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How do you feel about Sikhism? It's kinda cool how they encourage all adherents to be armed with a sword or dagger at all times.
it's a better alternative to hinduism or any semite religion but it's still a massive cope, sikhs would be better off diverting their energy into developing an atheistic work ethic like protestants while retaining the masculinity of the khalsa (minus the retarded mandatory kes/turbans)
>sword and dagger
+magic underwear
Based and redpilled about islam. They're bros.
Sikhs ruled over a large percentage of muslims with iron fist while being at 9%

Punjabis are hereditary rulers of Iranians, if it wasnt for britain, Sikhs defenitely have taken Kabul
They're the only acceptable Indians because they only migrate at low levels and don't want to import all of India to somewhere else.
They're Sikh
Sikh spotted. There are more sikhs in canada than there are in india it's these sikh diaspora who advocate for khalistan
Oh I didn't know that anon. I thought they were more bro tier and now disavow my former acceptance of even those Indians.
A few dozen Iranian, Turkic and Pashtun families ruled over a hundred million currycel cattle though. Now that's real buck breaking, son. And its just a chapter of the constant buck breaking pajeet farm equipment had to suffer.
I’ve actually been attending sangat for awhile now. The way I’ll describe the service is “divine leisure”.

There’s a lot of music, but there’s no demand for you to stay in the prayer hall. Normally I meditate/pray/listen to Kirtan for a bit and then head downstairs for langar.

I help sweep and pick up trash outside of the gurudwara to practice seva.

Overall I’ll give it an 8/10. There’s 0 pressure to join the religion, and you can practice Sikhi without taking Amrit and wearing a turban
Monotheism without Trinitarian Christianity is all the same trash, Sikhism, Islam, Judaism. They all lead to Satan as Universe is “muhh self and muhh own GOD.”. They are all false
In the end of the day they are all pagan jeets no different from Hindoos. Its why Muslims all run around a giant satanic idol in the center of Mecca and rub it like they rub stones and idols of Shiva
A giant communist system of superstition made for jeets of the desert sand regions

The unfortunate truth for all monotheistic religions except Christianity/Judaism with Jesus/Messiah serving as the eternal logos
Trinitarianism is not monotheism it’s Trinitarianism. Otherwise it wouldn’t have a modifier. God is not God in Trinitarianism, he’s a Triune God
You're just another arrogant Christcuck arseling prick...
Sikhism is the bastard child of Islam and Hinduism. Sikh metaphysics are better than Islamic metaphysics, but it’s still a devotional tradition, and the Islamic streak means you have no shortage of arbitrary bullshit “commandments” like having to wear a beard or a sword or how you can’t cut your hair at all. This shit can’t be grounded or philosophically defended in any way other then “cuz I sez so” and so that automatically makes it retarded.
You mean the philosophically incoherent schizobabble? 99% of Christian metaphysical systems are full of cope and are absolutely dogshit compared to monistic philosophies and even Islam, and I say this as someone who despises Islam. All abrahamic religions are forms of cryptomaterialism. Christianity in particular being incompatible with absolute divine simplicity suggests outright that its dogshit ontology.
So they advocate for their own country so they can go back?
Not really the Mughals had guns and couldn’t suppress the jat tribes and had to marry their Muslim emperors daughter, sister and niece to individual Rajput clans who were weak af just to gain favour , previously the Delhi sultanates army and nobility was Indian after overthrowing the Turks and mamluk pipeline , the ghaznavid invasions had hindu generals during the somnath raid, Delhi sultanates most oppressive regime was a dynasty that was Indian and only gave privileges to hindu jats . If the Balkan jannissries overthrew the Turks and had a good relation ship with pagan balkanoids who they kept in high regard that was what the Delhi sultanate was until the sayid Rajputs overthrew the jats for rebelling and carving out little states every weekend .
>so they can go back
Mugals lost all battles against literally anyone with an army

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