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So was Yasuke a samurai or not?
If not, did he even partake in battles?
I know that that Thomas Lockley guy made bullshit up in his English books but apparently his Japanese books were way more grounded and accurate.
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>So was Yasuke a samurai or not?
>If not, did he even partake in battles?
No he surrendered like a coward in the only battle he was caught in when his benefactor died, but the Japanese let him go back to India his home country (he wasn't even black) because they thought he was just an animal and felt bad killing him.
>So was Yasuke a samurai or not?
Yes, and if you disagree you're racist.

The recognition of the long and rich history of Japanese Africans is long overdue.
>So was Yasuke a samurai or not?
>If not, did he even partake in battles
He was there during the Honnō-ji incident but he surrendered and was spared because they considered him to be nothing more than an animal, and then he was given back to the jesuits and taken out of the country.
I don't fucking care man, just let people enjoy things.
I agree people should enjoy what they want, but Ubisoft literally paid a fake historian to say he was 100% a famous renowned samurai and then bought ad space everywhere talking about this historically accurate representation

If Ubisoft just said that it was creative license for making him a samurai no one would care
No, stop disrespecting Japanese history
>So was Yasuke a samurai or not?

Seething White Weebs seething that we're coming after Jap women next, they see writing on the wall with interracial JAVs, once they get a taste of the BBC it's over...
Why are you so obsessed with porn?
>So was Yasuke a samurai or not?
No, and Ubisoft had to apologize for their bullshit publicly already.
You going to provide some evidence showing how he was a samurai or are you going to keep spouting off you revolting fetish.
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Have a (you).
My understanding is that there are only one or two sources that give much information on the matter (there are others, but they only really describe him being there), but those that do, describe Nobunaga giving him things constant with being given the position of a Samurai. However, it is also possible and, in my opinion, likely that this was meant to be more of a novelty than Nobunaga actually expecting him to do things we would generally associate with a samurai.
The sources mention one or two things consistent with Samurai (he was given a stipend and house in the Shoguns court, he followed his Shigun similar to a bodyguard), but also details that
contradict being a Samurai (was only given a short sword, no mention of proper katana or armour. He carried not just his Shoguns weapons, but also his luggage, and he was not given ritual suicide after his Shogun died, but was sold back to the Portuguese. So it’s unknown. It’s most likely he was never a true Samurai, but was given some status aspects of the role due to his unique heritage.

Also a Japanese historian confirms it.
>Japanese historian
not a historian and also a communist and thus an ethnomasochist
>I disregard links and historians who frequent said site cause it disagree with my worldview.
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>So was Yasuke a samurai or not?
Idk but I think I have a real photograph of him, colorized
>I disregard the overwhelming amounts of evidence, sources and historians who disagree with me cause it disagrees with my worldview
Nigger imbecile this Jewish type of your scrotum-licking historian has already been discarded and hidden like the cowardly bitch that he is by the same Japanese authorities... better go suck a BWC of your favorite white transvestite
Pic related sums it up.
It was revealed that the sources that he cite all come from one man who misrepresented history and essentially wrote fiction. Try again.
Did he even exist is the question. Just because a traveler wrote a story about him doesn't necessary mean he's real. They made up stories about cities made out of gold and shit all the time.
>so loved by tokugawa he wouldn't let him leave
Nigga thats called being imprisoned.
'Samurai' was a nebulous term in the Sengoku period, since social classes broke down. Evidence shows that 'Samurai' at that point wasn't a fancy title anymore that you get by birthright or a great service, it pretty much just meant fighter.

Samurai only became a hereditary nobility after Hideyoshi turned Japan into a caste society.

So was Yasuke ever called a Samurai?

We don't know but he might as well have been because the term had a very broad definition at the time that included what we know he did (being a bodyguard to a daimyo). It's like asking was some guy who used to cut people's hair a doctor at a time the term 'doctor' was applied so broadly that it included barbers.
Might have; though if he wasn't it wouldn't mean he wasn't allowed to act as a bodyguard.
>it pretty much just meant fighter.
That's false though, ashigaru weren't samurai
merchants love to lie
Imprisoned with your own realm to govern, blow it out of your ass nigboy
That doesnt mean shit if you cant go back to your family, something which you are incapable of feeling you bugman.

Both Hamel and Weltvree were given titles of the nobility and command yet wanted nothing but to go home in their own words.
*mumble rap starts playing*
correct, they weren't retainers to their daimyo, they didn't get a stipend, they couldn't carry two swords. These were specific to what we now refer to as samurai, and these applied to Yasuke. Ashigaru on the other hand were conscripted farmers, not professional warriors, nor courtiers nor administrative officials

I'd love to know what the board purports to be the official rules of who is a samurai and who's not in the Sengoku era, because people seem super confident that this African dude wasn't one but basically haven't elaborated on why. All anyone seems to be able to say is that if he was a samurai he wasn't a very good one, compared to literary ideals, but neither were most samurai anyway.
>Ashigaru on the other hand were conscripted farmers
They could also volunteer or be mercs but i get your point
You're not gonna get an honest discussion on this board let alone an honest discussion on this topic.
Basically he was given a stipend and a weapon and a place at court which is the criteria or close to the criteria of Samurai during the period. Thats what I garnered from my reading about him though I'm not an expert.
I really don't get why theres so much seething over him being depicted as a samurai now when Nips were portraying him as so in media way before a shitty Assassins Creed game did.
Anyone's going to long for the place you can't get to. Big difference between being an exile and an expat. Or a prisoner in a gilded cage.
>So was Yasuke a samurai or not?
Yes, but Nobuanga was kind of a weirdo so you shouldn't take it too seriously.

