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I find these people fascinating theyre like if Gauls survived the Romanization. They lived in huts yet had art so good europeans thought it was from lost greek influences
They were like Africa’s Sumer, if that makes sense.
A real African civilization. About 1000-1600 AD
The civilization collapsed though and only oral records survived. This in spite of the adoption of Arabic script for several local languages. Written language was lost.
The best sources will be contemporary Arab travelers and then European explorers circa 1500-1600.
West African civilization supports the theory that IQ is highly plastic genetically* and that rising civilization rapidly selects for IQ, and then the decline of civilization rapidly selects for low IQ.
Not to discount African oral records though. Those are useful too.
There wasnt a collaspe Oyo took over as the main yoruba power Oyo lasted well into the 19th century

The Edo or Benin as you may know them also descend from a common point and was around until the 19th century

The igbo’s society didn’t collaspe
A lot of Nigerian kingdoms were mad into human sacrifice, a little like the aztec. A lot of contemporary african historians like to plays this aspect down or dismiss it completely as 'colonial lies' but every single eye witness account describes it.

> When old King Hio, of Croo-town, near Calabar, died, (in 1820) he saw, he believes, not fewer than a hundred liuman beings sacrificed in one day. They were taken down to the beach, and their heads cut oft; after which the bodies were thrown into the sea, and the heads buried and lei't until the flesh decayed ; when the skulls were taken up, and deposited in the fetiche, or devil-house, of which there is one in every town. These unfortunate victims submit to their fate with a comparative degree of resignation, or, rather, without betraying any extraordinary degree of terror.

-Captain Hugh Crow
I'm also entertained by the following account of custom that allows a man to dress as a demon and murder people who haven't paid their tributes. strange bunch of lads.

>There is here a custom, which, if it existed at Bonny, escaped the observation of our author. Every monih or " moon," (for by such the Africans compute their time) a personage, who is known by the name of " Great Egbo," and whose authority, it appears, the inhabitants are compelled to respect, though they do not know, or will not reveal, the secret of its origin, parades the streets, in the character of a national bailift" and executioner. He is dressed up in a fantastic and rather frightful manner, with long artificial hair, and his face muffled up, so that he cannot be recognised by those with whom he comes in contact. He is armed with a naked sword in one hand, and a cow-skin whip in the other ; and, thus equipped, sallies forth into the streets, followed by a crowd of men and boys ; being authorized to flagellate and even destroy those whom he meets or overtakes who have not paid up certain tributes to the chiefs. He is known and dreaded, being considered as a sort of avenging- demon. Most of the natives being aware of the day of his periodical visit, secure themselves in their houses, or fl\" for refuge on seeing him approach, or on hearing the sound of the bell which he carries fastened to his back to announce his coming. He is always upon the run, and some of those he comes upon, who have not paid the tribute, he instantly kills by cutting off their heads at a blow. On others, probably minor offenders, he inflicts only stripes
Imma be real with this is likely bullshit given how the actual archeological evidence that supports possible human sacrifice doesnt align with any european accounts, hell a lot of supposed depictions are mislabeled one that was a supposed yoruba sacrifice was a mande execution of a defeated king also thats not at all about OP’s topic

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