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Obviously if you were a jew or other ethnic minority being exported to camps then you're not a fan of NSDAP run Germany.
That aside, what would be pain points for German citizens? There were obviously some upsides, economically, culturally. If I'm in a traditional German household in, say 1937, what are my complaints?
Low wages, high prices
One thing that must've sucked was trying to read that fucking font all the time. Seriously which larpy faggot came up with that?
Due to price controls? Deflationary measures? What was the mechanism behind this at the time?
>what would be pain points for German citizens?
Being sent to the Eastern Front
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>rise to power
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part 2
hyperinflation during weimar
nazis vs commies street fighting
hellacious politics
So like right now?
>There were obviously some upsides, economically, culturally.
No? Economically it was largely a failure, culturally it was mostly dead.
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part 3
Chronic shortages because war materials were needed
No freedom of speech
What happened after 1939
Everything about the German Labor Front
My understanding is that the German economy completely turned around during the time the NSDAP was in control, prior to the war. Maybe that's due to post-WWI German economy being devastated, but coincidence or not, it happened.
You may not like the culture, but there hasn't been a more kino aesthetic since then. Anytime hollywood wants to depict a homogeneous singular culture, they make it look like Nazi Germany. The propaganda, the artists and designers, it's still copied today. No? Culture does not mean diversity of debauchery.
>what would be pain points for German citizens?
The insane meth smoking incel dictator that runs the country sending you into yet another war, conscripting you, and executing anyone who so much as protested this.

Consider that now days, /pol/ freaks the fuck out over something like the President ordering a bombing operation on some towelhead village.
Any info on freedom of speech? Naturally, there was censorship of those that were considered enemies of the state. How did this affect the average German? Search results are a garbled mess of modern opinion pieces.

This is the kind of thing I was looking for, thanks.
>My understanding is that the German economy completely turned around during the time the NSDAP was in control
They followed through with the same Depression recovery plan from the Weimar Era, and this was kind of offset since all the economic gains from this were handed over to Goring for his 5 year plan, which was all about military buildup for Germanys disastrous attempted military conquest.

btw, Weimar Germany and Nazi Germany were technically the same German state. People have this misconception that it was this big switchover, but Hitler always carried legitimacy as the sovereign head of the German state as being the man in charge of Germany established after WW1.
It's bullshit, wages in German were higher than anywhere else in the Western world, and every German was guaranteed to house and a family, the state loaned money for a home and cancelled the debt as children were born.
most germans lived normal until the war. Materially not much changed. What is mostly underappreciated is the elevated mind/spirit, the revival of proudness, of unity, of purpose and most of all, of hope. Taking the Hitlerjugend for example: many who went through it call it the best time of their life. Today it is only regarded as forceful indoctrination camps
>wages in German were higher than anywhere else in the Western world, and every German was guaranteed to house and a family, the state loaned money for a home and cancelled the debt as children were born.
You are making this up. None of this is true at all.
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Germany really did experience an economic miracle once they removed the parasitic alien middle-man caste from the structure of the economy
No, it was already in a good state after Schacht had stabilised the Weimar economy in the 20s. The economy actually went DOWN after Schacht was de facto taken out of economic power and Goering installed.
None of that happened.
The economy sucked ass (it was socialism, just not in a marxist sense), Hitler took a fuckton of loans just to build his war machine.
He went "all in" with Germany and lost.
>executing anyone who so much as protested this.

Regular reminder, the German wives of Jewish men held a protest in central Berlin to get their husbands released from concentration camps, and they were.
>The economy sucked ass
Have you ever heard about this thing called the Weimar republic?
It was actually better in late Weimar Republic.
why do /pol/tards say NatSoc? even contemporaries called them Nazis
I will speak from the POV of a traditional German (particularly the mittlestand) as that is the group I most sympathise with:

1. NSDAP encourages industrial cartels.

2. The state and NSDAP organisations enact eminent domain willy billy all over the nation.

3. New taxes. Although tax was suspended/decreased for some, it was raised for others and in reality where it was lowered one was expected to give to the Winterhifle (basically NSDAP charity door knockers). If you didn’t give money you would be put on a list and harassed/targeted by the gestapo and local party men.

4. “Blocleiters”. Basically these were security/intelligence agents who would keep track of the loyalty of everyone on their street/in the apartment bloc. Imagine having some busybody always looking over your shoulder to make sure you appear patriotic. You know those types who get mad if you don’t support pride? Not if you’re against it. Just if you don’t want to get involved. Imagine that but they have actual authority and state backing to spy on you and refer you to the gestapo.

5. Work book system. You had to submits your work book to your employer. If you want to seek a new job or become self employed he can just say “no lol” and keep your work book, which is legally required in order to work. If you refuse to come into work you won’t be fired and allowed to get a new job (this is not allowed even if your boss wanted it) but referred to a labour court where you will be found guilty of absconding from work and punished accordingly.

