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Hispanics have straight sleek hair like whites but are not related to whites yet Arabs/Iranian/Egyptian etc many of them have nappy hair. Look at Mo Salah and Masih Alinejad but they are seen as part of the white/caucasian race. Why do Hispanics have hair like Europeans but MENA have hair like mulattos?
Sleek straight hair is an Asiatic trait lmao. The vast majority of “white”/caucasian people have some texture to their hair, usually wavy. It is not the norm for white people to have pin straight perfectly sleek hair.
straight, black hair is asiatic. straight, blonde hair shares roots with steppe asians.
"caucasoidal" races have wavy, curly, kinky hair.
Lots of odd assumptions going on in this post
For one thing, not all Hispanics have straight hair. I live in an area with lots of Hispanics and many of them have curly hair.
For another, straight hair would be associated with Native American genes in the case of Latin Americans, not with Spanish genes. European and/or African admixture is what causes curly hair among Latinos.
And as already pointed out, most caucasians have wavy or curly hair. Truly straight hair is primarily a mongoloid thing.
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There is only texture and waviness in white ppl hair if they style it specifically that way. When not styled and no product is used white people's hair looks like Dylan Roof's. Completely straight the same as Hispanics.

Have you ever seen a Nordic or British or French person with hair like this? This is the norm in the MENA world, but it is not common at all to see hair like this in Mexico and South America. Their hair is completely straight like a German's with the only difference being it is black instead of blonde.
Everything you're saying is wrong.
i didn't mean to imply an "and" but an or.
white people have many different kinds of not-straight hair. and i would guess the nordic people that have straight hair got it from the steppe.
the guy in your picture could have any mixture of ancestry.
really fuckin odd choice for "the quintessential white", by the way.
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Every man’s hair in this photo is the same despite being Hispanic, Asian and white they all have the same natural hair texture. And that’s the purpose of posting incels and school shooters is that these guys don’t do anything with their hair and don’t take any pride in their appearance so we see clearly what the natural hair is like when left alone on whites and hispanics.

In MENA it is very rare to find this many people with hair like this. You’ll get some straight haired but more common the hair texture naturally thick, coarse and curly. When Arabs, Egyptians, Algerians, Iraqis, Iranians and even Turks grow out their hair it looks like an afro. When whites and Hispanics grow out their hair it’s still thin and crisp and straight.

>Why do people with Amerindian admixture have Amerindian-like hair
But we are told those with Amerindian admixture also have SSA admixture and that MENA has "little to no SSA admixture". Since black genes are widely accepted to be the most dominant it is very strange that the people with supposedly little to no black admixture (MENA) would display a black trait of hair while those who supposedly have a decent amount of SSA admixture (Mexicans and hispanics) would display the opposite. Something doesn't add up here.

So one of these claims must untrue

>Middle Eastern people and Arabs have little to no SSA admixture and are closer to Europeans
>Mexicans have over 30 percent SSA admixture and have no relation to Europeans
>Black/SSA genes are the most dominant

Something here must be incorrect.
No idea.
Second one is untrue.
2 of those men have wavy hair...
And you are objectively wrong. I know many white people and Hispanics with naturally wavy/curly hair. In fact most of them have texture in their hair.
>Have you ever seen a Nordic or British or French person with hair like this?
Yes, especially gingers.
They're mixed race, modern, and their hair is cropped.
Han Chinese incel known as Chinkspammer made this thread and >>16889629 >>16887776
"hisanic" is a vague ethnic label that covers people who are native american, european or african plus every possible combination of those three groups
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>It is not the norm for white people to have pin straight perfectly sleek hair
That's not perfectly sleek hair
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>black genes are widely accepted to be the most dominant
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>That's not perfectly sleek hair
Because they don't maintain it. That's in Italy btw

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