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/his/ - History & Humanities

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Why people from patriarchal societies are so much smarter than people from matriarchal societies? Why If biological function of women is to find best genes?
>inb4 jews
Jews were patriarchal most time of their existence. Read Jewish texts, they are very patriarchal
jews were de jure* patriarchal, in reality they were ruled by their overbearing mothers and/or wives
Global south is patriarchal, its northern snowsissies that are feminized matriarchal cucks
Hebrew were de facto patriarchal. The only reason why they became matrilineal, is because Jewish men were prosecuted
Northerners became matriarchal recently, and global south were more matriarchal most part of the human history
They were always a matrilineal, henpecked race
No, they were always kept in check. And Europe is a recent concept itself so i don’t know how recent we are talking about
>They were always a matrilineal
Sorry I don't talk with retards
Last 100 years
Jews have been matrilineal since 10 CE lol
>They were always a matrilineal
>Oh, wait they became matrilineal in modern times, haha. Destroyed
It's ok to have been matrilineal for most of your (definitively recorded) history, moishe
5000-2000(but most likely 1600)=3000
Simple math
Also jews always were patriarchal in all institutions and lived in patriarchal environment from their childhood
>definitively recorded history
aka not hastily-cobbled together legends, myths and folklore
It's not all myths and etc. cope seethe dilate

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