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Has he officially lost it?
i think he has lost it
He's a hard leftist, hard leftists wear their leftism on their shirt. Also this gets more clicks , no doubt this video will hit a million views.imagine if he had called it "guns of the union during the American civil war" it would be lucky to pass 100k views in a week before petering out.
i dont think there's anything necessarily wrong in using these titles, they're provocative you just dont have to be an asshole IN the video, problem is he often is.
Hes an insufferable theater fag and uses his "fun skits" to radicalize his younger audience into accepting dogshit ideology.
the skits would be very nice if the confederate guy didnt act like a clown for no reason all the time, i like skits but his are... biased to say the least.
he became extremely unhinged since the second ravenous video he made
The 2020 summer of mostly peaceful riots broke his brain. Before that he was just like a goofy history nerd guy, but after he started making explicitly bread tube tier content.

Hes also a grimy New Orleans antifag apparently. Guarantee he lives in the Bywater and is in an open relationship or something.
I dunno. I'll let you know when I find out who that is.
>right wing is when you're racist
typical petty leftist ressentiment
Literally who?
He is based because he makes chuds seethe as demonstrated by this thread
So mucg this
sucking YouTuber cock just because you agree with them is a bad habit anon cause it's technically shilling. E-celeb posting should be discouraged as much as possible, not matter how "based" you think they are.
Anyone else remember the video he made about how confederate statues were definitely not getting pulled down and it was a right wing hoax and how nobody would want to destroy history

Then when it happened six months later all over the country he just put a big comment on the video saying he supported it and it didn’t invalidate his video somehow
im nowhere near pro confederacy but he comes off as insufferable very often
>guns that killed racists
Grow a thicker skin, you snowflake.
Watch the his closing statement in this vid. He is aware that he has given the video a very provocative title and addresses that.
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>Has he officially lost it?

He never had it in the first place.
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Literally the living embodiment of this
>someone else posts an e celeb and asks why they do this
>give a proper response
Don't like it? Don't post in this thread then. Don't reply to my post. I know you can't fucking do it, you're a shitposter. You can't live without it.
Don't see anything wrong with it. Those firearms were indeed used to kill racists anon.
well yeah, why would someone who has the best interests of society in mind pretend that all races are somehow equal?
He’s not wrong. He just neglects that the entire war was racists killing different racists.
When they act tough like this to double down, it only works backwards.
You're using the strong masculine symbol to emmasculate yourself.
"You think I'm a cuck?"
"Well, joke's on you, I'm actually a very aggressive cuck. I use weapons to enforce my girlfriend's right to cuckold me."
"You think I'm a child?"
"Jokes on you, I earn six figures just so I can play VR and avoid fatherhood."
"You think I'm a homosexual?"
"Jokes on you, I only take the most heterosexual genitals into my anal cavity"
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I don't get how people can be so emotionally invested in being "rah rah" about conflicts that happened well over a century ago. I had ancestors who fought for the union and I'm best friends with people whose ancestors fought for the confederacy. We as a nation healed those wounds within a generation after the war and there are countless examples of union and confederate veterans reconciling and making peace with one another after the war. Now 150 years later people are butthurt about the civil war again and getting emotionally invested in le epically owning each other online. It's cancer.
I think it's going to take a lot more then project 2025 to deal with leftists. I think we need reeducation camps for all leftists when Trump gets back in next year. I'm fucking serious. Those who oppose Trump and oppose America should be sent to camps. 10 or 20 years of reeducation will make them MAGA along with anyone who opposes making America great again.
Because it's a social maneuver to gain power and privilege.
>I cast a spell that Y is now the ultimate evil that no one should associate with
>I cast a spell that modern X are the same as old Y
>therefore, you will now believe that modern X is the ultimate evil, which I stand opposed to
>I think it's going to take a lot more then project 2025 to deal with leftists. I think we need reeducation camps for all leftists when Trump gets back in next year.

Reeducation? Fuck that, the only "reeducation" these scum deserve is a bullet to the back of the head.
I think the breakup of the US is the only real long term solution. "Reeducation" or mass slaughter will just cause more conflict, we have to accept that some of our states and cities are beyond saving and have to be allowed to fail on their own. Then maybe we can come back for "humanitarian" reasons, but if it doesn't at least look clean it'll fuck us over in the long run.
>allowed to fail
Nigger they make more money than the states they're in. You'll wind up dirt poor and stagnating away outside of them
The men firing them were àlso racists
"They" dont make anything. Imports make money. Cities are nodes, they are no longer producers.
The more rural and suburban areas are where the wealth is.
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Just make them fitness camps, anyone who lift weights will find the marxism exorcized (lol) from their bodies.
It makes zero sense for leftists to do this, because everyone on every side of every conflict that has ever happened would murder them for being transgendered sodomites.
Don't care what that anti-white nigger lover thinks.
>We as a nation healed those wounds within a generation after the war
Reminder that this guy is a typical Ellis Islander. All of his family came to America after WW2 from Slovakia or something and he has NO/NONE/ZERO connection to the civil war.
He's actually a S*rb
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All the more proof that Ante Pavelic didn't go far enough.
>Liquid capital doesn't exist
>Entertainment doesn't exist
>Manufacturing doesn't exist
>Administration doesn't exist
>Logistics doesn't exist
Good job retard you just tore out the nerve stem of your economy and now it's moving without you. Enjoy kowtowing to your masters in the city states you've just empowered.
Why aren't you doing the same honestly?
I'm actually okay with this, I'd rather them be honest and say that their hatred of the confederacy comes from a moral opposition to racism rather than them lying about how much they care about treason.
Contrapoints and her (I know) consequences have been a disaster for online media.
>Revolution hat
He a revisionist tankie.

