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Can we have a thread on political philosophy? I've been reading anti-globalist conspiracy websites from the 90s on archive.org and a lot of them seem to think it comes down to Individualism vs. Collectivism. Do you agree with this? But then why are group interests inherently bad? Is white nationalism inherently evil because it's not individualistic?
An anti-globalist is someone who is mad that shipping containers, inventory systems and the internet were invented.
Some people have a limit on how fast they think boats should move and how cheap international phone calls should be and I guess once we hit that limit they just turn into fussy pants who blame it on some random ethnic or religious minority.
The real war, the only war, the forever war is between smart and stupid and anyone calling themselves an anti-globalist isn't on Team Smart.
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Do you know anything about the New World Order? George Soros' Open Society Foundation? "The Open Society and Its Enemies" by Karl Popper? International trade and communication isn't the same thing as one world government
Yeah it's the same retarded shit my uncle spews nonstop he is completely uneducated and has no idea what he's talking about
youre right, it's retarded how conspiracy theorists use globalist as a 1984 type shit
I think being unable to reject a premise and never thinking about searching for information that challenges your hypothesis are the kinds of things scientists talk about when they say that being fat affects your brain
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Everything I listed is real, how is it retarded?
No, I think being anti-globalist is smart in a common sense sort of way. It's obvious that mass immigration is bad for western countries despite collectivists who think it's good for the world as a whole
No, none of that is true. Individualism/Collectivism is a false dichotomy because it is functionally impossible to separate the two. Even within groups we exist as individuals separated from the rest of the collective. This doesn't make collectivism wrong because we know that ideologies that are dependent on unity and many liberties are good and can coexist (ethnonationalism with property rights to name an example). People who focus on such words as 'individualism' and 'collectivism' to describe their beliefs are unworthy of the attention they need to be useful. They are at best unknowingly creating distractions from real problems and their solutions
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Is there any philosophy that backs up ethnonationalism from first principles? Maybe one of the Arktos guys has done it?
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Group interests for Whites are bad because that would make White nations more difficult to exploit and exterminate. The only allowable ideology for post-WWII Whites is individualism, that way they can be exploited by collectivist groups without limit
Nobody is actually a collectivist so this is a retarded thread.
Wannabe tyrants promise individuals* that they each* will get gibsmedats if they help him gain power.
Collectivism? In humans? Laughable. Maybe mothers feel that way for their children, but only arguably so, since they inevitably pick favorites.
Is there any ideology which backs up loving your own family more than the family of some alien? At some point we are dealing with biological fundamentals, free and sovereign people want people like themselves to exist into the future and take political action to that effect.
I can't say I really especially love my family. I just feel a sense of duty to them.
I would wager that a generalized sense of "duty" or filial piety is probably genetic.
I've just kind of always felt like normalcy was correct (i.e. "honor thy father and mother")
The final pill is Individualized globalism. Collectionism when it comes to the greater good/God's will, but individualism for basically everything else. Community, nations and race are all made up and autistic to care about.

The only exception is family, but even that gets messy fast when you try to pin point what exactly constitutes a family (adopted mothers, family-friends and distant cousins) or if you should even follow it (Just because someone birth you, doesn't mean you suddenly owe them everything.) Your best bet is just to call the people who helped to raise you or you helped to raise family.

In short: Collectivism is usually only moral when everyone is included. Individualism is only moral when it's used without caring about the things around you.
Any society inevitably relies on a collectivist thinking because any society that survives for long has to view itself as an organic entity in its own right with the individuals within it as cells in that wider organism.

Individualists are correct that individuals should be allowed the freedom to flourish, but not when it damages the wider collective, unless the collective has become so rotten and diseased that it's destruction would be a boon to the world.
Individualism is good when people stand up for themselves against NPCs.

Individualism is bad when people become purely self-interested nihilist sociopaths.

Collectivism is good when people cooperate and work together and come up with a decent set of morals and rules that solve collective problems.

Collectivism is bad when it results in creepy cult like behavior like cancelling someone who thinks we should have a ceasefire in the Ukraine or men can't be women, it is why you have r*dditors screeching at you for being a "bigot" for what are completely reasonable views.
The only way to defeat and abolish bolshevism once for all also requires abolishing any and all ideas of community, society, groups or shared/mutual responsibilities. Only through perfect individualism can a man be truly free.
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