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The krauts really didn't have any shame when they cried about the Treaty of Versailles being too harsh on them.
the difference is Versailles took Germans out of Germany while Brest Litovsk took non-Russians out of Russia.

Why does it matter to you tho? You hate Germany anyway.
What's a kraut? Are you 80? No, son.
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There were plenty of ethnic Russians living in those areas.
A German deserving of contempt.
Brest Litovsk was liberation against communist oppression, Versailles was oppression by nigger soldiers. It is not the same at all
Let's not pretend that the krauts didn't oppress the ethnic minorities living inside the imperial borders hard.
not really and where there were Russians they werent the majority.
Many majority German regions were given to the ethnic states post Versailles along with the minority German regions.

Also Brest Litovsk didnt seek to Punish Russia as much as neutralize them as a threat while France wanted to punish the Central Powers, Germany especially because the Germans had humiliated France twice. My country even threatened to withdraw over France's conduct.
The French being majority EEF are just animals.
They arent Northern Europeans and so can not be taken seriously as humans like Germans or Swedes would be.
It really is that simple, if your people arent 45% Steppe you arent human you dont meet the minimum standard for chivalry and human decency.
This is why the Anglo Elites were all pro German while the primarily EEF Britons were all lefties who hated beauty.
This is why Slavs got along fairly well with Germans despite being arch rivals while EEF heavy Yugroids and juden had a spastic fit over anyone with blue eyes.
The Hun are huge hypocrites, always have been.
They cry about Britain bombing them in WW2, but conveniently forget to mention that they invented it with their Zeppelin raids in WW1.
They whine about the "starvation blockade" but forget to mention that Britain only placed food on the list of contraband after the Germans attempted to strangle Britain with unrestricted Uboat warfare.
They whine about how harsh the reparations of the Versailles treaty were, but forget to mention the effort that they put into destroying french industry and infrastructure as their army collapsed. And that most of their debt was forgiven.
They claim they were "stabbed in the back" when their army routed from the field after their great generals pissed away their last carefully husbanded reserves in ill-conceived offensives going nowhere.
They claim they are attacked as their columns march through Belgium. They call themselves civilized as their fleets bombard undefended coastal towns and run at first sign of resistance.
We dont need to pretend because they didnt.
the worst that ever happened was attractive and productive people replaced Pol*sh animals non-violently.

Go on, make the case the world is better off with Slavic apes running around.
Ill wait.
aside from the porn industry what sector of society would suffer if we just removed everyone east of the Oder?
I am being serious.
Please end your sad life.
>German sends balloons over London
>Anglos respond by burning 100,000 women and children alive

Why is the Anglo so violent? Is it because its a retarded subhuman who's Steppe ancestry is a minority?
Is it because Germans from Bremen are more closely related to the original Iron Age Germanic invaders of the British isles than anyone in England today?
Is it because Anglos claim to be White while most of them are brown haired, brown eyed, Mr Bean looking spiritual mulattos?
>t-the Norwegians r-raped White genes into us we are heckin White
The only people to successfully rape you aside from North Germans were the only people in Europe with detectable east asian admixture.
Its over.

If not for 29 miles of water your people would be entirely Gallic or entirely German and what is unique about the modern English genome would be seen (correctly) as a Neolithic holdout that perished in the late iron age.
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give me a personal demonstration
>Germans bombing civilians is ok because they sucked at it
fpbp. Also Brest-Litovsk didn't impose any restrictions on Russia's sovereignty like army regulation, restrictions on fortifications or opening of rivers to international shipping like Versailles did. But this board is anti-German anyway so no truthful discussion possible.
>Germans try to reduce collateral damage
>Anglos try to increase collateral damage
Why are Anglos so mentally unhinged?
public shootings dont happen in Germany, they happen all the time in Anglo nations.
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>Versailles took Germans out of Germany
That's literally NOT what happened
Germany only lost land that WASNT German. In fact, Germany was even rewarded land that proved it had a German population majority, something which made the French seethe. Something the Germans never bothered to do in the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk.

The ONLY exception in this is Danzig, which was motivated by the fact that without it, Poland wouldnt be able to remain a sovreign state independent from Germany without port access.
But for everything else, it was completely justified according to international law.
And again, the Germans had ZERO consideration for this in the treaty of Best-Litovsk. They took what they could.

Hitler apologist /pol/faggots are usually on suicide watch in threads like these because it exposes Hitlers progaganda, and at the end of the thread it will ALWAYS result in them abandoning objective debate on the historical context, and just start seething about jews and trannys in 2024.
The Bolsheviks agreed to Brest-Litovsk because they didn't think the territory lost would remain outside their control in the long term - from their perspective it was a temporary agreement to give them breathing space to consolidated their gains in Russia before retaking the territory lost when they (inevitably) pushed the revolution west.
>not really and where there were Russians they werent the majority.

You are somewhat right, that the areas ceded were not majority Russian (unless you count Belarusians to be Russians).
It did however force millions of Russians to live outside Russia, similar to how the Treaty of Versailles never actually ceded any German majority land (Danzig excluded) but had 1-2 million of Germans living outside Germany.

