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I just discovered femboys are an intrinsic part of Ottoman history and culture. They were called Köçek. Is this permissable in Islam? How devout were the Ottomans?
turks are genetically greek
What did you expect?
They're mostly Anatolian with some Turkic ancestry, not Greek.
Anatolia is a place and Greeks were living in Anatolia for like 1500 years before the Turks came. They weren't the only group but the most dominant one
>Is this permissable in Islam?

>How devout were the Ottomans?
Anatolians are not Greek. They were Hellenised and then Turkified. Mainland Greeks don't cluster anywhere near Anatolians
>Greeks don't cluster anywhere near Anatolians
They cluster very tightly. One might even say that they are identical. Same goes for most Jews, Armenians, and Levantine Arabs. Basically, it's all Greek.
Would bacha bazi
In your dreams Georgios
Islam has always enabled all types of pedophilia. Because it's 100% satanic.
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The Gayreek boy toy Basha bazi love isn't limited to the Anatolian mixed Eurasians only, these pedofags are found from South Arabia all the way to Afghanistan where they might have little to no Anatolian gayreek influence.
There were Greek colonies all over the Anatolian cost as early as 4th century BC
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see also - bacha bazi boys
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The Turk man is also steppeniggers like the Aryan man, steppenigs are obsessed with paederasty, something the Semitic man finds abhorrent, which is why we don't get along.

Also reminder fucking some little boi isn't the same thing as having sex with a modern fully-passing transwoman like this white angel, which is something even I (Aramaeo-Canaanite descendant, so a Semite) would do.
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See? Some Aryan descendants fucking little bois >>16887675. Meanwhile a womanly trans angel like this would be as far as a Semitic straight male would go.

Notice the difference.
steppe descended people need to be studied. even CHG does shit like this
you won't find this among actual jews or actual semites (like Assyrians and Armenians)
Who is this
Islam is a faith of criminals made by criminals for the sake of criminals. Also sauce pls
Muslims consistently fuck little boys regardless so it doesn't matter.
No but only a percent of a percent actually follow Islam as it was meant to be followed
You are surprised that the innate desire of brown people is to fuck little boys?
>MENA people
Actual turkic peoples did not like pederasty
Pederasty is popular among semitic peoples
retarded /pol/tranny
retard.. look up bachi bazi.
in all central Asian countries, it's talibanis (an Arabic Semitic movement) that's putting a stop to it.
is he Brazilian? He looks so much like a Brazilian girl I used to talk to
>it's talibanis (an Arabic Semitic movement)
When napoleon's troops were in egypt, the egyptians were confused as to why the French didn't want to molest boys like them
He's turkish
Egyptian leadership has not had arab semite leadership since the establishment of maluke sultanate. Arabs were banned from offices of power and were relegated to either commerce or trade in SEA. The pedastry was observed among mamluk elite, which was wholly made up of kurds, georgians, circassians, and turks. Nice try man but this is dishonest on your part.
>i-i-it was only the elites!
holy fucking COPE!
I think that's Angele_mrh. Doesn't look Brazilian to me
Yes among the non Arabic, non Semitic elite.
"Egyptian" is a dated term and paints an overly inclusive picture. Bedouinsdespised mamlukes and circassians despised bedouins. The horse fucking and pedastry was mostly done by circassians, and the other ethnicities I mentioned
You've assumed that the egyptians commenting on the French desire only for women was a Circassian 'elite', which is just cope.
Retard, read a book on the era. Circassians and Georgians ran he show in Egypt. They loved pedastry because that's how mamlukes recruited.
your whole line of argument is easily wasted because I can just refer to how common pederasty was in north africa even after the turks were gone.
Keep coping, keep seething.
North Africa is its own little microcosm you Pigskin buffoon retard. They go to war with each other on ethnic divide so on that merit alone theyre unrelafed to egypt. They aren't relevant to the arab world. Just another bandit hive we extracted dividends from. They're Pigskin now and whatever degenerate shit they do isn't connected to us.
Whatever churkoid asiatic maggot you are, keep your femboy closet case kochek shit on your side of the fence. You can try to procreate with hairy gross men while we erect towers to cast a shadow on your fallen empire. Worthless parasite
Muslims say it's halal if he doesn't have a beard
>North Africa is its own little microcosm
Special pleading.
Köçek sounds like a word invented by some low grade historical erotic fiction writer combining "Cossack" with "Cock"
Nafris will literally knock you out if you call them arab. Thy speak their own language separate from Arabic.
Cope pederast semite
What's the point of ruining a perfectly functional femboy with a beard? He doesn't exactly have an influx elsewhere.
i'm a jewish fag btw
I'm also trans, and a member of my local Queers for Palestine community. I forgot to mention that, but it seems really important.
believe me when i say I got no issue with your lifestyle and i fully support it, but you're probably ashkenazi or some white jew.
>but you're probably ashkenazi or some white jew.
Those are the worst jews.
I'm also black and I completed my SRS yesterday btw.
muhammad was a pedo tho
good luck out there my nigga
they're just european whites. the mizrahi and sephardics know gotta keep the lineage going while these whites rave and revel
Where is that in the quran
mizrahis/sephardis are getting outbred by pigskinned ultra-orthos
Not very, hence their downfall
Version with sound? I want to hear him talk lewd in his weird tikitikitikitiki ork language
How does Turkish sound to you?
Didn't think he was Turkish, he's too cute for that
That's what OP says anyway. Only femboy I stalk is Yahya so maybe he's wrong

