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I asked this on /pol/ but it went nowhere.
What is the future of religion? I feel like most people have grown apathetic towards it, and society has become permeated by a general feeling of religion being incompatible with modern day science. Yet i feel that man yearns for some form of religion, as is evident by the fact that many political and social movements become pseudo-religious in their forms. On a practical level, religions will also become more prominent again as religious people simply reproduce more. What will religion then look like in the future?

Pic related, theyre God's favorite animals.
>On a practical level, religions will also become more prominent again as religious people simply reproduce more

We had no atheists 200 years ago, then they started gradually appearing in Christian families.
The idea that children of religious people will be religious themselves is a false one
Really religious people like the Amish tend to have very high retention rates thoughalbeit.
If everybody else is basically dying with their 1.0 fertility rates, then those peeps will take over.
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>What is the future of religion?
they are not even trying to worship the same God anymore in the supposedly christian churches
>What is the future of religion?
In Asia? Buddhism, Shinto, Hinduism, and Chinese Folk Religion stay where they are. Cao Dai and Sikhism might make some fun jumps, and Tenrikyo could take off in certain areas. In the West, including Africa and South America? Christianity continues to slide into global Progressivism and Noahidism until there's just one macro Abrahamism. Small communities of Asatruar, Rodnovers, and Hellenists remain as pockets of opposition to this.

The Amish naturally have very low retention rates, that's why they had to update the Rumpschringa practices. They had an over-50% loss rate when they'd drop teenagers off in areas where they could actually engage with English society. Now they just drop them off in the middle of nowhere so that the Rumpschringer HAS to go home, or else they die of exposure.

Super culty Protestant and Catholic groups suffer a similar problem. Mormons, traditional Catholics, those fundies in Finland, they all have over 50% lossrates. This is why they have such high birthrates btw, it's not because they're based White Nationalists or whatever, it's because they're playing a numbers game to not die out.
"Religion" in the sense of organized beliefs and rituals will never disappear, it just ends up becoming civil religion centered around national mythologies. Even socialist states that tried to completely destroy religious practices replaced it with new rituals and celebrations as a sort of god-building practice, so religion in that sense certainly feels compatible with modern society. However, religion the sense of believing in and worshipping mythological gods will probably continue dying out or becomes a cultural practice/identity rather than serious, deeply held beliefs as more countries develop.
>We had no atheists 200 years ago
you are on /his/, not on the pulpit from where you can spew this kind of idiocy.
>In Asia? Buddhism, Shinto, Hinduism, and Chinese Folk Religion stay where they are
Not really, many of those religions are also dying both in terms of numbers of adherents and the rot within
>Christianity is when you kill niggers and worship your white skin
why do crabs behave like this?
>What is the future of religion?
>What will religion then look like in the future?

It'll probably be more of the same: widescale agnosticism of most everyday people, a lot of mix-and-matched ooga booga conspiracy & superstitious circles, shrinking "but still important" organized religious institutions progressively designated to a more cultural/casual role in life, and a few fuckin' weirdos and extremists living in corners or ghettos or otherwise isolated refugias.

I was also gonna mention parts of this: >>16891093 specifically that religion in Asian communities has managed to persist by deeply rooting itself into both the cultural and ethnic identity of these people, allowing them to persist into the future and to co-habitat with agnostics. It's combination of hereditary and geographically determinate aspects tie it all together, and in the case of Buddhism the more structured specific commentary on "how and why" sin exists is a lot more inline with how independent modern people rationalize their world/cosmology. In contrast the specific cultural nuances and references present in Christianity and Islam are becoming progressively lost on the modern analytical person.
Not that those things can't change, but you need to realize the "stupidest least charitable interpretation" of your religion is what the general public will judge it on and for a lot of people Buddhisms' is "Excessive behavior makes you sad." vs a brown man who married a 6 year old says you can't have drapes or a random jewish man nailed to a board of wood died so you could go to heaven.
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eugenicist yogic witch cults and prophetic islamic god-kings high on psychedelics of course
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>The Amish naturally have very low retention rates, that's why they had to update the Rumpschringa practices. They had an over-50% loss rate when they'd drop teenagers off in areas where they could actually engage with English society. Now they just drop them off in the middle of nowhere so that the Rumpschringer HAS to go home, or else they die of exposure.

