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Why do white people esp. from Europe get mad at the fact that Arabs are just Islamized Europeans?
>Why do I think thing that doesn't actually happen is happening, in response to thing that isn't true?
Whatever race Arabs were historically has been lost, because they wound up breeding with their black, Turkish, and narfi slaves and wound up a mutt race
They also practiced inbreeding for 1500 years truly grim stuff
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If your thread isn't getting the attention you want, it is probably because your OP is fucking moronic (which it is). Thank you, and please fuck off.

>Whatever race Arabs were historically has been lost.
>Gayreek copts are the descendants of the Ancient Egyptians
The Arab in the OP pic is a Northern Arab not a Southern Arab just like Europeans have Northern Europeans and South Europeans, the Arabs have the same. The South Arabian midget dalits are the ones closest to what the original Semites and real Arab looked like and they have no SSA.
Real Arabs, from the peninsula, look nothing like Europeans, and unfortunately they spread their genes all over MENA.

Captcha: YJDKM (Why Judeans kill Muslims)
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Even the Sicilians are not so dark.
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>posts a dude who was neither a European, nor a real Arap
>b-but he traced his lineage back to the prophet
90% of these "Arab" LARPers, mongrels and rapebabies from Morocco to Syria claim to be direct descendants of the paedophile from Hejaz.

A few indeed are, but let me see their autosomal, lets see how genetically similar their genetic profile still is to the Arabian kiddy diddler.

>The Arab in the OP pic is a Northern Arab not a Southern Arab just like Europeans have Northern Europeans and South Europeans, the Arabs have the same.
There are no such thing as Northern Araps and Southern Araps, there are Northern Middle Easterners (many of whom LARP as Arap) and Southern Middle Easterners (which includes real Araps).
>The South Arabian midget dalits are the ones closest to what the original Semites and real Arab looked like and they have no SSA.
Haha, Araps wish this was true (in fact, that's what their "tradition" says lol). OG Araps were from northern Arabia (probably near Jordan), who migrated southwards and raped those (formerly) South Arabian speakers and end up creating the Arabic-speaking hellish spawn of the Arabian Peninsula.

Don't get me wrong, since OG Araps are extinct, I think it's completely acceptable that Saudi-like and Yemeni-like Araps get called real Araps (as opposed to Palestinian "Arabs", Tunisian "Arabs" and the likes), after all, the Araps who fully arabised the MENA region with the Islamic conquests were similar to them, but the truth is that even those mongrels are also arabised to some degree.
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the sultan of oman, an arab nation, looks more indian than european. is this what arabs truly look like?

Obviously the levant is full of crusader, jew and druze admixture but the real arabs are basically pajeets?
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>There's no such thing as an Arab ethnic group, everyone who speaks Arabic is an Arab.
Aren't you the Afrocentric AfroArab abeed who believes the Sudanese muwalad mongrels Rashaida are the original Arabs?
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>>There's no such thing as an Arab ethnic group, everyone who speaks Arabic is an Arab.
Did you reply to the wrong person, mate? In fact, I couldn't disagree more. Only "Arab" LARPers believe they're an Arap because they speak Arabic.

>Aren't you the Afrocentric AfroArab abeed
Am I? I'm Lebanese (Greek Orthodox) and I know very well I'm not an Arap.

>who believes the Sudanese muwalad mongrels Rashaida are the original Arabs?
OG Araps are extinct and probably plotted in-between a Levantine "Arab" and a Saudi real Arab. However the disgusting "modern" Arap identity dates from the Moslem conquests and those Araps who raped the asses of Syrian "Arabs" and the likes most definitely resembled Saudi Arabs and Yemeni Arabs.

If the Rashaida sample on G25 is representative of this group, then they're indeed real Araps.

Distance to: Syria_TellQarassa_Umayyad
0.04057634 Sudan_Arab_Rashaayda
0.14829083 Syrian_Aleppo

Distance to: Saudi
0.01937638 Sudan_Arab_Rashaayda
>Am I? I'm Lebanese (Greek Orthodox) and I know very well I'm not an Arap.
>Arap identity dates from the Moslem conquests and those Araps who raped the asses of Syrian "Arabs".
So you're a Phonychienne ARAB not an Arap like how Copts are Ancient Egyptians and not Gayreek.
The Bad news is the Arab race didn't go extinct because they left the Gayreeco-Rawmen Christianity and created their own Abrahamic cult, they are still alive and those Southern Arabian midget dalits with no Gayreek Anatolian admixture are the closest not some muwalad Rashaida Akhdām sudanese.
>So you're a Phonychienne ARAB not an Arap like how Copts are Ancient Egyptians and not Gayreek.
Fortunately I'm not an Arap and I have nothing to do with them other than being fellow Semites. Egyptian Copts are indeed Ancient Egyptian-like, although I presume most LARP as Arap just like Lebanese "Arabs" do, the IQ in the "Arab" World is like 80, we shouldn't expect much.