sauce on these two or stfu
Gross and straight
Yahya looks nothing like OP
And? I'm saying I only follow Yahya so idk anything about the boy in the OP. Never said they look similar
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Is he back?
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Nord trans GODDESS Siri Lehland. It's completely straight to want to get her pregnant, which made me realize homosexuality is fine, while actual faggotry (wanting to fuck gay bears, gay wolves, muscle men, twinks, etc) is abhorrent and paederasty (wanting to fuck little bois) is revolting, then again only Turks and Aryans (Indo-Europeans) are into that due to their steppefaggotry.

Now look at this Med (Portuguese) trans goddess, it's simply a fact some AMABs were born to become women for us straight males.
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I want European AMABs to STOP becoming women and making me straight (attracted to women in general, cis and trans) instead of superstraight (exclusively attracted to biofems).
No, which is probably for the best. I miss his old twink/borderline tranny content but he was a disturbed kid and was talking about SRS before he went the twunk route and then deleted his shit.
>wanting to fuck twinks is abhorrent and paederasty (wanting to fuck little bois)
Nobody who says this has the same reaction to a straight guy wanting to fuck an 18 year old girl and the tranny you posted has an extremely young looking face anyway. A lot moreso than many twinks
I'm guessing this is the frenchy
And this?
>Nobody who says this has the same reaction to a straight guy wanting to fuck an 18 year old girl
Male-looks on Male-looks (don't care if an old man or a young boy) = abhorrent to look at.

Simple as.

I'm not saying faggotry is wrong, sodomites like you can go fuck whoever you want as long as he is of legal age, I'm just saying how straight men such as myself react to faggotry, it's just instinct.

Homosexuality with pic related actually makes the cock hard, which is the proof I have no prejudice against alphabet people.
I'm not saying you're a homophobe unless you want to fuck twinks, I'm saying that there are different standards of what's pedophilic for straight and gay people. 18 year old girls who look like 18 year old girls are lusted over by straight guys all the time and that's rightfully seen as normal. Teen is one of the top porn categories. A gay man lusting over an 18 year old boy who looks like an 18 year old boy is not fundamentally different but somehow one's magically pederasty and the other is so normal it doesn't even bear mentioning.
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...of Portuguese descent, she goes by the names goresigil or joysigil. She's like 22 and claims to be a virgin, everything I want is to pop her bussy cherry.
>And this?
Emma Ellingsen, one of the most famous trans models, probably an angel in human clothes.

Sounds like a cope bro, excluding homophobes (who hate any form of homosexuality), no one bats an eye if some fag wants to fuck an 18 year old. Of course, many fags don't stop at 18, especially the "bi"sexual variant:

>In the dining-room, on the very first day, we saw the Polish family, which looked exactly the way my husband described them: the girls were dressed rather stiffly and severely, and the very charming, beautiful boy of about 13 was wearing a sailor suit with an open collar and very pretty lacings. He caught my husband's attention immediately. This boy was tremendously attractive, and my husband was always watching him with his companions on the beach. The boy who inspired "Tadzio" was Baron Władysław Moes, whose first name was usually shortened as Władzio or just Adzio. He was aged 10 when he was in Venice, significantly younger than Tadzio in the novella.
>He caught my husband's attention immediately.
>He was aged 10

>Andrésen later described his discomfort with his role in Death in Venice and its director Luchino Visconti, stating that "When I watch it now, I see how that son of a bitch sexualized me." At the time of the film's release, rumours circulated in the United States that Andrésen was gay (as the role demanded that he appear to exchange romantic glances with the protagonist, and on another occasion, be kissed and caressed by another teenage boy), which Andrésen emphatically denied. After the film's premiere, Visconti pressured Andrésen to attend a gay club, where he was made uncomfortable by the staring of adult men; Andrésen later described the experience as "hell".
>attend a gay club, where he was made uncomfortable by the staring of adult men
>no one bats an eye if some fag wants to fuck an 18 year old. Of course, many fags don't stop at 18, especially the "bi"sexual variant
Calling it abhorrent pederasty is more than batting an eye lol. And I'm not defending shit like what you posted, nor do the vast majority of gays, but half the people who fixate on stuff like that are talking about cunny and lowering the age of consent to 14. So even there there's less distance than you think.
Erm, who is this
By the end of the day, you make whatever religion you believe in, the "official" religion but it is only an empty and abstract idea.
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>call gay bear fucking abhorrent (from a straight male point of view)
>call muscle men fucking abhorrent (from a straight male point of view)
>call twink fucking abhorrent (from a straight male point of view)
Twink-fucker gets butthurt, singles out the twink part and says I'm batting an eye.

