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Ethnography thread. New genetic study on Russians dropped. The samples are from St. Petersburg, Orenburg and Samara. They form a smooth continuum from European to 2/3 Mongoloid with no gaps and some of them are also brown-shifted towards the Caucasus. Russians are best seen as a continuum rather than a people in the traditional sense.
Russians are not a triangle-form people yet(White, Yellow, Brown) but a V-shape people that clines into brown and yellow separately from a white starting point
perhaps in the distant future the V-shape will evolve into a triangle as the browner and yellower Russians mate, or all the corners of the Russian gene pool meet squarely in the middle as a uniform Homo Russicus
You're overcomplicating things. Russians are best seen as niggers.
That would classify Europeans and their descendants as niggers and nigger-adjacent.
>continuum from European to 2/3 Mongoloid
Even the ethnic Russian most mixed with Finno-Ugric people cannot get more than 10% of Krasnoyarsk BA. I don’t know which “Russians” you are talking about.
Lies, even on G25 it's up to 16%(Leshukonsky) and those samples are from only very particular locations and not urban Russians who are the majority.
Russians have been absorbing Uralic/Turkic/Siberian genes for a millenia and this shows.
Northern Russians raped a lot of Finnish women, it's true.
but they do not have any other Mongoloid admixture.
This paper doesn't have much to do with Northern Russians. It's mainly about Eastern Russians from Samara and Orenburg. Samara are Mordvin-like and more homogeneous, Orenburg more internally diverse but on average close to Samara. it's impossible to say based on these results whether someone identifies as Russian or not so it debunks the entire concept of Russians.
>Northern Russians raped a lot of Finnish
Raped with their pussies, given the elevated Y-DNA N.
Apparently they did not separate ethnic Russians from Russian citizens.
and yes, Samara looks like hohols, not Mordovians.
Ethnic Russians have less N than Swedes.
Countless Finno-Ugric manlets were deprived of the right to reproduce by Slavic bulls.
>Apparently they did not separate ethnic Russians from Russian citizens.
Correct, what they discovered however that it is impossible to differentiate the two with the methods used because the cline is perfectly smooth. Russian is not like a salad bowl of genetic types, but a melting pot.
>and yes, Samara looks like hohols, not Mordovians.
Look again, they cluster with and beyond Finns in a/c. Samara differs from Orenburg and St. Petersburg in that almost none of the samples cluster with unmixed Balto-Slavs while Orenburg seems to have a Ukrainian contingent in addition to a Russian one.
Also, in Orenburg there is a noticeable Kazakh diaspora, and even a small mixed population. Kazakhs are literally Mongols from Central Asia.
so this research is retard and irrelevant.
they didn't even bother to separate ethnic Russians from some Turkic goblins, lmao
So, is ST Petersburg a race now?
Somekind of fingoloids in disquise. Secessionist too so better give them the bucha treatment soon.
Funny thing here is that admixture runs on northern russian show that they have actual Finnish dna (as in ancestry from Finland), and not just some related dna. This is likely legacy of Rus Vikingw coming from area of modern Finland.
>There is a difference between Rossiyanin and Russkiy!!
St. Petersburg and neighboring areas (Karelia, Kola and others) are literally stolen Finnish clay, and not the historical areas of northern Rus'.
Northern Rus' is Novgorod, Smolensk, Pskov, Tver and others.
the population is of mixed Baltic and Slavic origin, similar to Belarusians and Latvians. these are not Finns.
Russians from St. Petersburg literally stole Finnish and Karelian women for several centuries, as well as Vodians and Vepsians.
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Nice theory but Vepsians/Russianrelians have about as much R1a as Russhits
a little more than Northrusshits, a little less than Central Russhits
They descend 98% from Baltic women maternally but 50% paternally
So which russians have most yamnaya?
most likely Slavic men replaced 40% of Karelians and Vepsians. In principle, there are no contradictions to what I said. Finno-Ugric people received R1a, and Russians received Finnish autosomal admixture on the maternal side.
Thus, the Slavic bulls raped the weaker and more effeminate race.
central, as well as some northern ones (they are closer to the Mordovians than to the Finns).
Nope, the subclades differ and Slavic I2 is not found either. What happened was, Proto-Uralic(100% N) and Proto-Baltic people(100% R1a) both migrated to NW Russia around the same time. Uralic males absorbed mostly Baltic females, hence totally European mtDNA but Baltic males weren't all killed. Some managed to be assimilated too. Later on there was a cultural shift towards speaking Russian, but Y-DNA was not changed and the mix of N with old Baltic R1a remained the main feature.
Northern Russians are not actual Slavic, they are just Uralo-Baltic.
Most likely that did not happend and R1a in Karelians, Veps is pure unadultered EHG heritage. Nothing to do with slaves.
>Nope, the subclades differ
>Slavic I2 is not found either
The founder effect.
>Later on there was a cultural shift towards speaking Russian, but Y-DNA was not changed and the mix of N with old Baltic R1a remained the main feature.
you coping with it, the original Karelians must have been similar to the Finns in terms of Ydna, we raped them, like the rest of the Finno-Ugric Mongoloid scum.
the ravings of a madman.
R1a earlier than M417(sredny stog) does not exist today.
Some examples of these subclades
They branch off in the BA from whatever Slavs have.
>you coping with it, the original Karelians must have been similar to the Finns in terms of Ydna, we raped them, like the rest of the Finno-Ugric Mongoloid scum.
You are deeply confused. Karelian refers both to a subgroup of Finns, and a subgroup of the Russian Vepsians. Finns in Karelia are real Finns in that they are N/I1 and have virtually no R1a.
Russian Vepsians are a race from Vologda which are Russian Baltoshit influenced. They had more extensive influence from Baltoshits than Fenno-Germanics, although Finns did donate some I1 subclades to them although very few. Baltcucks are to them what Nordic Aryans are to Finns.
>R1a Z280
is not an exclusively Baltic branch, but is very common among the Slavs.
>Finns did donate some I1 subclades
centuries of Swedish rape does not make you Swedish, you are still an inferior race to them. and yes, your masters have R1a
>Nordic Aryans are to Finns.
The Finns have virtually no patrilineal CWC heritage.
>is not an exclusively Baltic branch, but is very common among the Slavs.
We are talking about subclades, you subhuman vermin. These subclades and others branch off in the BA. If you had human-level intelligence you could grasp that ape.
>centuries of Swedish rape does not make you Swedish
Proto-Germanic heritage from southern Sweden does not equal modern Swedish. It's from the 1st millenium BC and includes both male and female lineages in fact unlike Finlands Baltshit vermin genes which are female-exclusive which is a good thing since R1a equals faggot.
>The Finns have virtually no patrilineal CWC heritage.
N and I1 are more deserving of Aryanhood, since their carriers cuckolded Indo-Europeans and were thus even better and noble at the Indo-European game than them. Also R1b is the superior Indo-European lineage not your faggot R1a.
lol you are literally a hurt bitch. we killed and raped all the Mongoloid scum N1 not only in north-eastern Europe, but also in your real homeland - the stinking swamp of central Siberia infested with snakes, midges and comoras.
>N1 literally lost all of his lands, except for Finland which is actually our clay (if you look at EHG), and we will definitely return to take your (our) women, and kill your vile manlets.
>N and I1 are more deserving of Aryanhood
both are not Aryans, I1 is some kind of mysterious HG meat from Scandinavia, and N1 is literally a Mongoloid untermensch, lmao.
all eastern European Aryans were R1a (and some I2), all western Aryans were R1b
I view Finns as a Nordic people and N1c carried by Finns as Nordicized. Finns have nothing to do with Russian wastelands so I don't understand why you expect me to care about them. All those Asiatics are your people, not mine. None of them have Proto-Germanic heritage like me.
By the way, origin of R(at the P1 stage) is Asiatic. It didn't come from Europe with Kostenki-Sunghir who had only C. It represented the Oriental 1/4 of ANS/ANE heritage which matches proximally Tianyuan. also P1. The R1 carriers idea is that the Asiatic males appropriated the Cro-Magnon essence from the Kostenki-Sunghir females.
Finns on the other hand, are not 100% N but also have I1 whilst ANS/ANE had only Asiatic paternal ancestry.
You can consider yourself whoever you want, but don’t call yourself something Aryan, real Aryans did not have a paternal origin of a Mongoloid demon.
ANE is still a Western Eurasian, Krasnoyarsk BA is the ching chong that desecrated Europe.
N1 is the most vile race in Europe.
P1 demons desecrated Kostenki-Sunghir females more, sorry. You are from China.

