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Why was Presbyterianism so successful in Korea compared to other denominations of Christianity?
Protestantism, especially Presbyterianism are a religion of revolution like Judaism. The Koreans had Buddhist on the West (China) and Shinto on the East (Japan), who wanted to conquer them. Being a Protestant was seriously seen as the most Korean thing to be. I can't be Catholic or Orthodox, because they teach to submit, rather than to fight.
It was when highly educated, conservative and wealthy WASPs came into Korea. Not Cletuses who fake southern accents and don forced attitudes
Allowed to come in during the Japanese colonial period. America turned up the heat and many educational opportunities were tied to missionaries or missionary institutions in Korea and abroad in the US.
why not just adhere to their own beliefs instead of taking a colonizer one?
Or even better why not refrain from adopting beliefs for the sole purpose of validating your identity
Religion was more tied to an nation and people identity then today, so it would make sense if it was their original Korean belief system.
The Americans in this instance weren’t a colonial power in Korea. They existed there in missionary schools.
Again why did they thought another colonial power religion despite not having power projecting on Korea better than forming national organized systemic religion of their native culture?
Because, and this might be hard for your nigger sludge called a brain to comprehend, sometimes people just believe a religion when they hear about it.
Native Korean folk religions and confusianism weren't popular religions in the same way that christianity or islam is. Rather than being trying to evangelize people or convert them with the promise of salvation and freedom, they existed mostly as a reflection of the cultural status quo of Korea as a sinosphere kingdom, seeking to reinforce the existing social order and harmony
After WW2 and the Korean War however, said sinophere and confusian world completely collapsed and so, these religions didn't connect anymore with the people in Korea, as they represented something that no longer had value to them, and so, Christianity became popular because it was seen as more modern religion that didn't have to play the old confusian social mores, and was more relevant with the growing cultural contact with the US
Ten quadtrillion American "missionaries"(cultists and glowing freaks) paradropped into the country and spent absurd amounts of money to indoctrinate the uneducated local population to their death cult.
Koreans are the ultimate cucklords of this fucking world.
Then I must be more intelligent then them cause I wouldn't adhere to religious belief that would call for nipping my foreskin.
>Allowed to come in during the Japanese colonial period.
No. Presbyterianism started in Korea in the 1880s. There was a brief period during the early Japanese occupation (~2yrs into it) during the Pyongyang Revival that it flourished a little more, but was repressed during Japanese Korea.
chinks and nips are the eternal enemy to koreans. look at all the satanic chink goblins coming into this thread trying to speak out for koreans like they own the place and trying to impose atheism on them
Any Koreans ITT?
hi i havent posted yet because Korean threads always turn into schizo rambles by malding viet and indog niggas but i would like to say i dont hate them at all. They have it tough over there.
What are you’re thoughts on the OP?

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