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Should christian MENAs be considered Meds?

Actually some European groups like south Italians and Greeks (including ancient ones) are closer to them than to many other Europeans.
The most numerous group are egyptian christians and they are nowhere close genetically to southern europe. So, no. If the roman empire never dissolver they'd be considered white too
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>Should christian MENAs be considered Meds?
What is a Med? There are no unified Med culture. Are you talking about geography? Then Syria is Med, but Iraq next to isn't, Spain is Med, but Portugal isn't. Are you talking about genetics? A South French barely resembles a Greek Islander, let alone a West Asian or a North African.

>Actually some European groups like south Italians and Greeks (including ancient ones) are closer to them than to many other Europeans.
That's irrelevant, "European" isn't a race. Those very same South Italians and Greeks who are closer to SOME West Asians than to SOME other Europeans still have more in common with the other Europeans.

By the way, if you care about genetic proximity so much, keep in mind Moslem MENAs are often more shifted towards steppe-rich populations like Europeans than Christian MENAs are, at least in West Asia.
Holy fuck just say your nationality is your nationality. British racial categories are so fuck Jewish it’s unbelievable. It makes you use to multiracial society to accept everyone as “the same” I wouldn’t even let a Swede and Norwegian mix.
>keep in mind Moslem MENAs are often more shifted towards steppe-rich populations like Europeans than Christian MENAs are, at least in West Asia.
Maybe Turks are, but Arabs sure as hell aren't.
Nope, I'm Lebanese, Lebanese Moslem "Arabs" are definitely closer to average Europeans than Lebanese Christian "Arabs" are.

In Anatolia, Turks from Central Anatolia are also closer than the few remaining Christian Anatolian Greeks.

Distance to: Austrian
0.14580072 Turkish_Kayseri
0.15023998 Greek_Central_Anatolia

Distance to: Austrian
0.16487908 Lebanese_Muslim
0.17243404 Lebanese_Christian
Moslem West Asians tend to have more steppe ancestry (and often more SSA too) than their Christian national counterparts, which in turn are often more ANF.

Cypriots (not "official" samples, but it's just to show my point):

Distance to: Austrian
0.14414320 Turkish_Cyprus
0.15099951 Greek_Cyprus

Target: Turkish_Kayseri
Distance: 2.6275% / 0.02627478
40.8 TUR_Barcin_N
18.4 IRN_Ganj_Dareh_N
15.4 GEO_CHG
12.6 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
6.6 Levant_Natufian
3.6 Han
2.6 Nganassan

Target: Greek_Central_Anatolia
Distance: 3.2590% / 0.03259034
52.2 TUR_Barcin_N
18.2 GEO_CHG
15.8 IRN_Ganj_Dareh_N
7.2 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
6.6 Levant_Natufian

Target: Turkish_Cyprus
Distance: 2.9160% / 0.02916003
46.6 TUR_Barcin_N
15.2 Levant_Natufian
14.2 IRN_Ganj_Dareh_N
11.8 GEO_CHG
11.2 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
0.8 Han
0.2 MAR_Taforalt

Target: Greek_Cyprus
Distance: 2.6050% / 0.02605017
53.2 TUR_Barcin_N
14.2 IRN_Ganj_Dareh_N
13.2 Levant_Natufian
12.2 GEO_CHG
7.2 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara

Target: Lebanese_Muslim
Distance: 2.9047% / 0.02904654
38.4 TUR_Barcin_N
24.0 Levant_Natufian
20.2 IRN_Ganj_Dareh_N
10.6 GEO_CHG
6.8 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara

Target: Lebanese_Christian
Distance: 3.2334% / 0.03233407
45.2 TUR_Barcin_N
22.4 Levant_Natufian
20.0 IRN_Ganj_Dareh_N
10.0 GEO_CHG
2.4 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
not in the davidski datasheet, your point has been rejected
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>100% Southern European
kek, based Nassim weighing in with his professional opinion
I accept your concession.
>no arguments detected
sore loser
I would rather see more Palestinian "Arab" samples, and from which region (Gaza or West Bank), but it seems that Palestinians Christians (Beit Sahour is a Christian city) are closer to average Europeans:
Distance to: Austrian
0.17989540 Palestinian_Beit_Sahour
0.18698670 Palestinian

Probably due to the "Palestinian" average having 3% SSA and what I would estimate as ~15% real Arap rapebaby introgression (or alternatively, ~20% Égyptien admixture) pulling them southwards, because otherwise they show the same pattern, more Steppe, less ANF:

Target: Palestinian
Distance: 3.0480% / 0.03048012
35.2 Levant_Natufian
30.8 TUR_Barcin_N
18.6 IRN_Ganj_Dareh_N
4.6 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
3.0 Yoruba

