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Ok but what’s actually wrong with fascism?
>promotes patriotism and national unity
>rejects degeneracy
>against corporate greed and big businesses that care more about profit than the people
>capitalism within reason, heavy industries are regulated by government
>rejects cultural degeneracy
>promotes strength
>workers rights
>cares about the environment
If it wasn’t for retards like Hitler that practiced genocide then would this ideology have a different reputation today?

I keep thinking about Teddy Roosevelt. Guy who challenged big businesses, wanted a square deal for the average worker, and was super into fitness/nature and a war hawk. Not bad.
fascism was successful in mexico and argentina but people don't call it fascism (both got hijacked by socialists tho)
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The problem with Fascism is that many people, including Anons on this board, don’t know what the ideology of fascism is because they refuse to read a book, by the people who actually implement it.

Most people think it’s “racist authoritarianism” so Chuds like to embrace it to get a contrarian buzz out of it
Mexico is Porfirio Diaz?
The economy stagnated under Mussolini.
Can it be argued that Ataturk also was fascist?

Secular strong man who promoted strong military, Turkish nationalism, regulated big businesses, separated church and state, invested heavily into youth education
no, porfirio was a classical liberal, laissez faire type, fought to separate church and state and helped (a lot) to take down the second mexican empire
im talking about obregon and especially calles in the 20s and 30s, they liked hitler and mussolini and emulated them, its main legacy is corporatism but cárdenas turned trade unions and PRI itself socialist
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It flourish under Hitler, no question about that
I would also argue that people such as Thomas Sankara. Gaddafi, and Sadam Hussein followed the Fascist model for their respective countries
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The same exact arguments could made for communism, except for capitalism within reason of course.
The fact is that these idealistic conceptions don't seem to manifest that easily.
There are many reasons for that.
You can simply look at the authoritarian states that have existed and the ones that still exist, and draw your conclusions.
Some have succeeded where others have perished; why do you think that is so?
A state that promotes republicanism isn't really fascist, even if there is a strong emphasis on authority.
What’s the modern PC equivalent of this political ideology? Is it populism? Moderate republican? Socialist? How can I say that I identify with this without making people seethe or try to cancel me?
>I'm a patriot lol
Don't forget to say the "lol" out loud, very important.
this one, but if it's conservative most people will call it fascism to demonize it outright
>national unity
I’d rather not be forced to celebrate whatever faggy sentiment the average person would be complacent with.
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>Bull Moose Party
Not modern per se but will make normies scratch their heads in confusion.
None of that actually happened under Fascist regimes, tho
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>None of that actually happened under Fascist regimes, tho
It's a dictatorship.
If you use the word degeneracy unironically it immediately outs you as a retard to everybody else btw.
>starts aggressive wars of expansion
that's the biggest problem with it desu
It puts too much power into the hands of whatever lunatic takes command. Highly authoritarian governments always end up being led by a schizophrenic
There is a question about that. Germany’s economy was shit under hitler
>against corporate greed and big businesses that care more about profit than the people
>heavy industries are regulated by government
>workers rights
It‘s harmful to vulnerable minority groups, who need protection and care. No matter how positive the results of Fascism are, it wouldn’t be worth it. We need a system that promotes equality and fairness for everyone, including people outside your nation with reason of course.

Remind us, how many mistresses did anti-degeneracy Il Duce have?
>the line MUST go up because... BECAUSE IT JUST DOES, OK!
>starts wars
lol weaklings
And how big were their noses?
Highly democratic societies tend to have their offices filled with Scizos
I can’t seriously take this comment at face value. Hitler took the Weimar Republic, where you had to cart a wheel barrel full of cash to pay for a loaf, and turned it into a feared superpower.
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I once ran into a self-proclaimed "civnat fascist" in the wild. Let me tell you, it was utterly bizarre to see someone who thought Jared Taylor was both not far enough to the right AND too racist.
In retrospect, I'm not sure if he actually believed what he said or was just trying to offend as many people at once as possible. Either way, though, it was surreal to see a self-proclaimed fascist call Graham Linehan a "transphobic pile of shit".

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