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>As a term, "British Isles" is a geographical name and not a political unit. In Ireland, the term is controversial, and there are objections to its usage. The Government of Ireland does not officially recognise the term,[20] and its embassy in London discourages its use.[21] "Britain and Ireland" is used as an alternative description,[19][22][23] and "Atlantic Archipelago" has also seen limited use in academia.[24][25][26][27] In official documents created jointly by Ireland and the United Kingdom, such as the Good Friday Agreement, the term "these islands" is used

I am not Irish or British so maybe I don’t understand. But why are Irish so upset about the geographical phrase British isles?

It’d be like Mexico being upset the continent is called North America because the USA has America in its name and historically invaded Mexico

At the very least if you’re gonna refuse to use the phrase that’s longest lasting, most well known and actually sounds good. Come up with a better name than “North Atlantic archipelago” or “these isles” or “Britain and ireland”. That last one is even more retarded considering there are a bunch of islands in the British isles that are not Britain or Ireland. Like the jersey islands. Isle of Man, Wight etc

sad that Ireland is too insecure to accept a normal phrase. Like saying British isles is deadnaming them lmao
>But why are Irish so upset about the geographical phrase British isles?
The sense of offence is overrated. Most just don't really use the phrase in Ireland. If you can't figure out why, particularly following the 20th Century, some choose not to use the term, then I don't think you should be on a history board, anon.

I am sensing that the purpose of this thread is to invent a terminally angry Irish person crying about the phrase so that people can get mad about them. Many such cases.
>The sense of offence is overrated. Most just don't really use the phrase in Ireland

The only reason to not use the most convenient phrase is because it offends them. If it didn’t it wouldn’t be an issue to use.

It was called the British isles long before the UK even existed.

If you can’t explain why the Irish reject the term other than feeling offense over it, then clearly that’s the only reason why.

Legitimately. What other reason is there? Do they think saying “British isles” would accidentally undo independence.
Guys you aren’t supposed to separate your paragraphs with spaces on 4chan. Only Redditors do that.
The term is rarely used because there's rarely a scenario when someone is chatting about the "British isles" and it's mostly Brits that will use it and group Ireland in with them and I've only seen it used on UK TV shows if it was about nature or history or something.
That’s what happens you try to genocide the Irish race Nigel. Maybe don’t starve ten million Irish to death and then they won’t use your white supremacist colonial language
>The term is rarely used because there's rarely a scenario when someone is chatting about the "British isles

You don’t watch the weather announcements much then. Or
>don’t starve ten million Irish to death
They starved themselves

If your incapable of feeding 10 children, dont have them
Why can’t they come to a compromise and call it Albion?
They think that Brits in Northern Ireland being born in 'Ireland' is the biggest gotya ever and don't want that argument to be thrown back at them
It's literally that simple
>It’d be like Mexico being upset the continent is called North America because the USA has America in its name and historically invaded Mexico
Hispanics complain about 'America' and 'Americans' being used as short hand for the US and it's citizens quite a bit
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>As a term, "British Isles" is a geographical name
Nope, it objectively doesn't even serve a purpose as one. Political geography is not geography. Look at this map, what is the geographical term for these Islands since it's so important to have one for every set of Islands owned by separate countries? Let's go back to "The British Isles" say we both agree that if the second biggest Island disputes the term outright that is somehow irrelevant, I could grant that if this was a map of the so called British Isles...but it's not.
The fact you don't show a real map is what causes people to accept it in blind faith as a geographical term but if you look at a real map you will see how absolutely non sensical this term is and why it's not used by anyone who can rub some braincells together. You can't see the Channel Islands on your map? That's strange they would be in these "British Isles" yet they are basically in France even more confusingly not all of the archipelago off the coast of France is included mind you literally just the British ones so where is the geography there? If it's a geographical term I should be able to point at a map and figure it out. The Faroe Islands (Denmark) are not included but the Shetlands (UK) are, as a geographical term and not a political term could you please make sense of this? It's not adding up and not helping me navigate the map at all. The only consistency is lands once ruled by the British and not a geographical term for the islands in the Atlantic ocean off the coast of Europe, too many Islands in the geographical area aren't part of this "geographical term" and the big Irish you want so badly also isn't part of it how on earth are you roping it in from a geographical perspective?
From a purely geographical POV since both Islands are connected by the Irish sea we should call them the Irish Isles if we are only referring to the image in the OP of course
>thread involving ireland
>OP is insisting irish are SEETHING
>"why are they seething, are they stupid?"
>fucking stupid irish bastards, being so fucking angry, fuck them
kekked, what is it about Ireland that sends certain /his/fags into such a rage?
Why isn’t British insecure about calling it the Irish Sea?

