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Why do centre-rightists dislike Adolf Hitler when he was the most effective anti-communist of the 20th century, if not the 3rd millennium?
1 "centre rightists" got hitler in power
2 he allied with communists, also his failures caused half of europe to become communist
3 the 20th century is not part of the 3rd millennium
4 he was a collectivist according to libertarians and other liberals
plus you know, the whole war and stuff thing
>is THE reason communism isn't perceived as the most evil ideology by normies
>the most effective anti-communist of the 20th century
The "center" in "center" right means Jew lover and is the only part of the "center right" formulation they care about
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>he was the most effective anti-communist of the 20th century, if not the 3rd millennium
>The "center" in "center" right means Jew lover and is the only part of the "center right" formulation they care about
i dont understand why third positionists try to cling onto the useless "right wing" label
they're third position for a reason
>ally of soviets until 1941
>lost to soviets
yeah, really effective
>most effective anti-communist of the 20th century
>loses a war of aggression against communists, half of germany subsequently is ruled by communists for the next half century
Because centre-rightists aren't anti-communist, they would side with communists every time against any anti-semitic Aryan liberation movement.
>they would side with anyone any time against any schizophrenic cult of retarded people
>Aryan liberation movement.
>ends up killing more aryans than browns
Lmao do neo nazoids really
even doe moderates were the ones voting hitler to prevent the communists from taking power
how was he effective? his invasion of the USSR ended up grossly strengthening it and getting the rump state left of his country half occupied by them for 45 years
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Because he's still a filthy fucking socialist. Just because it's racial socialism instead of marxism doesn't make him any less of a faggot leftist.
What do you have against socialism?
That doesn't hold up considering just about every party of the political spectrum in the reichstag sided with them so the KPD wouldn't gain power
There were no significant center right parties, that's the main lesson Jews learned from the 1932 elections, a strong controlled-opposition conservative party is the first line of defense for Jewish power, once the goyim see through the scam and stop voting for conservatives then Jewish power comes to an end
Money addicted pseudo trannies.

Op knows he was a prophet for the third millennium.
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Great headcanon. Thanks.
That's actually the main thesis of this book by two Jewish political scientists:

Conservative controlled-opposition is the bulwark against a native White population implementing policies which actually benefit their own race and communities.
Right wing thinking is about establishing a hierarchical society that culminates in an aristocratic monarchy, Anthony Ludovici and Julius Evola being the best theorists of this idea.

Hitler and the Nazis were basically plebeians who hearkened to a chauvinist notion of German irredentism instead of a wider pan-European system.

Even then, most rightists were willing to work with Hitler, but criticised things like the annexation of Czechoslovakia and Poland because of the genocidal consequences and the fact they alienated wider Europe at a time when Germany desperately needed the Allies on its side against the Soviets.
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>looks inside
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>the most effective anti-communist of the 20th century,

Doubt intensifies
It's unknowable what would of happened without him though. It's possible most of western Europe would have become Communist as well.
It is unknown whether western Europe would have fallen to communism without Napoleon or Hannibal as well retard.

How far do you want to stretch your kvetching because you refuse to admit Hitler was wrong and made things worse for literally everyone including European patriots.
based on what
the USSR wouldn't have massively expanded without him declared war on them and then they expanding to fill the vacuum
in the prewar period England and France were jealous of American cultural imperialism, then as now.
Maybe in the most accidental of ways, this is just retarded.
The Soviets always had a goal of bringing Central Europe under their domination. War was inevitable, it's unknown if a non-militarized Germany would have been able to stop them from expanding to bring the rest of western Europe under their sphere of influence.
They had no incentive to invade Europe, they had no casus beli to do so, and even if they did, the weaker states in Europe wouldnt just be sitting around waiting to be picked off. They would face a united European front. That means allied blockade, allied bombing and no lend lease.

And we have no reason to believe the purges wouldnt have happened without Hitler since they were completely unrelated to Hitler.
Thus the Red Army would have found out about their abyssmal performance not against a handful of makeshift infantry divisions with bottles for granades, in a underdeveloped and poor Finland, but against an organized sophisticated military against real defensive lines with combined arms of armour and airforce in central Europe.
And these stormfags are trying to tell me that the Red Army would have swooped to Paris but only Hitler saved the day.
>War was inevitable
>It was just was ok?
>Stop saying Hitler wasnt necessary
>He had to invade Poland otherwise Soviets would take over the world.
>Hitler himself said this in his speeched
>oMg FuCkInG aNtI gErMaN kIkE sHiLlS
They couldnt even get through Finland, Who the fuck are you trying to convince? We arent 12 years old.
Rewatch your fucking bitchute zoomer video, maybe it can tell you what to say next.
>it's unknown¨

Just because something is unknown in alt-history doesnt mean you immediately can give credit to the most vivid assumptions.
Thatäs the kind of shit Hollywood does when they insert black africans into medieval European movies and defend themselves by saying "well there are no sources that said there never were any so it's unknown whether they existed in London".

It's fucking bullshit and you know it. You wouldnt argue this position in any other historical debate but because it involves Hitler you're literally scraping the barrel to make this shit seem valid.
>War was inevitable
Based on what? In the interwar period Soviet westward expansion had been definitively checkd by the Poles - the same Poles Hitler allied with Stalin to destroy.
> it's unknown if a non-militarized Germany would have been able to stop them from expanding
Weimar Germany and even Nazi Germany were pretty tight with the USSR. German troops trained in the USSR to get around Versailles, and Stalin even wanted to be part of the Axis.
>they had no casus beli to do so
Communist revolutionaries in one of the neighboring states would have been encouraged to incite unrest and Soviet troops would have moved in as peacekeepers.

>They would face a united European front
Why? Many in Europe were sympathetic to the Communists and would want to appease them or avoid an all-out war.

>They couldnt even get through Finland
By 1945 they reached Berlin. I really don't think Helsinki would have been unachievable.
You dont get it do you?
The Red Army was tried and tested in Finland. The Finns destroyed entire armies with only small arms.
This was a direct result of the purges.
The only reason it worked out was because the Soviets were facing ONLY the Finns. They managed to win in the end and were given enough breathing space the following 1 ½ years of peace before war came to the USSR.

They wont be given this respite if they just randomly starts invading central Europe. Stalin will likely be coup'ed the moment their army is destroyed.

>Many in Europe were sympathetic to the Communists and would want to appease them or avoid an all-out war.

You understand that there is going to be a process before this alt-history war breaks out right? You understand that there will be conferences similar to Munich Agreement where Britain and France will indeed try to avoid war by asking Stalin what he wants.
You understand that if Stalin begins to feign good faith, by outright ignoring agreements made and just decide to attack anyway, Britain and France will likely react with a military guarantee and you've essentially have the same ballgame. What kind of fantasy do you live in where everyone would just sit passively in this scenario.

>Communist revolutionaries
What fucking communist revolutionaries? Where were they in Poland, Finland, Lithuania or Romania?
>Most effective anti-communist
Is that why he gave half of Eastern Europe to Stalin in exchange for Soviet oil specifically to fight Poland (which was under a far-right government) and other Center-right/left national governments in France and Britian?
>Why were they opposed to him
Because they saw that he was a warmonger who wanted to deputize his private militia in the SA to go after his political opponents and German-Jewish citizens, as well as those who criticized his fascist policies. He was very open about wanting “revenge” against the Entente powers in his speech
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>most effective anti-communist of the 20th century
If you support self-destructive wars that lead to the communists taking over your country then sure
I'd give that award so some random east asian dictator that killed several hundreds of thousands

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