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Why did the Spanish empire have a 130-year head start (1492-1620) on the British?
War of the Roses. Also, Spanish people were still high on the Reconquista drug back when they started exploring the Canary Islands, and just kept fuelling their addiction to conquests as long as there was money to pay for their expeditions.
but the War of the Roses ended in 1485.
Most of Spain (in both the kingdoms of Castile and Aragon) was in much better shape than England by the 1480s. Catalan merchants could trade freely with Genoans and had commercial contacts as far away as Cyprus. Spanish ports like Seville were used to import wool from the Scottish Lowlands, and Basque fishermen clearly had some friendly relations with Icelandic fishermen. Domestic Spanish artists were still stylistically stuck in the Middle Ages, but rich Spanish noblemen could afford to hire painters and artisans from the Netherlands and Germany.
On the other hand, it wasn't until King Henry VII's reign that the English wool industry really started picking up momentum. England did not officially conquer its next door neighbor, Ireland, till King Henry VIII's reign, and it wasn't until the Elizabethan era that there was enough richness and prosperity in the hands of English noblemen to finance colonial expeditions off to the Americas.
John Cabot sailed to the new world for England in 1497
And it took another 88 years for Sir Walter Raleigh to finance the ill-fated settlement of Roanoke Colony, which was the first English colonial settlement in North America.
The ottoman controlled the silk road,so the spanish and portos decided to bypass them by exploring around africa, and further west. They also experimented with plantation slavery which made them very wealthy
Completely missed the point I'm afraid
Ans the first stable one would come in the 17th century, more than a century after the Iberians
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Exactly. Less than 6 years later, the Spanish were the only ones with the money and the balls to find such an expedition.
jobbed in north africa and had to look elsewhere for ez loot
this board is fucking useless.
People always focus in the American continent but they seem to forget the massive expeditions that Spain did in the Pacific Ocean (which Spain named) and Asia.

Literally most islands (even those that have English names today) were discovered by Spain.

And many documents are still unread in the Archivo de Indias and once they are read there will be new discoveries done.
>And many documents are still unread in the Archivo de Indias
lazy latinx moment
Obviously because they are in a bad state to be read and deciphered...

Let´s also no forget that Iberians discovered America 25000 years ago also.

Why are they so powerful and Faustian spirit?
>Let´s also no forget that Iberians discovered America 25000 years ago also.
Yeah, that never happened
Nigger hasn't heard about the solvtreans
It still didn't happen
After the Reconquista, when the Christians had liberated Iberia from Moorish tyranny, the job wasnt finished. Muslims still had a fort in Ceuta in the tip of North Africa from which they would carry out raids on Europe. Because of this, King John of Portugal launched an attack on this fort, with his son Prince Henry in charge of the Navy. Prince Henry earned distinction in his victory over the Muslims at Ceuta, capturing the fort for the Portugese, but he wasnt done there.

After this, he became obsessed with exploring Africa. He worked with locals to find out everything he can, he financed a Navel College and bankrolled expeditions to explore the coast. This is how the Age of Discovery was started. This is why the Iberians had such a head start.
>Basque fishermen clearly had some friendly relations with Icelandic fishermen.
Add that basque sailors did do long teips in search of cod and whale to Ternua/near Canada
mtDNA haplogroup X: An ancient link between Europe/Western Asia and North America?


we notice that R1 clades among NA populations vary. The NA populations that possess the R- M173 haplotypes are predominately found in the Northeastern and Southeastern parts of the USA (see Table 2).
Frequency of the R1b sub-clades in North America
That they tested a supossed solutrean site and found no European haplogroups mean nothing because many native northAmericans (from areas where colonial Europeans never settled) display frequencies or R1b (totally western euro haplogroup). Confirming the solutrean hypothesis.
All north Spaniard fishermen (cantabrians, asturians) went cod and whale fishing to northamerica, not only basques.
It's not confirmed in any way, stop coping
>X2a has not been found anywhere in Eurasia, and phylogeography gives us no compelling reason to think it is more likely to come from Europe than from Siberia. Furthermore, analysis of the complete genome of Kennewick Man, who belongs to the most basal lineage of X2a yet identified, gives no indication of recent European ancestry and moves the location of the deepest branch of X2a to the West Coast, consistent with X2a belonging to the same ancestral population as the other founder mitochondrial haplogroups. Nor have any high-resolution studies of genome-wide data from Native American populations yielded any evidence of Pleistocene European ancestry or trans-Atlantic gene flow.
> "Does Mitochondrial Haplogroup X Indicate Ancient Trans-Atlantic Migration to the Americas? A Critical Re-Evaluation"
Confirming means to have absolute proofs that it happened and the only way to do it is using the extremely few archaeological sites of solutreans....and there are almost none and the samples could also have been from other civilizations...

So what do we have? North East northamerican tribes with frequencies of western euro haplogroups.... so how did it reach there in places where there were no European colonization?? Also how did solutrean-style elements arrive to deserted areas of northAmerica??

Did modern Europeans took solutrean-style elements to deserted places in northamerica....OR they were there since solutrean times confirming that they in fact arrived to America???

It is obvious that there is something important pointing to this direction.
There is literally nothing though
>Navel College
Sasuga os portugueses promoting navel-gazing
>R1b (totally western euro haplogroup)
R1b is originally from the Russian steppe thoughbeit
The possibility that someone from the steppes with R1b arrived in NorthEast America is extremely low compared to someone from western euro at that time. Adding the solutreans ceramics....we conclude that R1b in NorthAmerica is Iberian and thus Iberians are the real Native Americans and America was settled by Europeans before the asians.
Maybe because the Caribbean is a lot easier to settle than Newfoundland
Why couldnt they settle in the carib then? Many islands weren't settled by the Spaniards
>Many islands weren't settled by the Spaniards
Most were in fact claimed and occupied by Spain and the rest were small and/or inhabited by Caribs. It wouldn't be until England literally invaded Jamaica till they had a piece of the Caribbean as their own. Englishmen were still present in the Caribbean before hand but were disenfranchised and usually resorted to piracy

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