Target: Russia_Yana_UP_P1.SG
Distance: 4.9186% / 0.04918563
69.4 Russia_Kostenki14_C
30.6 China_Tianyuan_P1
something austroliid, similar to jomon and onge, strictly speaking. Chinkoids did not yet exist at that time.
In any case, these things stole from Kostenki-Sunghir and created ANE. Shameless.
ANE is its own race, it no longer exists in its pure form, but the Nganassans (real Finno-Ugrians) are close to the Han.
you are yellow.
This is quite a cope you're handwaving the racial mixing behind ANE and the amount of genetheft involved to make ANE closer to UP Europeans than Tianyuan. ANE were just some retarded hybrids, nothing special. All kinds of lowly races that dwell in poverty have high ANE, even higher than mine or yours.
Nordics are much better than ANE. Finns might be only half Proto-Germanic, but the non-Proto-Germanic heritage in Finns was cleansed through it's influence. Finns adopted Proto-Germanic r/K selection tactics which gave us a massive advantage over Russians in being able to develop.
ilya won
Germanicas were the distributors of R1a in northern Europe, btw. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UExxzJKkZsM
perhaps R1a is generally the first speakers of the Germanic language. because R1b L23 is much older than the Germanics, is clearly a Celt and has lived in Europe since the time of BB, and I1 is not registered in any IE culture, and is clearly a local native of the Scandinavian Peninsula. Moreover, the early Germanics were closer to the eastern CWC than to the BB.
Jopich, R1bin? Who you?
drawing spic
didnt read any post itt btw
>Ethnography thread. New genetic study on Russians dropped.
Russians are asiatic ANE-ASI-mongoloid turbomutts. Basically mongoloid and EEF admixed pajeets.
>Germanicas were the distributors of R1a in northern Europe, btw.

Cope with
Hush, shitskin

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