You can keep fucking twinks (as long as they're 18+), just like you can eat shit for all I care. It's abhorrent, but it doesn't I'm batting an eye.

Not even a (You).
It's just homosexual repression on their part. If they were more honest about their faggotry I'd like them
Just lol
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I had a brief thing with a tranny. We'd meet up and they'd suck my dick. it was cool. We were discussing stuff like how serious this was and what not. I made it clear I wasn't looking for a relationship but they kept trying to initiate a real thing. I broke it off because I didn't want to lead anyone on and also it turned out they were an actual pedophile. That came out during and I thought I could deal with it if it was just a weird kink but then it got a little too real. Like, they asked if I had tried anything with my sister. I almost killed him but I held it in and ghosted them.
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>& Humanities
Sexually speaking, why do straight males such as myself want to fuck her ass and only stop after getting her knocked up?

I know she's a male, but why does it make dick gets harder instead of going limp? I literally want to feminise her even further with the power of my cock.
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>know it's a man
>you want to stick your dick in her poop chute
>no doubt seen her brown-lookin asshole on her twitter
>those fake tits
>the voice
Honestly bro, you're bi because the above is what keeps me from crossing that line into your turf. Do I find this pic arousing? Obviously. Do I want to actually stick my dick in a dudes ass? Nah man. It's nice in fantasy and doctored pics with the perfect lighting but I just could never take that last step. And I've lowkey used tinder/grindr to meet trannies before lmao
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>you're bi
Incorrect, I don't like men, only girls and t-girls (1% of them at best). No gay man likes what I like.

Also, real bisexuality almost doesn't exist among AMABs, 99,9% of "bi"sexual AMABs are paedophiles who want to fuck women, little girls and little boys (aka bipedos), meta-attracted autogynephilic bottoms (paeudo-bisexuals) or both things.

What makes gay men gay is androphilia, my androphilia is zero.
Wtf is GAMP?
“Those your right hand possesses” does not mention slave women exclusively
Probably because you're more interested in everything else except the cock and balls.
"GAM" = Gynandromorph, "GAMP" = "Gynandromorphile". An example of a gynandromorph individual would be a "futanari" character, or a "draw a girl call it a boy" trap.

According to that chart both a heterosexual male and homosexual male have higher attraction (although still relatively low) to GAM than AGPs have to males. lol
He's Turkish, I used to follow him. Forgot the name though. Lots of cuties in Western Anatolia.
>Forgot the name, though
We get it dude, you're a porn addict. Now stop spamming this shit on a blue board
Attractive women aren't inherently pornographic and they provide image context to the replies
Very humanity oriented, in fact
>it's simply a fact some AMABs were born to become women for us straight males
Know if any societies throughout history ever widely held or at least largely accepted this view?
He's just being a faggot
>Those are the worst jews
They don't hold many positions of power and are worse with their public image, that's a bonus in my book
i envy the irrelevant people of the world.
uninteresting enough that whites (revealing gypsies) will never take interest in you
Sephardics are fairly well known, even if not by that particular name. Nothing to envy about them
how nice
a fetish thread
Femboys are both historical and humanities
They aren't
>remove thread about thomas jefferson
>keep this thread up
Too many Thomas Jefferson threads. It was time to add a novel thread about esoteric history
>I think that's Angele_mrh
Its not. The guy OP posted is a turkish femboy, not tranny
Who is he in particular?
Kys, you're even more disgusting.
maybe among seething schizophrenic permavirgin pasty pink incels they are known, but most of the world just registers them as "BROWN!" and leaves them alone.
That was my point for the most part
Well the short of it is that you're mentally ill.
Weird enough this is from a formor Greek ruled area as well. Hmmmmm.....
ESL check
i see nothing mentally ill about it. one failed male makes the decision to transition and a straight guy choices to help the female fulfill her goal because he knows a woman is able to satisfy his needs in a way that a homosexual simply wouldn't be able to
VGH, the millenary legacy of the Macedonian Slav king Aleksandr Velikiy.
If anything the opposite is true
Not really, Chad won

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