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>iberians do something
>italians do it x1000 better
Being Iberian is an humiliation ritual
What? Mussolini hanged upside down, not Franco

Medieval theologians parroting Aristotelian bullshit in all those 4 cases, who cares

Colombus was probably Polish

Napoleon worked for France
Idk in what world Mussolini was more succesful than Franco
And I don't see how Columbus can be more succesful than Vasco da Gama considering that the latter discovered what Columbus was aiming for. Columbus being such a big name is a weird twist of history and has little to do with the ability of the man himself
The comparison between Napoleon and Cortes / Pizarro is also absurd
You're retarded, I'm afraid
As an argie, I can confirm
Italian immigrants unironicamly ruined argentina.
Before mass Italian immigration Argentina was one of the richest country in the world. You have to fo back. Argentina to the Iberians and their gaucho castizo serfs.
>ruined argentina.
Ruined it by turning it from a rural cheap version of Castile into an economic urban power? Keep raging spic
>Colombus was probably Polish
He looks nothing like those ogre-looking subhumans.
For starters Mussolini didn't have to beg Franco for military support to take over Italy
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You can also add that italian lead Counter-Enlightment is more aesthetic than Spanish lead Counter-Reformation
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Spot the difference
People that majes Argentine Greek
Alberdi (in spite of the Italian sounding name, he was actually Basque)
Juan Manuel de las Rosas
Jorge Luis Borges (from a cultural standpoint)
All Iberians
Italians only noteworthy contribution to Argentina is Lionel Cucktini who can thanks the Iberians Xavi, Iniesta and Busquets for making him appear a lot better than he actually was
t.Ivan the beautiful orc
People that made Argentina Great* my auto corrector was fucking with me here
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>Italians only noteworthy contribution to Argentina is Lionel Cucktini
Also Maldacena, the most citated scientist in history. But who cares about a top scientists when you have warlords, kek
How many people speak Italian?
vs How many people speak Spanish and Portuguese?
Nobody know or care about this man.
>But who cares about a top scientists when you have warlords, kek
Kshatriya > Vaishya yes sorry that's the hierarchy established by our Aryos ancestor millenia agos
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Where does Spanish and Portuguese come from?
How many persons speak Basque and how many speak Romance languages?
Russian samefag
they will tell you that mostly brown people speak spanish as if literally everyone south of rome was any better than your average mexican
Distance to: Italian_Campania
0.07025475 Lebanese_Muslim
0.12945987 English
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From Italy which was inhabited by Spaniards before they mixed with subhumans birthing Italians in the process.
When I say that you guys are mexicans I mean it literally, you even have the same flag
Note that there isn't a SINGLE spanish ethnic group that cluster closer to non europeans than to any europeans
Even Canarians who are like 30% berbers on average are still closer to other europeans
Distance to: Spanish_Canarias
0.09875555 English
0.12288592 Lebanese_Muslim
0.14828204 Moroccan_North
This man is unironically whiter than half if not 2/3 of Italy
It's over Italicrootsbro
Italians got to mix with sophisticated Greeks, the few ITALIC Roman settlers in Spain got to mix with a bunch of Celtic brutes
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Also you barely have Roman ancestry
>Sardinian 90%
>sophisticated Greeks
Hellenized orientals*, ancient Greeks are an extinct species
>got to mix with a bunch of Celtic brutes
Celts were superior to orientals.
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u152 wasn't the only roman haplo
also autosomal dna is always more relevant than ydna
an american nigger with u106 haplogroup is still less related to the anglo saxon than a random l21 welsh
>no single thrace of roman yDNA
Sorry spic, but these genes come from oriental inmigrants
if it was the case we would be dalits like the south italians are but we don't cluster anywhere near you
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>we wuz le republican romans
>admixture modeled in that pic comes from imperials
Holy shit you're dumb. Iberians cluster close with Republicans by pure coincidence. An unmixed Iberian (Basque) is distant from them. Iberians are goblinitos who got raped by imperials and cluster with Republicans by coincidence.
You got raped by South Italian imperial bulls. Cope.
Look at where the Basques are in relation to your position there. You're literally pulled towards South Italians.
>Colombus was probably Polish
Are butthurt belters actually fucking delusional enough to believe this with full sincere wholehearted belief or are you intentionally contradicting the premise of your own post
No there's actually a serious theory that a prince of the Jagellion family married a woman from Madeira and then some time after Columbus was born
No Kekman, it doesn't work.
For one thing imperial romans have plenty of natufian and other near eastern dna which we don't detect among spaniards. Said DNA is also the reason they are so remote from every other europeans.
Then, if we compare both to Mallorcans (who are roughly half iberian half romans per >>16891073) we get this:
Distance to: Iberian+Republic
0.02894856 Spanish_Mallorca
Distance to: Iberian+Imperial
0.03471776 Spanish_Mallorca
It hits closer in the first case.
>Colombus was probably Polish
Wildest shit I've read on here
no it's a serious theory actually.
Reminder that Columbus ethnicity is shrouded in mystery, just because we decided he was some wop to pander to them don't mean he actually was
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Why do Pajeets race bait between 2 European groups? It's pointless both are being replaced and have below-replacement birthrates. Both will probably go extinct soon.
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Russians think he was Russo-Turkish.
Franco and Salazar were actually successful dictators
Vasco da Gama, Magalhães, Bartolomeu Dias and Pedro Álvares Cabral were much better explorers than Columbus (besides he was secretly in the employ of the Portuguese king)
Both the Portuguese and Spanish have much more impressive military campgains than any Italians - and overall won more wars than Italians
Both the Portuguese and Spanish cuisine mog Italian cuisine
Finally Iberia penninsula is far more diverse in its natural beauty than the Italian Peninsula