>If not, did he even partake in battles?
He might have partaken in some campaigns against the Takeda, going by the timeline.
>He might have partaken in some campaigns against the Takeda, going by the timeline.
no proof ? Then get the fuck out,
>I really don't get why theres so much seething over him being depicted as a samurai now when Nips were portraying him as so in media way before a shitty Assassins Creed game did.
Mostly because Japanese culture, for all of it's flaws and actual racism, is less... psychotic than American culture. It's also just coming from a very different background and approach to History than the USA. The Japanese approach to the era is closer to idealizing the people but not the era, since nigh on everybody agrees the Sengoku Jidai was bad and it's good it ended, and most f the major and minor players have become mythological characters in their own right separate from real history. It's pretty unlikely they would get offended at something considering the shit they regularly produce.
>he was not given ritual suicide after his Shogun died
It could be that he just refused since he was a christian
If he wasn't a Samurai, neither was Hideyoshi.

>no proof ?
Like I said, the timeline. If he was a aide to Nobunaga close enough to be there when he was killed at Honnoji, which he was, then it's not unreasonable to assume he also joined him when he was campaigning in Kai province.

Most likely he didn't do much. Nobunaga seemed to like him just fine, but that doesn't have to mean military skill. He could have possibly just been a good conversationalists or even just a glorified bodyguard/aide.
>they couldn't carry two swords.
That was an edo thing; I don't think it was enforced before that
>The Japanese approach to the era is closer to idealizing the people but not the era, since nigh on everybody agrees the Sengoku Jidai was bad and it's good it ended
lol every character is portrayed saying shit like "I will end this terrible age of chaos" and then perpetuates a bloody war of domination

like guys, maybe the age of chaos was us all along

Yeah sorry I think you're right. I find myself reaching for what rules of thumb make someone a samurai or not but there's really just not much to it, prior to the big social reorganizations
In Japan, probably because it's a western company who pretended like they used historical resources instead of just fiction. Moreover, the issue is the being attached to a scandalous academic, so even if you could get over the first part, the second part makes it a lot more scandalous.

In the west, gamergate shit.

I'm pretty sure it was said somewhere that Yasuke was big and strong, so he probably was kept around somewhat as an intimidating bodyguard. Even if he was a "pet" he would be a pit bull not a chihuahua. He was also favored even if kept as a "pet" and not merely a circus freak. Even in the west, being appointed to be the king's golf caddie or ass wiper was a big deal that nobles competed for.

He was not a battle hardened renowned warrior or daimyo, but he was part of Nobunaga's entourage until his death, and enjoyed Nobunaga's favor, which was a pretty big deal back then. Akechi, the guy who killed Nobunaga, for example, did not enjoy Nobunaga's favor. Luis Frois wrote that Nobunaga was abusive and kicked him, and that Akechi sucked up to Nobunaga for personal advancement.
>I really don't get why theres so much seething over him being depicted as a samurai now when Nips were portraying him as so in media way before a shitty Assassins Creed game did.
Its just /pol/tards feeling the need to cry about niggers as per usual
>lol every character is portrayed saying shit like "I will end this terrible age of chaos" and then perpetuates a bloody war of domination
Which I tend to feel is somewhat intentional. Though that obviously depends on the actual work.
Yasuke was a native Aeta Filipino. Italians were in the Philippines in the 1300's prior to the formation and naming of the country and would have provided Alessandro Valignano a relationship with the lands that had existed roughly 150 yrs prior to his arrival.
>Yasuke was a native Aeta Filipino
No he wasn't?
I recall he was not a samurai, however did know how to use a sword though. He was a retainer and was pretty close with oda nobunga.
There is no evidence he was African.
>he was a retainer of a daimyo
>he was not a samurai

Do you realize "samurai" was used for non-warrior retainers?
he was some former member of the japanese communist party, admitted that he doesn't use real sources, and his credentials as a "historian" are non-existent.
Well, an actual source from the era described him as follows after he was captured and before he was deported:
>Mitsuhide Akechi: ``They're like animals, so they're not worth killing as humans.''

It's likely they didn't even recognize him as a human, let alone a samurai. Probably he wasn't a samurai or a slave, but just some novelty Nobungo kept around. Another anon in another thread describing him as a "court dwarf" is probably accurate. Court Negro.

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