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Thoughts on this subject ? Seemed to be a big thing between Suez and Kosovo
UNPROFOR raped and were generally useless in Bosnia. Kopeck yy is going to be the next Ukraine.
UNOSOM was pretty bad too

mostly Chinese
The Dutch were instrumental in the Srebrenica Massacre.
That was 1 thief/spy the Canadian killed compared to the raped of kids the UN soldiers do. The zoomian killed thousands of their own but they made a big scandal of that 1 guy because these low iq islamists believe like the typical islamists killing their own it's ok but if infidels do it it's racism.

What makes them behave this way? Is it just the entitlement of being powerful in an alien land? Is it that combined with the sort of person that joins the military in the first place? (Someone that wants to exercise power over others).
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>Someone that wants to exercise power over others
Pretty much, Canada and the UN at least recognized their responsibility and prosecuted the accused, try telling islamists to prosecute their rapist Jihadist pedos.

Perfecr opportunity for irrelevant nations like Canada and Holland to demonstrate what loyal good goys they are for globohomo.
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>to demonstrate what loyal good goys they are for globohomo
back in the 90s Canadian peacekeepers treated the local populace like shit lol.
Mulroney and Chretien were sending methed-up psycho skinhead neo-nazis to go babysit Africans and they were such massive /pol/spergs that they're the reason we don't have a dedicated paratrooper regiment anymore
>Footage depicting racist actions of Cpl. McKay and Pte. Brocklebank was later brought forward by Scott Taylor, who hoped to expose systematic problems in the military and exonerate his friend Kyle Brown. In the video, McKay utters racial slurs, and pre-deployment photographs showed him wearing a Hitler shirt in front of a swastika. in 1994, a video surfaced in which McKay was subjected to a hazing session in which he smeared feces on his face while chanting "i love the KKK."
wtf I love CAF now
Interesting facto of the day, sean strickland-wannabe leafchud, thanx singhredcloudpierrechangleaf.
There is a fundamental disconnect between Westoid rhetoric and actions.
Countries like America love talking about human rights while gleefully violating them themselves.
It's all about appearing like a virtuous person instead of being actually virtuous
It has more to do with only pieces of human garbage joining a volunteer military
Why don't governments make more of an effort to screen for potential psychos?
Because it's easier to pretend you're doing good than actually doing it
You just feel like arguing
Holland's involvement in Bosnia was highly publicized because it makes them look good on paper but in reality the volunteers were useless, got people killed and set up a child prostitution ring.
Gives countries a reason to juice defence budgets if nothing else. Canada outsourcing its military to be the world police was a good idea and should have been pursued to the logical extreme.
They have peak aesthetics but unfortunately are a bunch of pansies who would allow a honest to god genocide to happen in rwanda

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