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I refuse to believe that Röhm, one of Hitler's most loyal to followers was attempting to coup him. Every correspondence leading up to his execution leads no credence to him trying to betray Hitler, in a way I'm certain Röhm might have even loved Hitler
He wanted Hitler's ass
This, Hitler wouldn't give up the boyhole
*Hitler DID give up his bussy to Rohm, and Rohm was going to ruin everything by telling everyone what a faggot Hitler was if Rohm didn't get to militarize the SA and take power. So it was easier for Hitler to just have Rohm murdered.
He was an utter bastard, but I will say this for him: he went out like a champ. That's more than I can say for that coward Himmler.
Does it matter? SA still presented threat to Hitler's rule. Why would he needlessly take this risk? Because it's "moral"? Proles running around being retarded is only useful until you take power. Then they just become a hindrance.
It wasn’t Röhm’s fault, Hitler just felt the need to pre-emptively purge everyone who wouldn’t fully agree with his bourgeo-fascist agenda.
He wanted to replace the German armed forces with his gang of thugs and wanted a violent revolution AFTER Hitler had already won power peacefully, legally and democratically. He refused to stop being retarded and reign in the SA. Germans loved Hitler, but they hated his SA and saw them as a relic of an older time.

Röhm got what was coming to him.
>controls gay thug army bigger than the Reichswehr
>not a threat
Hitler wanted to disassociate from the rowdy SA and likely though killing Rohm to be the safest bet. The last thing a dictator needs is someone alive who can jeopardize their credibility
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I'm listening anon
What's the story of Rohm in South America?
Because it never happened and it's very well documented that Himmler and Heydrich made it all up after Hitler decided he wanted to get rid of the SA.
I'm unironically very curious what would have happened if Rohm had actually overthrown Hitler. Would he have toned it down for PR or would he have gone full state mandated homofash schizokino?
I don’t think it was that Hitler thought Rohm was trying to coup him, more that Rohm was amassing too much personal power in an organisation that was pretty much completely separate from the state as a paramilitary force.

So what happens if Rohm dies? The new leader of the brown shirts could easily be more radical and want another revolution like Rohm preached, or simply be not as loyal to Hitler and decide to see if he could take power himself
Gruber being a SA veteran is some deep lore

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