This situation applies in reverse if you run a business. You can’t fire someone and if your decisions offend the vague notion of “workers honour” then you can be tried in a criminal trial at the labour court. The entire concept of boss and employee was actually done away with in favour of “leader” and “follower” which sounds based and Carlyle-pilled but actually means you both have extra obligations to the state.
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>If I'm in a traditional German household in, say 1937, what are my complaints?

Totalitarian state mired in corruption where the local Blockleiter can accuse you of being a Communist and have you thrown in a concentration camp just because he wants to expropriate your land.
Weimar was bad too nigga
6. War actually destroys traditional trades as it funnels away young men who could go into those trades. If you read certain editions of Dorothy Harrley’s “Made in England” you will see that this is true.

7. Literal incel tax and subsidies for large families. On the one hand this is based because it means the birth rate goes up but on the other hand it’s awful because the exact type of woman who sits around claiming benefits whilst not raising her kids properly can do this to even greater affect as long as she’s aryan.

7. Even before the war about half of German women worked. Women should be working but it should be things they can fit around having children and not managerial/secretarial type jobs like the ones they were picking up in Germany. Britain didn’t achieve the German prewar rate until after the war.

8. Roads to nowhere. A massive amount of money was spent of what were essentially Keynesian makework schemes for young people, like the reicharbeitdeinst.

9. Gleichalstung. The 3rd Reich abolished Germany’s traditional regional autonomy in favour of a single common law and homogenisation. Although for fairness it should be noted that this was already under assault from the Weimar constitution which gave the president the right to use the armed forces to force a state to adopt a republican constitution, and the last years of the imperial government which saw centralisation under the social democrats.

Gleichalstung also saw the abolition of non NSDAP societies including things like sports clubs. Literally just forming a local scout troop, working men’s club or friendly society/cooperative was illegal.
Pretty much. Imagine literally just wanting to farm or run the local pub but the local party boss wants your land to build a statue or SS camp or something so your life is ruined and if you try to object you go to prison.
>I will speak from the POV
Kys retard speak from facts something you didn’t do once
Weimar Germany was doing fine by the mid-late 20s economically
Well for one you or your son will soon be drafted to fight a war in 2 years time and everything you love and cherish will be destroyed by artillery and bombs.
>inb4 some retard tries to claim that Hitler wanted le peace while somehow trying to square the circle of reclaiming territory from other sovereign nations and destroying the USSR without starting any war
Believe it or not, the Nazis (of all fucking people) got rid of that font for official use.
It's something you grew up with in Germany though, so you'd be used to it.
The German economy had already recovered from WWI in the 1920s. People often confuse the Hyperinflation years with the Great Depression which began with the 1929 Wall Street crash. Between those years, the Weimar Republic was in an upswing for the most part.
>many who went through it call it the best time of their life
Uh yeah, it's called childhood. You'll also notice all the DDR boomers miss their Communism and Young Pioneers shit for the same reason.
so bureaucracy and secret police basically
well funny enough, on a level of social organization the GDR was very similar to Nazi Germany. And it worked quite well. What didn't work well was the constant reminder that there was another Germany which was way better off, materially speaking
If the german elections had happened a few years later the nazis would have gained less seats and an anti-nazi coalition would have put a lid on it. If the nazis waited even more, the economy would keep picking up and hitlers out. either that or he throws his dice and tries to march on the capital again, but doubt the military would put up with this in 1934/1935.

nazis democratic victory was probably the last chance they had at it
Yeah, they were really lucky. They lost 4 percent between July and November 1932.
Getting bombed by the combined force of RAF and USAF
Mostly that you cannot complain. No satire as an outlet, you gotta be real careful how you complain about how things are and who to.
Many careers hinge on sucking up to people in the party AND your boss. if you think diversity hires and promotions are bad, enjoy watching idiots get promoted above you because they clap louder at party speeches. Or spent your own free time with party bullshit instead of your hot tradwife.
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This is the big one. Even if you agreed with the main lines of Hitler’s political problem, the nature of totalitarian politics is as such that you will almost certainly encounter some issue with the execution and/or smaller details and end up powerless to resist them. Say that a local party boss is a complete fuckwit who ruins everything, but is master at asskissing his superior: what are you gonna do? Criticizing him is basically equivalent to walking on a minefield, as it will be considered a betrayal of the party, unless you’re also inside the power structure and thus in position to challenge it internally.

And there’s no fucking government that you would agree with 100% of time unless you’re the big man himself, so the lack of ability to criticize issues will become relevant sooner or later to everyone.
stop abusing the word "larp" please
im not disagreeing with you im saying learn more better words
it means nothing now, like "cringe" or "based"

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