st generation immigrants who came from jamaica when they were young
not our slaves
>Why did Americans become familiar with Hispanics but British saw Pakis and Jamaicans as alien?
are you for real?
>why is a race of white europeans friendly with another race of white europeans in comparison with distant races?
Fluent Spanish speakers are estimated at 15% of the US population at best, it's absurd to imply its a second lingua franca to the point a white Boomer could easily converse in Spanish with a Dominican carjacker
>Why don't they speak with a nigerian accent then?
They kind of do. Modern black Londoners have this weird, very foreign-sounding accent which is clearly influenced by the fact that many of them are raised by fresh-off-the-boat African parents who can't speak English properly, and go to schools which are majority immigrant.

A couple examples:

They grew up their whole lives in England but still speak with an accent which is halfway between something West African and something semi-English.

By comparison the old Caribbeans who grew up here mostly just developed lower class English accents, maybe with a slight Jamaican twang on some words:
The accent is clearly mostly jamaican influenced, not west african. It's even been called "jafaikan" by the media https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multicultural_London_English
From the wikipedia article

> In 1987, Dick Hebdige, a British sociologist, commented that "In some parts of Britain, West Indian patois has become the public language of inner-city youths, irrespective of their racial origin".

> MLE is sometimes referred to as "Jafaican" (or "Jafaikan"), conveying the idea of "fake Jamaican", because of popular belief that it stems solely from immigrants of Jamaican and Caribbean descent.

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