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>about 20 000 german soldiers died in Stalingrad each week before Uranus (fighting for the city happened for at least 12 weeks)
>250 000 soldiers were encircled in the pocket
>90 000 soldiers went into captivity
>only 6000 returned home
By these numbers you had less than 2% chance of surviving the battle if you were caught in the city.
Fucking brutal
And that, kids, is what happens when you don't care how long your supply lines stretch
ur anus
Have you considered just not invading other countries?
Where are the bomes?
They had no choice it was a preventive world war
That's why Stalingrad is widely regarded as one of the most singularly brutal battles in modern history. Shit reads like genuine Hell on Earth.
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>1.5 million soldiers died in the Battle of Stalingrad in total between Soviet and Axis forces
>The city only had about 450,000 people at the outset of the war
Fucking insane
Most casualties happened because of soviet stupidity
Should have applied for conscientious objector status, at least tour chances of survival would go up by a lot in jail
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This but unironically.

Preventive wars are an actual thing
Didn't work out for them then
The common soldier had no say in who should be invaded, and becoming a conscientious objector would naturally land you a death sentence.
Just desert lmao
That would also land you a fucking death sentence.
If you get caught. Kind of a skill issue desu
50% of the 6th army was hiwi, italian,rumanian or Hungarian
>get sent to death row and spend your time in a cushy prison before executed by firing squad
>get torn apart by opposing artillery or machine guns and have your corpse eaten by starving russian peasants

Which way, German?
Why didn't they prevent it by not invading other countries
There’s in fact a lot, go and search them up. Unlike a certain bomeless “genocide”.
>There’s in fact a lot, go and search them up.
Source? Nothing Jewish please.
I like living and there's a chance I'll make it if I choose the latter.
those are casualties not deaths.
worked for Poland and the USSR thobeit.
this but jews
the problem started long before stalingrad but stalingrad simply exposed the current state of the wehrmacht.
those soldiers were already battle weary and many had already travelled hundreds of miles ON FOOT. they were under supplied and undermanned before they even walked into stalingrad. the fact that they almost took the city is remarkable. perhaps if they did not bomb the place into oblivion they may have been able to take it, who knows.
but even if they did, then what?
No physical evidence for Battle of Stalingrad.

Why can't you just post the bomes?
Cannae in slow motion.
Meanwhile Jews lived in fortified luxury resorts with heating, swimming pools, cinemas and bunnies.
You kikes just love to muddy the waters, so here you go.
Battle of Stalingrad bomes:
Now find me some holohoax bomes? Oh that’s right you don’t have any hahah.
Good one
How did that work out for them?
Those troops were stationed on the outer flanks that the Soviets broke through initially. The vast majority of the army that became encircled were Germans with a handful of Romanians.

There's not 1,500,000 bomes in those videos. A hundred at best. Where are the rest of the bomes?
Show me a single holohoax bome and then I’ll show you the rest.
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The NSDAP and their allies systematically murdered millions of innocent Jewish, Polish, Slavic, and Romani people. Whether the death toll of Jews was closer to 5 million or 7 million can certainly be debated, because precisely quantifying large scale genocides is tedious work (just look at Rwanda, or the Armenian Holocaust, and how estimates vary with those).

Yet, the fact that this genocide happened, and that there were millions of innocent victims, is not up for debate. The evidence is simply insurmountable. Victims were shot, beaten, hung, poisoned, and starved to death, after being forced into ghettos, and then concentration camps. If you want to argue about numbers, that's one thing, but even David Irving admits that millions of Jews were slaughtered:
>Human Remains (AKA 'SHOW US DA BONEZ!')
^The above four links contain a plethora of your precious fucking bomes, you dumb wehraboo faggots.

>Footage, Documentation, and Other Primary Sources


>Operation Reinhard

>Goebbels' Diary

>George S. Patton & The Holocaust

>Winston Churchill & The Holocaust

>Holocaust Research Project

>Encyclopedia of Third Reich Camps & Ghettos
Bonus round!
>But muh nazis didn't use sas!
Of course they did, just not as much as other methods:
I think the biggest tragedy is how Paulus, the guy that told HItler from the start that Barbarossa was a stupid idea an logistically infeasible was the dude who got stuck there with his troops

Why can't you just show me the 1,500,000 bomes? There should be bomes popping up every time someone digs up a road or even plants some flowers? Where are the bomes?
Can you read kike?
I said I’ll post the rest later.
But now you have to do something for me…post one that’s right just fucking 1 little iddy biddy holoshat bome, that’s all I’m asking for. It shouldn’t be too hard, it apparently happened right?


Why not now? 1,500,000 bomes should be flying out the ground every where people step. Yet...no bomes...
I already posted some bomes and I’m willing to post more, BUT I will only do so if you post 1 tiny little holofake bome. There’s apparently meant to be 6 million who died, so surely finding ONE bome isn’t that hard right?
I’m not asking for much anon, just one crumb of a bome.
Try not electing the nazis next time (going strong so far, although for no merit of their own)

>no bomes

Too bad the bolshevists were financed by the Allies.
They didnt tho.

Only 33% voted for the NSDAP in the last free election.
This is in contrast to the nearly 40% that voted for a socialist party in that same election.

Hitler simply decided that the German people shouldnt be able to vote in any future election.
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>hypermilitaristic, ultranationalist '''traditionalist''' society
>supposedly made up of culturally and genetically pure 'aryan' over-men
>fights one (1) war
>1/3 of the country turned into a Slavo-Uralic cum pit for 40+ years
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>Should have applied for conscientious objector status

You mean like Franz Jägerstätter did?
Check: >>16889193

Check: >>16889195

And Irving, once the most famous denier in the world, admits it was a genocide too:
>"I said that then based on my knowledge at the time, but by 1991 when I came across the Eichmann papers, I wasn't saying that anymore and I wouldn't say that now. The Nazis did murder millions of Jews."
- David Irving

As always,
Stormniggers: 0
The rest of the world: 1
This, Jews got rollercoasters and live bands and were safe from allied bombing while German cucks got sent to Stalingrad lmao
>he can’t even find a single holofuck bome
There’s not a single bome here.
>they dug a hole so that means there’s bomes
There’s literally not a single bome there you liar.
>go to famous battlefield +80 years after it happened, in which most casualties were accounted for and given burial
>not many bones found after all these decades
Zoinks! Who would have thought?!
>yids can’t even find a single iddy biddy bome in a “genocide” that apparently killed 6 million people
>>16891498 >>16891478 >>16891513
Faggots, the bomes are all here. Literally anyone with eyes can see:

Your heroes even admit it. High ranking command in the NSDAP, like Hitler and Goebbels themselves, were pretty darn open about what they were doing, and even spoke on their supposed motivations and intentions publicly:

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