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Why are religious people so violent and mean
Christianity was created for the preservation of a people from death by a God that sees smashing baby heads on rocks is perfectly acceptable if it accomplishes that goal.
because you're a troon
whats that
They're not but they can seem like that though. Hyper religious people tend to be psychopaths or autistic. You see, religion is not a set of propositions that try to accurately reflect reality but a form of community social norms. Even in strict religious societies (i.e. the Taliban, Saudi Arabia, etc..) the average person follows the religion because of others. For them it builds there social network so it is a useful belief to have and this is also incidentally why even in these strict religious societies people don't follow the religion 100% in all aspects.

On the other hand psychopaths don't have empathy for others. So the community aspect doesn't matter to them. But they realize that if they become religious they will be higher in the social hierarchy. Though I should note the psychopaths are always less religious compared to autists because psychopaths realize that religion is a social game so they know when to temper there religious beliefs.
Now for autists, they genuinely believe religion to be a set of propositions that try to accurately reflect reality. So they follow it, divorcing it from it's social context. Autists don't realize that religion is a social game because they're brain can only focus on one aspect of a concept. So they can seem abrasive because they are not taking into account the social aspects of it. Also Autists don't see the point in the community because for them social skills have to be directly recalled from their memory any time they interact with others. Which is unlike normies where social skills are send to the muscle memory part of the brain, making it automatic for them. This intern makes the autist exhausted when interacting with others because they have to constantly think. It would be like if there were some people who were born with the disability where they can only breathe and blink if they think about it. And stop breathing and blinking when there mind is not thinking about it since breathing and blinking are not put in muscle memory.
>WE created man in our image
Only the ugly devil wants to kill God unless.. something isn't right.
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wait until you look at the atheists op........
>Why are religious people so violent and mean?
Because they have something to fight for.
Because religion only exists because it strokes the egos of evil people.
A type of fish iirc.
>religious people are violent
>Godless people are violent
so what's the appeal of religion then
what happens after you die?
atheists - nothing
theists - something to make your life useful
what's the appeal of knowledge in general
>appeal of knowledge
to get some distance from the retards
I'm not a gambler.
>he says, using information technology
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God and Jesus gave you a path to salvation while those who lost their faith or switched to a humanist esoteric faith were left to seethe in their self hatred and the left over altruism taught by their religion, causing them to attempt to create heaven on earth by any means necessary which made them speed run mass murder and force the state to tax your wealth by force.
This can be read two ways and both are true.
Communists are NOT atheists
What God do communists believe in?
Only monotheists.
as the animal kingdom demonstrates it is more of a feature of nature than something endemic to religious people.
in fact only religious people have condemned violence in any meaningful capacity.
Ok satan.
Satan lol
Why is this board filled with anti-religious low-quality single sentence bait and gabrage that should be deleted on sight? Are mods in on this?
okay so knowing things has it's purpose, there you go religion justified
Something is definitely not right!
You have no quality or skill that's useful to your Omni-God, so you're useless! And therefore, your God's New Jerusalem ("Heaven") is/will be eternally and stultifyingly boring!
>the ego
religion is the only thing that posits eternal repercussions for sins of pride, abstract and mythical or not.
evil people want to fuck and kill whomsoever they wish and religion is the only force effectively advising against this.

what, do you think "just be a nice dude" is convincing to anyone?
would you give your life to have people be nice dudes? would you kill?
Quite the violent reply... Are you religious ?
>i KNOW a jew made everything
the jew lived for about 30 years two thousand years ago, but God the Son, who chose a jewish mother, is continually begotten. it's a heady, metaphysical discussion that can't be explained with funny bazingas or statistics that play nice with your identity issues.
if you would rather a german or a mexican guy had exemplified god's unity with man, that's your issue. but it shouldn't matter.
>you're either a catty and gay atheist or a virulent and imposing submitter to god
There's 2 kinds of religious people
>the kindest, humblest fellow you've met in a long while
>the passive-aggressive cunt (in a feminine way), who's out to ruin your day for no reason, and faps to the thought of everyone getting barbecued
who are you quoting
If you're a humble person yourself you would ask what exactly you did to make someone that frothy about you and maybe start making amends.
I don't know why should I bother tho, since I'm autist and most of those are strangers or semi-strangers. Street preachers and the like.
because it helps make you a better person
Wouldn't it just make me a bitter one?
>hey you! you're kind of a faggot, no offense, and a bit retarded, no offense, and you have a face only god can love, no offense of course! god bless!
>>you're right, i am and i do, sorry about that btw
>aww~! can you please move over there, behind the corner, so that i don't have to watch you. thankyouverymuch! xoxo
*could you
wondering if you did something to make someone else mad,
and/or ,
making an effort to reconcile with angry people,
doesn't make you bitter or self-abusive.

when you obsess about your own abilities
or about your enemy's insolence
you forget god, who loves you even though you're an idiot and compared to whom you ARE an idiot.
and that's what makes you bitter or self-abusive. you need to forgive yourself just as much as you need to forgive others, and always work on yourself first.

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