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If you remove all the racial stuff added by the Nazis, I don't see how fascism, as it was originally conceived in Italy, is significantly morally different than something like communism.
>morally different
Nigger wtf are you talking about?
fascism is evil because it's inherently atheistic.
Fascism didnt exist before atheism.
Fascism is the atheist version of monarchy: being obsessed with being told what to do by a few generic bureaucrats turned into control freaks in order to secure their positions, since fascism being part of atheism and its circlekering over bureaucratic trifles, they have no external supernatural justification for being here, contrary to kings who claimed God put them in charge.
any solution to atheism will not be found with an new -ism from the plethora of -isms the atheists created due to their freedom of opinion and freedom of speech.
Any implementation of fascism is basically just Capitalism but the government is allowed to employ colonialist violence against citizens as well.
fascist rhetoric
>everyone who isn't X is bad and shouldn't have rights
>fuck you, I know better than you
>exploitation is okay as long as its Y
>worship these not-kings, or else

communist rhetoric
>freedom, liberty, no more exploitation
>we are all comrades and brothers
>our ultimate goal is a world free of inequality and suffering

It isn't really hard to see why one tends to trend better than the other, regardless of how accurate the rhetoric is to practice. Plus a lot of the "muh 80 trillion victims of gommunism" stuff relates to famines that result from negligence or incompetence, something which things like capitalism aren't usually pinned with.

tl;dr is one is restrictive and oppressive in its outlook/aims, the other is open and liberating in its outlook/aims. It is not difficult to see why the latter is mostly popular among young people. Telling someone you want them to be more free is easier than telling them they should have less rights, kek
Let's start from basic first principles. Every society promotes individuals to positions of power and influence according to certain traits, in a capitalist society the trait which is rewarded with access to political and cultural power is the capacity to accumulate capital.

In the mid 19th century it became increasingly clear that the capacity to accumulate capital was not evenly distributed in the European population, in fact Europeans hardly possessed this capacity at all. Jewish communities had perfected their techniques of collective multi-generational capital accumulation through usury, vice, insider trading, currency manipulation and international trade middle-manning before most European nations even existed. The fundamental premise of European socialism was to counter the political and social power of this accumulated capital held largely in the hands of racial aliens. Within a few generations of entry into any European nation Jews would hold the vast majority of capital, Europeans are simply terrible at capitalism and would be relegated to the status of disposable slaves in any society which respects private property and the right to free economic activity.

Genuine socialism sought to remedy this imbalance through the state. As the Germans would put it; Aryans are a race of warriors, statesmen, artisans, craftsmen, explorers and philosophers; why should society limit access to social status and political power to the singular field of accumulating capital?

Obviously, from the perspective of a group which rules through a specialization in capital accumulation, this manner of social organization is the greatest evil imaginable.
authoritarianism is bad, nona
Religious fascist here, your argument is invalid.
You should know that comparing two rhetorics is meaningless. Because they're rhetorics.

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