It's not a coincidence that our nation was better off when people had the "brother vs. brother" interpretation of the war, and that the "Confederacy was the platonic ideal of evil, and everything relating to it must be cleansed from our soil" has become popular now that we've entered a state of decline.
>Pax Tube
Atun-Shei is a retarded faggot but Pax Tube is also a retarded faggot
Cope it's both racism in hindsight and context and treason and tyranny(they tried to enforce their slavery laws on the North and wanted to obey their domestic laws). They also attack their fort first meaning the Union were under attack.
This person in particular and leftists in general do not actually care about treason. It's a bad faith argument that's being made to try and manipulate people who do care about these things into enacting their moral agenda.
Pax Tube, Atun-Shei....
Why are communists (including Catholics) obsessed with taking credit for my country?
Their interest in traditionally masculine things such as firearms is inorganic and only borne out of a sense of impotency.
This is why they're niche collectors and don't really* give a shit about the USE of firearms (asserting your rights, defending your family, etc.).
For legal reasons, I agree.
He is a historian who actually cites evidence in his arguments, so he automatically has a one-up on /his/ chuds
he mostly debates youtube comments with no likes made by 80 iq people from random civil war movie clip comment sections
AFAIK those comments are from his videos ,besides, that doesn't negate the fact that he addresses his historical documents with actual citations
It's strawmanning, doesn't matter if he defeats strawmen from random youtube comments. He's probably part jew
Hes not a historian, he has no history degree from any university, hes not an archivist or has done any original research. By his own admission, hes an entertainer and someone who went to film school. He simply has an interest in history and all of his citations are just books written by other people.

Meanwhile a right wing youtuber like Survive the Jive is an actual historian.
Strawmanning doesn't make his arguments invalid. Your random anti-semitism isn't helping.
A historian is simply anyone who writes histories. His videos like the one on King Phillip's War is a history, authored by himself. You don't need a degree or official confirmation by some institution to be considered a historian.
>He simply has an interest in history and all of his citations are just books written by other people.
Good historians do this. Sure, it is good when they add their own research, but any competent history borrows from the already published secondary-source network to strengthen their arguments.
> A historian is simply anyone who writes histories.
Retard detected.
>but any competent history borrows from the already published secondary-source network to strengthen their arguments.

The bread and butter of a Historian is going to be the primary sources. Relying entirely on secondary publications is something even undergraduates at any decent uni wouldn't get away with.
He doesn't have an argument if he's strawmanning
>no argument
He also uses primary sources. In his Civil War videos, he cites many memoirs, speeches, telegraph communications, etc.
The strawman character in his Civil War videos is to characterize the larger Lost Cause narrative. He could replace all of his arguments with addressing "the Lost Cause" instead of the Confederate caricature, but chooses not to for the sake of entertainment/themeof his content.
He doesn't ever engage the lost cause, if he did he'd actually expand beyond "racism" as his main argument. As it is he doesn't even engage the civil war properly, not even the most pozzed self hating white historians in ivy league colleges say the civil war was non-racists vs racists
Simply quote the opinions Lincoln and Union generals had towards blacks and natives and see how breadtubers recoil, how hurt they, how they shrink back: "I've been found out!"
Sir, we don't talk about the Indians wars or mention the black hills please.
“The guns that killed other Americans before they went back to committing genocide against redskins” was too long a title I guess
no, it gets (you)s from redditors

the irony is everyone back then was "racist" by modern standards, even the men who died storming the beaches of normandy would be considered fascist
Who cares, everyone was this guy point out: >>16892090
racist by modern standards, hell they still were in 1950s standards.

The difference was the generals still were able give credit to Black achievement during war and Sherman was willing to give Black freemen reparations despite his racism. Lincoln was willing to give Blacks rights which led to him getting shot by Booth.
My great-grandfather fought in WWII, and he was so racist that he even hated Italians. I don't know why what you're saying isn't obvious to people.
Anyone just talking about history and then "citing a source" doesnt make someone a historian you fucking idiot.
Wanting to murder others for not liking black people is decidedly leftist.

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