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>let's make a law that people will have to follow for eternity even though we have no idea what kind of world they'll be living in or if they will like the law we make
>let's have a process to amend it as time goes on
the constitution is a fair response to the history of the english common law. Medieval Anglos pioneered pretty much everything that was eventually incorporated into the bill of rights, such as due process, but their actual track record of honoring those great ideas they come up with leaves something to be desired. Just look at how comically evil star chamber was, and they came into existence centuries after the english began developing the concept of due process (historically called the "law of the land.")
Having an actual written document which codifies individual rights that is supreme amongst all laws, but which also provides a means for democratic change should the need arise reaches a nice middle ground between playing so loosey goosey with rights that it's not clear whether they exist on the one hand, and allowing long-dead men to rule from the grave on the other.
What law? The document doesn't tell people they have to do anything. The document tells the government what it's not allowed to do and if it oversteps that line the people can destroy it
It sets up a system of government which has a far greater impact on your life than a list of what you can and you can't do.
It's amendable.
causes depressions from money printing?
There's the amendment process, but SCOTUS judicial activism is the easier way to do it
only in theory. In practice it's impossible to get 3/4 majority when there's 40 tiny states with no people on it whose interests are completely at odds with the 10 big states with all the people.
damn maybe massive polities are a fucking mistake and we need to go back to citystates ASAP
>but anon what about the military! big states let you defend yourself from big states!
The US constitution was designed for a massive federal country however.
>The US constitution was designed for a massive federal country however.
No it wasnt, hence the federalist vs anti-federalist arguments.... And the civil war
Both sides in the cuvil war massively centralized federal authority. Conscription, income taxes, mass seizure of private property, both sides did things that would have driven any of the founding fathers to revolt.
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>amendment /ə-mĕnd′mənt/
>The act of changing for the better; improvement.
>A correction or alteration, as in a manuscript.
>The process of formally altering or adding to a document or record.
Btw, still the greatest governing document known to man. Not a single other nation even comes close, pissbaby tyrants and peaceniks be damned.
I love how americans seethe when they are told the historical fact that they have no history, no culture. America is just a country for the british bourgeois tax evaders to base society on GDP kek

It's pathetic that all americans have in their shitty life is the romanticisation of bourgeois democracy
I'm not even American. You're just another example of a copelord who refuses to acknowledge the reality of the situation.
You have to implement a certain amount of inertia and stricture in a constitution, otherwise the unscrupulous and shortsighted will abuse the fuck out of it. It's a good design principle to be more conservative the deeper a structural choice is.
>comically evil
Twitter phrase for twitter cucks
Great post otherwise, keep it up!
Grow up loser
I love the smell of Euroseethe in the afternoon
>Twitter phrase for twitter cucks
fair enough. I don't know where I picked up the phrase in my vernacular, but I always use literally. A comic is a dumb, bad story for babies. Something to me that is "comically evil" is something that is so utterly depraved for no good reason that it reads like something some idiot wrote for a baby story.
Star chamber famously hacked people's noses and ears and shit off on completely bogus charges
I remember reading this one case where some soldier serving in the British navy accused his superior officer of treason by selling off the ship's supply of gunpowder and filling the barrels with sand instead. I think this accusation might have actually turned out to be at least partially true, but he was convicted of riot in star chamber and so they cut off his ears and stuck him in a pillory in the middle of town with a sign around his neck saying "traitor" or something like that. Profoundly sick situation.
>The constitution has laws in it that force me to love self induced depressions and inflation
No I don't think it does
What is stronger than Law
It is in heart
>I love
No you don't

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