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/his/ - History & Humanities

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/his/ - History & Humanities caused me to start listening to Christian radio sermons on my morning drive into work.
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No it didn't
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Literally me.
That doesn't sound like something jews say.

No, it's more the thing people who believe that Yeshua, the Rabbi of Nazareth, is the Mashiach would say.
I don't think anyone knows who that is, this thread is about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

The Rabbi of Nazareth, yes.
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Jesus is Christian, he couldn't have been a rabbi.

John 3:2
>Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.

Christianity is from Rabbi Yeshua ben Yosef. This Jew observed Hanukkah (John 10:22-23) and came only for Jews (Matthew 15:22-28). He forbid preaching to goyim (Matthew 10:5-6). He told a goya who gave him water that her religion was bullshit and that "salvation is of the Jews" (John 4:22).

All his talmidim were Jewish, including Rabbi Shaul haTarsi. He stressed HaShem hasn't forgotten (Romans 11:1) his chosen people (Deuteronomy 7:6). He adds that Jews come first and the goyim after (Romans 1:16, 3:1-2). Also, he was a proud Parush (Philippians 3:5). Contrary to what apostate heretics believe, Yeshua loved them (Matthew 23). He only criticized some for teaching traditions as mitzvot while omitting actual mitzvot. Like in Matthew 15:1-20. Read this passage whole for once.

Shaul said the covenant is eternal and that Mashiah will come from Israel, not from the goyim (Romans 9:3-5). The covenant gives Israel the land (Genesis 17:7-8, Jeremiah 7:7) from the Nile to the Euphrates (Genesis 15:18). Arabs and other Semitic people are not included (Genesis 50:24). Jeremiah 31:31-33 does predict a new covenant... with Jews. Not goyim. Yeshua adds he didn't come to abolish the law (Matthew 5:17). He came to fulfill... prophecies. "Fulfilling the law" is an apostate's way of saying abolishing without owning it.

Goyim are welcome in the new covenant (they were in the old too, see the Book of Ruth). But HaShem wants them to be watchmen for Israel (Ezekiel 33:7). He will judge them for how they treated Jews (Genesis 12:1-3, Joel 3:1-2). A good talmid of Yeshua must:
1. Pray for peace in Jerusalem (Psalms 122:6-7);
2. Make the Jews jealous, not afraid or angry (Romans 11:11);
3. Comfort Jews (Joshua 40:1-2);
4. Help Jews out with money (Romans 15:26-27).

1. Revelations 12 describes Satan attacking Israel. It reuses the symbols from Yosef's dream (Genesis 37:9).
2. Ezekiel 37 describes the rebirth of Israel as a nation after the Holocaust.
LARP in the highest. Yes. I'm sure the FBI will crack down on a billion-strong religion.
The Pope already does it to his own bishops whenever they call out globohomo.
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>*angry jewish noises*
For over 2000 years, kikes have been trying to come up with the worst slur they could call Jesus Christ and the absolute lowest, degrading insult they could come up with is to falsely call him a jew.
>insults Jews
>worships one
lol cuck
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>is a jew
you will never be a real goy

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