>Many majority German regions were given to the ethnic states post Versailles along with the minority German regions.
Which wasnt a part of the treaty of Versailles because those areas never concerned Germany to begin with. Why would Versaille make Germany larger than her pre-war size?

>French are just animals
France was neutral when Germany invaded. So was Belgium.
Correct, but it doesnt change the fact that the Germans took full advantage of the desperate situation of their enemy, something the Entente didnt do because they could still technically have demanded more out of Germany.
Treaty of Brest Litovsk did include heavy war reparations, a demobilized army, and imposed economic influence.
The treaty of Frankfurt in France in 1870 included ceding terrtiory, heavy war reparation, occupation of French industrial land.

Porbably more importantly is that the allied powers largely allowed Germany to forfeit much of the Versailles treaty, in fact USA and UK debated and argued for it extensively during the interwar period while the French and Italy and Poland were seething about it.
Yet another historically illiterate post.
The big difference is that the German army was still in Belgium and France when Versailles was signed and they had been promised a peace without any losers.

The situation was completely different with Brest, as Germany was already deep in Russia and the Russian army had lost its combat capacity, which was the direct result of the massive gains.
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>Brest Litovsk
>6 % of area
Shameless Germans!!!

>77 % of area
Justice has been served!
Yes without a single shred of irony. Because the Great War was 100% Germany’s fault.
The true problem with Versailles most cucked institutions won’t tell you is that it wasn’t harsh enough.
>was 100% Germany’s fault.
I presume you also believe WW2 was 100% France and Britain's fault as Germany was only honoring treaties with their allies.
>France was neutral when Germany invaded. So was Belgium.
neutral parties do not guarantee aggressors.
>youre wrong except for where you're right but youre still wrong anyway because I hate White people

who let this jew out of the asylum?
Who did Belgium guarantee?
none of the treaties which saw Germany as the winner were meant to terrorize and punish their enemies.
Versailles was so vicious because the French felt humiliated and there were still people alive who had parents in the Empire and served in the Grand Armee.

Also France invaded Germany in 1920 to enforce versailles.
The British and Americans had already broken the treaty so they cared less about what the Germans did.

What part of Brest Litovsk demanded Russia completely dismantle its armed forces?

I take it youre not even going to argue France?
Versailles wasn't vicious, lol. Saint-Germain destroyed Austria-Hungary. Germany was a very young country, not even 50 years old. If the allies wanted they could've partitioned it.
Kek, I legitimately don't understand all those German cocksuckers.

>Also France invaded Germany in 1920 to enforce versailles
Germany agreed to pay reparations. They stopped paying. Why shouldn't France and Belgium invade them and take what they promised?
Then the Germans basically tanked their own economy just to spite the French.

In fact, that's how interwar German history looks like to me. They do everything out of pure spite. They had very good propaganda too because they convinced most of Europe they are those poor defeated victims that want no trouble.
>that's how interwar German history looks like to me. They do everything out of pure spite. They had very good propaganda too because they convinced most of Europe they are those poor defeated victims that want no trouble.
Germany occupied the industrial areas of France in 1870 to force war repatriation, which was once reason why France did it to Germany in 1920.
They both had been exchanging tit-for-tat for a long time.
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Russians are currently vilified and many are dying like flies right now begging for mercy before being blown up in 4K HD.
Jews are currently vilified especially by young people and getting ambushed and shot by guerilla sandniggers in 4K HD.
More people, including former warsaw pact are more aligned with Germany and the EU and are rabidly anti Russian :) even brother Serbia is sending weapons to kill Russians.
>1870 included ceding terrtiory
That france had conquered in naked wars of agression some 100-200 years earlier.
The war in which France was allied with german princes against Austria?
>France was neutral when Germany invaded.
They were allied to Russia, the country that had just started to mobilize their troops to their border with the Central Powers, you fucking retard.
And whats your point? Did you even read his post? He was autistingly sperging about the French being animals, so I autisticly sperged that objectively, it was the Germans who declared war on a neutral France, a neutral Russia and a neutral Belgium, while Austria declared war on a neutral Serbia.

I'ts bad optics for someone claiming to be high n mighty.
Yeah I did and I don't agree with his steppe ancestry autism, but you're still wrong. Serbia wasn't neutral, Russia wasn't neutral, and France wasn't neutral.
You are correct, but it's not going to stop me from using that retort whenever I reply to something like that.
>Bringing haplogroups into this
>The big difference is that the German army was still in Belgium and France when Versailles was signed and they had been promised a peace without any losers.
Well if they didn't like the terms then they were free to continue their military resistance to get better ones. Why didn't they? Were they fucking stupid?
He is technically not wrong tho. The Germans initially surrendered to the US because they thought they could get the better deal because Wilsons ambitions of national self-determination would ultimately work in Germanys favor.
The and if I am not wrong, the armistice mentioned war repatriations but not surrendered land.
Initially the British were mostly just interested in having Germany surrender Alsace-Lorraine.
>Krauts send Lenin on a train bound to Russia and succeeds in establishing the USSR
>whine later on about Russian Bolshevism ( as if they didn't have a hand in creating it )

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