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>Gets invaded by the Brits
>Chimps out
>Gets invaded by Germans
>Chimps out
>Gets invaded by violent, low IQ Nafris, Muslims and sub Saharans
>Government actively encourages it and continues inviting in more
Somebody explain the Fr*nch to me
>calls self-defense "chimpout"
I think the problem is with you OP.
why do they only "defend" themselves against White people?
because their neighbors treated them far worse than Africans
Petty crime or whatever they have to worry about now was simply not on the level of shit like the sack of Rouen or Vichy forced labor
>raping, rioting, destruction of property and theft are considered better than speaking German in a civilized country
france rejected racial national identities whereas spainards embraced it and, as a result, are slowly fucking the entire planet into copies of itself

france gets colonized and ruined by muslims and algerians while usa becomes spic and will eventually liberate their benefactor with the same death squads that did the reconquista
sub-replacement birthrate in a first-world country means importing whoever will come to maintain that quality of life for the shrinking native population. currently only ones willing to come in droves are low IQ Nafris, Muslims and sub Saharans.

france could have mexicans, guatemalans, and filipinos instead if they were willing to tolerate their language and establish a multi lingual state
Germans did all of those things too tho, along with enslavement and destroying whole towns and mass executions and such
Yeah, along with bayonetting babies and jacking off innocent French men against their will
>immigration is literally being invaded
How many divisions do the Nafris have? How many Muslim tank brigades are driving at Paris? Who is the commanding officer of the sub Saharans?
the invasion is happening without weapons - it is voluntary
/his/ is a blue board, please post your sexual fantasies elsewhere
doesn't seem like much of an invasion then
French nationalists would say France was totally lost to French people during the Third Republic when they were completely overrun with Eastern European Jews who bought out their whole political system.
Macron is anti-white capitalist cuck in league with a rothchild. All European governments allow migrants to replace and rape native pop due to enriching elites not their society or people that's it. They selling out for money.
If you ask well why not get SEAs or any docile migrants who would work and not commit crime, hehe well then the answer is Jews.
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Because those ones happened quickly.
This one happens slowly.
Frog in cooking water thing.
You can do many things gradually and slowly and people just go with it.

Very funny actually.
>Anglais sont si grands d’eux-mêmes et ont eu pour eux tant de belles journées, qu’il leur est avis qu’ils ne peuvent perdre
I thought this was funny
The context is just after the death of Edward III
They aren’t being invaded, they’re legally migrating through normal channels of immigration, overseen by the French government, made up of elected representatives.
Germans treated the French far better in occupation than the French have ever treated the Germans during their occupation(s).
You just know the OP is a Rusissy ass gaped by churkas.
France is the place of one of the oldest globohomo kings families - Merovingians, Carolingians , they intermarried with Medici's.
Your guess would be that grand- grand grand kids of those kings still rule France as a shadow gov.

France needs uranium for their huge number of nuclear power plants. They get it mined in Africa.
They also created a number of currencies in Africa that were tied to franc. Also after ww2 some weird economic arrangements happened.
This made them favor certain african countries in trade.
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>France needs uranium for their huge number of nuclear power plants. They get it mined in Africa.

Not sure what it has to do with anything.
France buys raw uranium from Niger at above market price.
They also buy shit tons of raw uranium from Kazakhstan, yet you don't see millions of Kazakh people migrating to France.
Buying natural resources from a country doesn't mean you're required to also import its population.

Btw most Africans in France aren't from Niger.
>if you're being slowly genocided by tribalistic people who explicitly hate you and your government prevents you from doing anything about it, it doesn't count as invasion because...because it just doesn't, OKAY?
To understand leftism you can look at France and their perpetual protests. This religion of revolt and uprising is fed by the humanists, ie the atheist ruling class (oligarchs, bureaucrats, academia, entertainers, journalists), since now that 99% of the whole world is humanist with democracy this and republics that, their big idea was to do a revolution on the republic, but with the republic already being the revolution on the monarchy, this doesnt work. This is called marxism. the humanists are still hyping revolution to stay in power and intellectually being omnipresent on the political field, and entertain the plebeians of some ''change'' and doing another revolution (which again doesnt make sense, even intellectually since it is the atheists who have been in power since 1789) but this time ''the real revolution will happen'' and this time ''the people will have a voice'' and so on

You have to understand that this humanism is a religion, just like any other. It has dogmas, it has symbols, it has oppression and it has lots of hypocrisy. humanists are bored since the day they killed monarchy for good, and now they turn inward, so they hate themselves lol

So the atheist baptism is to actually revolt on the bureaucrats and their cops. For the generic champagne leftist, it is really an atheist ritual to fight at least once the cops in the street of Paris. For the middle class it is just venting out and breaking public shit. Again it is really fucked up because both the bureaucrats and the peasants are the same people saying the republics is awesome and there should be more bureaucrats telling people what to do and giving money to the plebs.
On the cop side, the cops are eager to fuck the peasants up. They say explicit they cant wait to beat up the protestors. Plus bureaucrats are shit at managing anything, especially a city, a country, really anything, even their bureaucracy. So lots of outcry from the roasties and twitter tards, and tactical mistakes from the cops
Leftism is literally chaos worship.
Anything harmful is to be praised and anything orderly is to be hated.

That's why they love criminals and hate cops.
That's why they love black and arabs but despise whites and asians.
That's why they love LGBT shit and feminism but hate traditional families.

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