No they don't, Rumspringa retention rate has increased mostly because the culture shock has gotten worse.
Ok here is an in-depth answer I'll provide to your thread

In the Pre-Modern world, there was a lot less knowledge about the world than we know now. Everyone believed in deities, transcendent realms, out of body experiences and what not. People believed so much about these things that we in the modern world today would decry many of these beliefs as superstition and make believe. But people started to learn about the world and discovered it's way more complex than it is. Now science and religion never had a conflict with each other that atheist-tards make it seem, but it is undeniable that with growing scientific knowledge of the world there was more and more doubt about traditional religious beliefs.

Our world today is not only a very educated one, but also a very wealthy and individualistic one. I don't mean this in an offensive way, but religion thrives more in a region with a lack of scientific knowledge, poverty, and collectivist society. This is why ALL RELIGIONS EVERYWHERE are slowly fading away. Christianity in the West. Islam in MENA, Buddhism/folk religions in East Asia. It's because we are a lot more knowledgeable, wealthier, and individualistic in this world.

However the human brain has not changed and people still have very "religious thinking" behaviour. While people do not build temples, believe in any strong spirituality, or have any official doctrines, people very much venerate things such as prominent celebrities to the point of a personality cult (Elon Musk, Donald Trump, etc.). People also turn to technology and think it'll solve humanities issues (think of techbros and all that singularity shit). And people believe money is the goal in life (which our modern world constantly tells us is the source of happiness and success). That is what I have to say on why religion has declined and is not important in the modern world and what has "replaced" it. I'd like to hear any thoughts or responses to this.
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will a new religion pop up? If so, what will it look like?
This fascinates me
I guess also adding to the conversation, do you guys see any eastern religions growing? Buddhism, hinduism etc, in the west. Also will we get any completely new religions at some point, i think at some point there will probably be some sort sci fi/cyberpunk religion.
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>What is the future of religion?
Corporate megachurches
OP you are a cynical loser incel who has never known a woman's touch projecting your own apathy onto others.
With sermons lead by AI Jesus
>Now science and religion never had a conflict with each other that atheist-tards make it seem
While the new atheist movement exaggerated it, i think sayinh no conflict ever existed is also downplaying it. Even heliocentrism caused controversy in its time.

I do wonder about that, what would that even be?
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>Pic related, theyre God's favorite animals.
I disagree
>What is the future of religion?
Depending on who wins in the next few hundred years (could be next year , could be the next 50).
Dark Side (current satanic cults pretending to be modern religions)
or the White Side, the side of Love and Light.

If the white side wins. We will gain more power over cultists, science will be a lot more prominent, we will return to our more real history and more real technologies that satanic cultists of the Vatican are trying to hide.
>and they are trying to hide alot
>your power level - that you near gods on this planet
>actual real medicine
>free energy technologies
>actual history
>your access to the informational Truth field.
>and a whole lot more
There is 100% going to be a new, retarded religion that will be founded in the next 5-10 years and will centre around AI worship.

You can already see it developing in a prototype form among Silicon Valley techbros and their followers. There were leaks about OpenAI researchers conducting religious chants about "AGI".

What will be interesting to see is how the traditional religions respond to this. So far there's been an embarrassing trend of religious conservatives associating themselves with the techbro types, whether it be in formal arrangements eg. JD Vance the tradcath Republican VP nominee who is funded by Peter Thiel, or informally eg. Christian soccer moms on Facebook sharing grotesque AI-generated images of Jesus. But when techfags start openly worshipping machines as gods then I would expect you'll start to see Christians and Muslims rejecting this behavior and labelling AI and the tech industry as "satanic".
Amish retention rates have actually been increasing and rumspringa was never a practice were they just let their children interact with “english” society. Its actually becoming an increasingly uncommon part of their culture
I do think classical religions will become more Luddite, and i also think a new bona fide anti-AI religion will pop up.
Honestly, it all depends on how technology improves. We've already seen cracks starting to appear in the faith of modern society's faith in technology as a force of good.

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