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Should northern Indians with Indo-Aryan heritage be considered white adjacent? They are distant cousins after all.
Indians are basically AASI mulattoes, if they were included in White identity then that identity would have no meaning whatsoever, Europeans would claw their eyes out not to have to live next to North Indians
No, nobody consider poo in loos "White"
People on the street might think a Persian without a beard is "White" (by the loose definition in the USA) but not an Indian.
Indians thinking they can get rich enough to buy in to being white never fails to crack me up
you will never poo in the loo Rajneesh
she's south indian, so no, she probably has up to 50-60% pure australoid running through her blood, he's cursed his children to be central indian
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>Should northern Indians with Indo-Aryan heritage be considered white adjacent?
Even those Indians still have a broadly Indian appearance, just with softer or more feminine features compared to the manlier Dravidian ones.

Indians simply look like they're their own race, unlike several Iranic Tajiks who indeed look white-adjacent.
She's South Indian.
>manlier Dravidian
get back on my helpdesk ticket dalit
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I'm West Asian, I have nothing to do with Indians and their disgusting castes, but it's simply a fact Dravidians look more coarse and manlier than the Indo-Aryan Indians, who in turn look prettier or cuter due to their whiter features.
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I always heard Indians were "Caucasoids" but since the 2010s society has , bizarrely, changed to consider them Asians/Asian-ajacent.
because their "caucasoid" status is mainly just pop science, like fp says they range from 20-60% AASI so they are mulattoes at best but even then of the remaining 40-80%, only north indians retain any "caucasoid" in the colloquial sense through 20-35% steppe ancestry, the bulk of their ancestry being iranian neolithic farmer (which is arguably similar to the anatolian farmer base that makes up most of the euro genome)
Meaningless anthropological babble because of the skull shape of a Georgian female, literally anyone from Somalia (55% SSA genes) to India (substantial, but varying degree of AASI Australoid genes) have a similar skull shape.

It's a meme-tier term like the "white" or "black" "races", no one should take it too seriously.
Maybe sikhs but they're not really indian
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We're not white because we have Caucasian features
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this explained it for me
sikh is a religious demarcation, you mean jatts who make up >65% of sikhs. chumars and churhas who make up 10-12% of sikhs are functionally indian on the genetic level.
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aryan DNA in euros tops out at 40-50%, about the same as picrel
Fucker you beat me to it lol
Pseudoscience explained it to you? The Aryans who invaded India were basically Tajik-tier, go look what the average Tajik looks like.
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It's actually crazy how much the Aryans had changed before invading India.

From pseudo-Indian-looking with East Eurasian male uniparentals (P-derived) to Nord-like after mixing with depigmented white EEF women, then Tajik-like after mixing with BMAC in Asia.
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We wuz
Turkic rule didnt start in 1060, they kept on raiding and getting defeated by an actual army

Turkic rule proper kingdom started in 1299 when they won a single battle (After losing countless battles before hand)
Steve from Minecraft is now considered not White lol
Why do Europeans larp for India but hate Latinos who are actually very European?
They have no cool surviving mythology of their own (like the Vedas) because of Christianization so they reach at an ancestor that is totally irrelevant to either population today

Latinos are late to the game and borne of a savage and brutish culture
White? No.
White adjacent? Sure.
Race is a social construct
African Americans are quite literally 12-25% Northwestern European, do they get the "white adjacent" label too? Retard.
>Europeans would claw their eyes out not to have to live next to North Indians

To be fair, most would.
You realize manly doesn't mean ugly, yes?
>African Americans are quite literally 12-25% Northwestern European, do they get the "white adjacent" label too? Retard.
Yea but the remaining 88-75% is Bantu. So no.
Ashkenazi, Levantine and Caucasian people are the only white adjacent. Pajeets have a lot of non-Western Eurasian ancestry, if Jeets are white adjacent it means that mestizo Latinx people are too.
i recently found out these jaat aryan supermen are actually considered a lower caste in haryana
Jatts have higher WSH but less R1a than Brahmins.
the caste system actually only works to preserve Aryan sperm, and not the steppe origin itself.
in Central Asia, Aryan tribes (Scythian-Sarmatians) did not at all disdain to fuck Mongoloid women.
Dravidians are usually much darker
I saw a chart on /his/ that had anglos and indians as the same race, so there you go.
Why is randy going with the grec-bactrian rather than the british invasion?
The whitest of Latinos are descended from the swarthiest of Europeans
In the autistic American idea of race she might as well be. For some reason the racial retardation and obsession over opposites meant you had black, white and Asian (meaning East Asian) as the official races you could be registered as in America

Hence why Arabs are considered white

Indians might as well be since they aren’t black and aren’t Chinese

From a purely aesthetic point of view, lots of North Indians do just look like brown white people. If her skin was white would she really look weird like albino blacks do?
for me the Indian R1a is 100 times more Aryan than the Finnish N1c.
I already said this.
IE chuds didn't think about anything other than their direct patrilineal ancestry, don't be too petty and puny.
>t. Russian
Only a pajeet would say that.
No, white is 95% west Eurasian with a large Aryan component. Jeets have about 40-75% west Eurasian depending on region with even the Paki’s with the most having less than alot of Nafri’s. They have Aryan dna but less west eurasian so nah i’d sooner count a Arab than a jeet any day but even them nah
America’s definition of white being so autistic is a remnant of jim crow race laws and how the Italian Americans lobbied for white to mean caucasian because only Anglos and north Euros used to be 100% white
If the jeets are white it means that the Latinx mestizos are also white. Even mulattos could be considered white according to that logic, caucasoid is a total meme that only uses browns.
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Do Indians not realize they're the ugliest race around?
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What causes Indians to be like this, historically speaking?
Yes, if they’re Dardic Aryans from Kashmir, or some of the few isolated Iranic tribes in Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and Far Western China, they should be considered white adjacent because their heritage is of largely white origin. However, someone like JD Vance’s wife is not predominantly Aryan, she’s just your average Northern India Gangetic Plain Half-And-Half Indian. Picrel are Kalash people, Aryans of Kashmir. They’re overwhelmingly Aryan, but it’s important to remember they also have minor amounts of Australoid and Mongoloid admixture on account of their location. White adjacent, not white. As for Indians like JD Vance, they’re essentially no more white adjacent then your average Latin American Mestizo, or a Kazakh, that is to say, only half Caucasoid.
Vance's wife is South Indian and her family are Telugu speakers, a non-Aryan language.
she's brahmin
Dumb as shit map mixing ethnic, linguistic and political groups.
She's Kamma, middle caste. Not Brahmin.
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South Indian Brahmins have no steppe ancestry
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She not aryan
Most Aryans live in this red circle
Mumbai also an exception as many aryans are in Bollywood which is located there Gujurat also have a portional amount the rest just speak an aryan language but barely have traces of aryan dna
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Poo's first law
What copedex is it ?
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there is a lot of Y haplo diversity in jatts, i.e. harappan farmers were fucking aryan women from the head to the mouth of the indus

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