Same thing happens south as I recall. It’s called the English Channel, but France doesn’t call it that lol

Sorry France, but England is more important than normandy
You also have Koreans crying about the Sea of Japan. It's pathetic
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>The use of the term "Sea of Japan" as the dominant name is a point of contention. South Korea wants the name "East Sea" to be used, either instead of or in addition to "Sea of Japan;"[3][4] while North Korea prefers the name "East Sea of Korea"

That’s ridiculous. The entire sea is literally created by the existence of Japan. The mainland side has three different countries involved

Irish are really as insecure as Koreans. Embarrassing
>British Isles is a geographical term describing the Islands North Atlantic archipelago
>multiple French Islands and the Faroe islands in the exact same area aren't part of the British Isles for no geographical reasons
>therefore it can't be a geographical term describing this area
The English named it the Irish Sea as it was the Sea that took them to Ireland, it's technically a political "win" for the Brits as a term. I don't care about the name but they would likely be insecure to try change it. Irish people can act smug about having the name and English people get to feel like they are the centre of the world, win win. As for the English channel it actually makes sense. It's the sea separating England and Island from a continent. Casually the French name makes sense once you are in France, kinda the same way the English just call it The Channel once they are in England. Speaking English and looking at a map however The English Channel just makes sense as it's quite descriptive.
No, this one is logical as you say the entire thing is created by the existence of Japan. The Irish issue is the fact that the British Isles is a political term, not a geographical term and the insecure Brits are desperate to not let it go trying to masquerade it as a geographical term when everyone can see it's not one
>50,000 anti-Irish threads a day
yes I think it's clear who is insecure lul
British isles is a rarely used term though. Theres hardly ever a context that anyone would need to speak of Britain and Ireland together for any reason.
>it’s a political term

The term existed before the United Kingdom existed

If the Irish really cared this much over offense of words. Why aren’t hey banning the use of Sinn Fein as a political party name since it’s strongly historically related with terrorism?

Or is it more of a selective revisionism?
The Irish are, perhaps, the most pitiful peoples in all of Europe. Their national identity is formed around a profound sense of victimhood, crying at perceived British aggressions from centuries ago, whilst completely and unironically supporting terrorists bombing their own elderly relatives and infants in more recent times. All this simply to obtain a freedom that they sully within a generation by opening their doors to foreign invaders with more contempt for their way of life than even Cromwell had. Truly, a pathetic peoples.
It's still not a geographical term look at a map. As I said before the only consistency is lands once ruled by the British and not a geographical term for the islands in the Atlantic ocean off the coast of Europe, too many Islands in the geographical area aren't part of this "geographical term". How is that not political? It sure as hell isn't geography
>The term existed before the United Kingdom existed
So what? Look at the OP, Ireland and England would have been called Albion together you are still missing all the fucking islands considered the part of the British Isles here throughout history. Which also excludes far too many Islands in the same areas today for it to possibly be considered a geographical term. Ireland and Whales were basically the same place back in the day, times change it's not useful at all for modern day geography because where we are looking at physical features. I'd bitterly accept the term if it made sense and you get all those other Islands included, no problem yeah it would be confusing conflating geography and politics for some but at least it would be a useful term. Do that and come back to the second biggest Island which also isn't a part of this "British Isles", it's so fucking useless as a geographical term it's almost funny. I actually hope you try defend your position just to see how much cope you have to bring to the table
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There is a small chance the Irish will stand up for themselves, 80% of them consider immigration the biggest issue but nothing seems to be changing. It's sad though, it's one of those countries which should easily have had it's best days ahead of it after fighting for independence. I don't want to see them fall down so fast, they could outpace the UK in the race to suicide and be the first country in Europe to fall from this strange self inflicted invasion. I don't think they see how fast it's happening their population is literally going to grow by the millions just based on immigration never mind the birth rates
>Irish only
>AI still makes black guy in Ireland
The Irish are just easily upset about anything British.

It's their nature, but they need to move on from just being a nation of victims. Its pathetic

Feel free to call it something else but don't get upset when the rest of the world still calls it the British Isles
You seem really upset about the Irish to the point you're making shit up. >>16892765

The seething never ends and it's not coming from the Irish.
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The obvious solution to all these anti-Irish posts is to formally accuse the enemies of Hibernia of having participated in the Holocaust
They'd accuse us of worse if they could so I don't see why we can't remind them of their scuppering of the Blood for Goods offer
That was me, not him
I can’t tell any of these swamp people apart no matter what shithole island they come from
There are no swamps in Britain and Ireland
Yeah there's bogs instead. It's why Irish used to be called bog trotters in America
They were never called bog trotters in America. It's a British thing and not widely used. You're neither American or British if you didn't know that.

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