Target: Palestinian_Beit_Sahour
Distance: 3.8056% / 0.03805637
44.8 TUR_Barcin_N
23.6 Levant_Natufian
22.4 IRN_Ganj_Dareh_N
1.2 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
>Actually some European groups like south Italians and Greeks (including ancient ones) are closer to them than to many other Europeans.
You mean the turks and nafris migrations during the roman empire?
Nigga we're MEDS in the sense we're the mediterranean race. Italians are leftovers from the italic races and greeks from thr balkan albanians and turks
Lol, palestianians are christians
All of them should be considered middle easterners.
The greatest achievement of "meds" is the Roman empire. A deracinated middle eastern despoty treating it's founding stock as tax cattle no different from other tax cattle they governed(if anything they viewed the Romans with more hostility than others). This was the greatest achievement of the middle easterners as well, whether they'll say it was Cyruses empire, the Assyrians, Babilonians, Egypt the Caliphates and the Ottomans.
>Lebanese Moslem "Arabs" are definitely closer to average Europeans than Lebanese Christian "Arabs" are.
they're indistinguishable you fucking pseud. you should have realized this the moment your favorite genetic "studies" didn't utilize shannon entropy to measure genetic distance in their n=2 bullshit population samples.
>Should christian MENAs be considered Meds?
not any more than the non christians
med is the fakest category ever, meds have nothing in common with each other, they have no common language, or even language group, no common religion, no dominant ydna haplogroup, no similarity in autosomal admixture

the only thing that they have in common with each other is that they all look like shitskins, but so do many non meds
Meds have above 40-50% ANF in autosomal dna, similar racial type, common ancient history around mediterranean sea, and relatively similar culture among christians.
>I wouldn’t even let a Swede and Norwegian mix.
That's the same as saying you wouldn't let a North Korean and a South Korean mix, or a Netherlander and a Flemish mix, etc.
>Meds have above 40-50% ANF in autosomal dna
irrelevant, so do belgians

>similar racial type
they are barely related genetically
>inbefore humanmemeotype.net meme composite

>and relatively similar culture among christians.
so excluding 70% of "meds", not to mention that it's not even true, greek orthodoxy is more related to balkan orthodoxy from bulgaria and are more culturally similar to them than they are to portugese
Belgians are med frenchs
they aren't
a half sardinian half bantu is also going to be 40% anf
it's a dumb requirement
>3.0 Yoruba
So palestinians have african dnas or this was a random migrant?
Chirstian Palestinian here.
There's a story going around the family that my mother's great grandpa came from Italy. Interestingly he had no family here and no records otherwise, joke is he might've been running away from the gangs/mafia in southern Italy.

Odd stories aside, there are many (generally of historically aristocratic families) christian and muslim Palestinians/Lebanese/Syrians with European features, lots were either through intermarriage and sometimes subsequent conversions, others (especially in the area of mount Lebanon) can trace some of their genes to the crusaders.
Generally speaking, those belonging to Western churches tended to be more likely to have some European admixture compared to those belonging to eastern churches.
Potentially the only exceptions are isolated populations (that hardly ever intermix) such as the Copts in Egypt or the Assyrians in Syria and Iraq.
>Odd stories aside, there are many (generally of historically aristocratic families) christian and muslim Palestinians/Lebanese/Syrians with European features, lots were either through intermarriage and sometimes subsequent conversions, others (especially in the area of mount Lebanon) can trace some of their genes to the crusaders.
>Generally speaking, those belonging to Western churches tended to be more likely to have some European admixture compared to those belonging to eastern churches.
memes, local mongrel delusions

>Potentially the only exceptions are isolated populations (that hardly ever intermix) such as the Copts in Egypt or the Assyrians in Syria and Iraq.
That's an average sample of several individuals, Palestinian "Arabs" (and Jordanian "Arabs" too) have minor ~3% SSA admixture, their real Arap (Saudi-like) BLACKED them with the Bantu slaves they dropped there (some of the SSA might also be from Egyptian admixture though).

Also, as expected the non-Moslems (like the Palestinians from Beit Sahour, a city with a Christian manority) have lower odds of having SSA, the Palestinian Beit Sahour average is nearly identical to me.

Target: Palestinian_Beit_Sahour
Distance: 3.8056% / 0.03805637
44.8 TUR_Barcin_N
23.6 Levant_Natufian
22.4 IRN_Ganj_Dareh_N
1.2 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara

Target: Anon
Distance: 3.3177% / 0.03317668
45.8 TUR_Barcin_N
21.0 Levant_Natufian
20.8 IRN_Ganj_Dareh_N
11.6 GEO_CHG
0.8 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara

Which makes sense since I'm Lebanese Greek Orthodox (by heritage).
>average sample of several individuals
average sample made up* of several individuals
>Belgians are med frenchs
lmao retard
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you are literally closer to saudis than greeks or even turks sandnigger
>That's an average sample of several individuals, Palestinian "Arabs" (and Jordanian "Arabs" too) have minor ~3% SSA admixture, their real Arap (Saudi-like) BLACKED them with the Bantu slaves they dropped there (some of the SSA might also be from Egyptian admixture though).
>Also, as expected the non-Moslems (like the Palestinians from Beit Sahour, a city with a Christian manority) have lower odds of having SSA, the Palestinian Beit Sahour average is nearly identical to me.
So they're really the canaanites from the bible
It's almost like race is a made up thing..............
no, specially Taleb, the brown Varg

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