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Was the US government's response to the Innsmouth incident justified?
yes, fuck fishniggers
>killing thousands of fish people just because they look a little different and practice a different religion
Unironically genocide, reparations for Innsmouth now!
WOAH, cool it with the anti-deep one remarks.
I don't like it because it implies the US government or some sort of large organizations is aware of the mythos, which turns it into Marvel shlock.

Unless the Gov. thought they were just ugly foreigners and they were carrying out a typical genocide.
>I don't like it because it implies the US government or some sort of large organizations is aware of the mythos, which turns it into Marvel shlock.
>He doesn't know about the kino that is Delta Green
Otoh, I like how the government unceremoniously torpedoes the shit out of the fish city instead of doing any convoluted conspiracy bullshit.
>instead of doing any convoluted conspiracy bullshit.
>He doesn't know
>He doesn't know
>abduction of US citizens
>murder of US citizens
>illegal entry to US territory
>Tax evasion
>violation of racial mixing laws
Yeah I’d say they were justified.
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Only a small section of the government is aware of the Unnatural. They're only aware of what little they've encountered. Aside from a few captured ghouls, the fish people, and the puppet creatures piloted by the mi-go that made a deal (abductions and various artifacts in exchange for extremely watered down alien technology) with Majestic-12 under Eisenhower, the government doesn't know shit.

The Program is there to run around and destroy evidence of the Unnatural and keep its toxic influence out of the hands of governments and private interests alike. They have a list of people with Innsmouth DNA and have been working down the list, systematically killing them and their families so they can't spread the infection any further.
Got a real ichtyophobe here
>Lovecraft goes snorkeling
>Sees this
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>Eight Marines killed
>Another ten put in the insane asylum for the shit they saw
>Torpedoes launched into an offshore reef and depth charges dropped on top of it to boot
I don't know what they thought they were getting into but they fucked those fishy bastards up.
>the Program destroys evidence of the unnatural and keeps it out of the hands of people
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh wow you actually believe the MJ-12 fucks changed their tune just because they grew a spine against the grays?
This anon knows too much

Time for a 9mm retirement plan, pal
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They were humans mutated by an eldritch abomination, it is impossible to genocide entities to whom we are but glorified worms by comparison. However we can keep them the fuck out of our dimension. Even the Soviets agreed and the Nazis for a while, until it became their last resort.
>Marines wearing dresses
What is this, a schoop to demoralize us? Do they have AI crawling the internet to slowly and gradually feminize all past depictions or White men?

I have noticed this recently. It's a sort of super scale psyop.
Shut up Poe

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