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Daily reminder that Buddhism is the superior religion.
>It solves man's most important existential problem : suffering
>Your salvation isn't based on the worship of a God.
>Simple and strong ethics.
>BTFO's nihilists and eternalists with the middle path doctrine
>Doesn't require you to have blind faith in it's dogmas. Encourages you to experience the validity of it's claims through experience.
>Over 1000 years of rich tradition that still exist up to this day
Uh huh
People aren't equal
Disease, abnormalities, incidents are all because of your bad Karma both here and before
Just don't care, bro

Buddism is considered Satanic by the fact that it promotes the ideas that you can just repent on your next life and that you shpuld be apathetic to everything, including your own loved ones.

It's the sin of Sloth
>DUUUUUUUUUUDE just dont get attached to anything
>except for the idea of non-attachment. you can get attached to that

imagine a buddha basedjak to the left of my post btw
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>Buddism is considered Satanic
By barely literate subhumans who get all of their info about Buddhism from the local Imam.
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>>Doesn't require you to have blind faith in it's dogmas.
lol sure it doesnt. you just need to "find out for yourself" through a lifetime of slavish self hypnosis and brainwashing. wow gj you spontaneously "rediscovered" the realizations of buddha by reading about them 1000 times and staring at the back of your eyelids. what a crazy coincidence that you figured out the exact thing you read about and convinced yourself was true. lmao.

maybe try a real religion next time
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>a real religion
Enjoy your "real" religion.
Bhuddsim cucks an entire country , Mongols lost their warrior spirit due to it , the Islamic invasions of India only succeeded due to bhuddsim . The early Muslims freely raided bhuddist without much consequence and had to pay off hindu tribes and use them as mercenaries
You need bhuddism to be tweaked by East Asians to fit the warrior role like in china and Japan
>it's bad to ascend in the planes of existence and develop super powers

the state of women
>>It solves man's most important existential problem : suffering
The solution: annihilation
>Super powers
The only super power is money and child rape blackmail
Buddha already addressed this argument
>People aren't equal
Why do you /pol/trannies still pretend to be Christian when you stick out like a sore thumb?
>Mongols lost their warrior spirit due to it
But that was Islam.
Muslim Mongol descendants dominated the middle east, India and Russia for centuries after the Mongol Conquests, buddhists did squat
Maybe because spirituality is the opposite to mundane stuff like wars
>a problem
"Walk it off pussy" > Buddhism
>>Your salvation isn't based on the worship of a God.
Someone never heard of Pure Land Buddhism
Suffering is extinguished by reversing the causal chain, thus annihilating ignorance and changing your mode of being into an emanation of pure compassion.
Mongols never lost their fighting spirit. They lost to guns.
>what guarantee do you have that you’ll be human in the next life under buddhism and not a ghost who thirsts for water like a meth addict but gets a drink once every century?

>be japan or thailand
>refute argument by simply existing and being chad
>all other countries were fucked due to association with india (sri lanka, nepal, bhutan, myanmar) or commies failing to understand marx with their shitty brains and ruining countries
You just agreed with me, even bhikkhu Brahmali posits that.
There is a disease (Karma)
This disease manifests itself in you (Karma)
Its appearance is associated with causes and conditions (Karma)
One of the definitions that makes Karma different from sin is the fact that your actions carry no guilt.
You don't know exactly (if that weren't the case, you wouldn't need the Bible and self-help books) which actions will have the desired result.

There is nothing contradictory in what has been said about Karma, or do you have any more questions?
Your IQ must be that of a monkey or even less. Get that desert trash out of here, you vermin.
>Buddhism is bad because it teaches you to be a good person and good people are victims in the hands of bad people
Yes, Buddhism makes it very clear that this world is not paradise, for a Buddhist it's just a phase.
I understood that you observe the causal chain, you become aware of it, you work on it, but not to stop it, but to remove or stop the influence of the object.
>BTFO's nihilists
But buddhists are nihilists.
Good people fight bad people.
Nihilism is one of the four extremes that Buddhism claims do not possess the truth.
Moral discourse.
Human beings are animals who fight for all kinds of resources, whether physical or mental.
>Nihilism is one of the four extremes that Buddhism claims do not possess the truth.
And catholics claim they're not polytheists. The buddhist fixation on suffering to the exclusion of the rest of existence is indistinguishable from the whinging of the average nihilist.
>Human beings are animals
Yes, and we are also blessed with enough reason to recognize good and evil and respond to it accordingly. And the proper response to evil is to endeavor to snuff it out. Most of the time this doesn't involve violence. But sometimes it does. And people raping and killing your neighbors is one such time.
If I know that if I put my hand on a red-hot iron bar, I will burn my hand and I avoid it, would you call that nihilism and avoid life?
Buddhists interact with everyday life, each according to their social life, just like anyone else.
>would you call that nihilism
No. But if you built an entire religion about how the whole universe and every experience within it is nothing but red hot irons then yes, I would call that nihilism.
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>Just stop wanting things
And so Buddhism is still not nihilism since it doesn't claim that everything in the world is like a red-hot iron.
But I do claim that delight is the gateway to suffering.
>since it doesn't claim that everything in the world is like a red-hot iron
It does, though. Allegedly the totality of existence is suffering and the only way to escape suffering, which is apparently the only thing that matters, is to escape existence.
>But I do claim that delight is the gateway to suffering
One of the greatest ironies of buddhism is that we're all going to keep being reborn so long as people continue to believe this. It's not the only reason, but it is one of the funnier ones.
If Nibbana were nothing, the Buddha would have made that very clear by declaring materialism to be the truth. Then he would have said, "Yes, Bhikkhus, I support nihilism".
There were srmanad nihilistad at the time, the greatest of whom committed suicide.
The most consistent excuse I've seen for why nirvana doesn't count as annihilation is that there was never anything to annihilate. Which is pretty nihilistic. Buddhism isn't materialist, that's true. But that's probably because buddhism without the cycle of rebirth would result in a lot of suicides.
Just like the phrase "if you see the Buddha, kill him", I can imagine that the phrase "there was nothing there to begin with" is out of context.
In phenomenal terms (philosophy of mind), I could say that before you realized the phenomenal nature of nature, you believed that there really was something there, and you wouldn't be wrong.
if there's no cycle of rebirths then there's no need to for the 8fold path the end suffering as ending suffering just happens at death
>slavish self hypnsosis

lmao talking about glasshouses

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