Really on this matter the only things that are subjective is who has better art and literature
If you feel bad for Iberians just remember French lost their ethos and became on larping as Renaissance Florence gauls.
Imagine unironically LARPing as a street shitter
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>Colombus was probably Polish
No. He was of Russian-Ottoman descent.
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How is it possible that the mix of Spanish gods with subhumans is much superior to pure Spanish gods?
Leonidas race is extinct, Herodotus race still exists on Greek islands.
OP is a falseflagging spic pretending to be italian. But I guess you are right being iberian is embarassing, kek.
Spain conquered Italy. The opposite never happened.
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And no, you aren't roman
neither are Italians but Spaniards have a better claim due to a closer genetic proximity
>117 ad
The empire was ruled by a bona fide Spaniard at that time, by the by.
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Spajeet cope. All elite Roman graves found outside of Italy are East Meds. You were raped by people with South Italian profile. This model here is includes Imperial Roman ancestry: >>16891073
You would be like a Basque ooga booga if you didn't get raped.
>You were raped by people with South Italian profile. This model here is includes Imperial Roman ancestry
Already debunked here: >>16892257
>You would be like a Basque ooga booga if you didn't get raped.
Basques have more achievements than all of it*ly combined.
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>doesn't state what "Iberian" (if it's not Basque, you can eat shit)
>doesn't give admixture amounts
Sneaky Shitberian goblino.
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The sample is Iberian_IA
That's not the true Imperial profile even. It includes Phoenician and Jew outliers because it was from a coastal town with a lot of commerce. Real imperial profile is pretty much the same as modern Lazio with just a slightly more southern shift.
Spicnards were raped by pic related. All Iberian women crave Italian cock.
no kekman, iberians lack the the east med ancestry you terroni have
besides most of the colonist in iberia arrived between the conquest by scipion and the beginning of the imperial era.
His name in English is Scipio, not Scipion, nigger. Learn English, you phoneposting retard.
>no argument
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>Columbus ethnicity is shrouded in mystery
no concrete evidence for this
>Colombus was probably Polish

what an amazing cope, truly never seen the like.
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Shitberians do have East Med ancestry compared to Basques. Notice that the Basque region is free of it here.
outdated crap
iberians don't have natufians while souh italians have plenty of it
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>outdated crap
Recent cope

You are also a shitskin compared to Tuscans btw
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>Shitberian pigmentation (Basques are the whitest Iberians)
It was ruined by mass democracy
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Iberian in Trento:
>fellow North Italians brothers, we wuz Romans right? Fuck those terroni
Average Trentinian:
>get away from me you shitskinned moor rapebaby
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>most famous north italian ruler ever was named Ludovico the moor
Lmao, what kind of cruel joke is being italian
Yes this man is swarthy by North Italian standards, so they called him 'Moor' as a nickname. Same shit for people like Beethoven.

Imagine an Iberian who lacks skin pigmentation alleles in those places then.
Ruling them with iron fist

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