>The Bad news is the Arab race didn't go extinct
The good news is that the OG Arap race went extinct long ago, even modern real Araps (Saudi-like) are presumably not exactly like them because they have a substantial excess of Natufian-like ancestry.

>those Southern Arabian midget dalits with no Gayreek Anatolian admixture are the closest not some muwalad Rashaida Akhdām sudanese.
The bad news is that Sudanese Rashaida Arabs are indeed real Araps and very similar to pure Southern Arabian midget dalits.

Distance to: Sudan_Arab_Rashaayda
0.01937638 Saudi
0.02012186 Yemenite_Mahra
>they have a substantial excess of Natufian-like ancestry.
Lol, pure Natufian with no Iranjeet and Gayreek anatolian is the dna of the Semitic bedouin desert dalits but keep coping mr ARAB.
>The bad news is that Sudanese Rashaida Arabs are indeed real Araps and very similar to pure Southern Arabian midget dalits.
oh no, now he starts cherrypicking random mutts from sudan because le 4 cherrypicked samples on vahaduino aren't mixed with locals
>Arabs are just Islamized Europeans
because they're not
we can look at their genetics and easily ascertain that they're not islamized europeans
Mr. brown, could you please make a QRD on each of these MENA clusters and groups and whatever? Like, how many of them there actually are and what they're properly called, what each of them looks like, from whom descends, to whom related, what culture produced, etc. Thanks.
> Natufian with no Iranjeet and Gayreek anatolian
>something that doesn't exist anymore
I accept your concession, it seems like Saudi-like and Rashaida-like Arabs are the closest thing to a living real Arap.

Far from it, just google'd Rashaida Arab, he indeed looks like a real Arap.
>random mutts
Show me his DNA results to prove he's a mutt, or just take the L.

Meanwhile we have genetic evidence of real Arabs among the Rashaida Arabs.

Distance to: Sudan_Arab_Rashaayda
0.01937638 Saudi
0.02012186 Yemenite_Mahra

You can't get more real Arap than that, it's actually impressive. If I were a Syrian "Arab" (or something similar) I would legit kill myself at such level of Arabmogging.
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Do it yourself, I only care about the Arap cluster which only includes Saudi-like and Rashaida-like people.

Being brown doesn't make anyone an Arap, pic very related
>Far from it, just google'd Rashaida Arab, he indeed looks like a real Arap.

you cannot know if these people from sudan you're posting are mixed or not, and shitviski cherrypicked g25 coordinates aren't enough to prove it

>Show me his DNA results to prove he's a mutt, or just take the L.
circular logic, you should be the one to prove it to me by showing me their dna tests, not g25 coordinates btw
Sir I see you already went on a rant so do the needful please and write something actually interesting about your cavemen tribes or whatever. I'm genuinely interested.
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I'll just take the W. lol

It's not even worth the (You).

>Sir I see you already went on a rant
Are you sure it's not the voices in your head? You called me "Mr. Brown" before, that's not my surname (or do you mean my skin colour? That's weird, and that would also be incorrect).
>your cavemen tribes
Why would I do that? Like I said I'm interested in Araps, a morbid curiosity of sorts (seems like the best examples can be found among Saudi-like, Rashaida-like Arabs, etc). I can't help you.

>I'm genuinely interested.
Google is your friend, but I wish you good luck (and don't forget to take your medications).
>I'll just take the W. lol
literally no arguments

>It's not even worth the (You).
because you have no arguments
those are a few cherrypicked samples with confirmed parents and grandparents, further cherrypicked by daviski(the study has 20 samples, g25 has only 12 samples of those)
random sudanese aren't representative of those samples

it's the same thing with spaniards, the hgdp and harvad sheets present iberian outliers but none were included in the g25 sheet, so everyone thinks all iberians have the average iberian genetic profile thanks to shitvinski
or with russians, a new study about russians shows a lot of russians being turbomutts, davidski however won't include such samples in the g25 sheet
Sir yes your skin's color is brown and it doesn't really matter what tribe you're from. Tell me a tale.
Because our brothers must be freed from that scourge.
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>why do [buzzword] [verb] [inflammatory hot take]
This thread is another example of the cancer that's killing /his/. Sadly, /his/ users are mouthbreathing retards who forgot that you're not supposed to feed the trolls, and the proof is in the fact that this got 27 replies.

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